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these figures are all over the place

  • 1 place

    place [pleɪs]
    endroit1 (a) lieu1 (a) maison1 (c) place1 (d)-(f), 1 (h), 1 (i) couvert1 (g) poste1 (h) avoir lieu1 (k) placer2 (a)-(d), 2 (g) (se) remettre2 (e) passer2 (f)
    1 noun
    (a) (gen → spot, location) endroit m, lieu m;
    this is the place c'est ici;
    place of death/amusement lieu m de décès/de divertissement;
    the place where the accident happened l'endroit où a eu lieu l'accident;
    keep the documents in a safe place gardez les documents en lieu sûr;
    store in a cool place (on packaging) à conserver au frais;
    this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it ce n'est ni le moment ni le lieu pour en discuter;
    this looks like a good place to pitch the tent l'endroit semble parfait pour monter la tente;
    I had no particular place to go je n'avais nulle part où aller;
    you can't be in two places at once on ne peut pas être en deux endroits à la fois;
    her leg is fractured in two places elle a deux fractures à la jambe;
    there are still one or two places where the text needs changing le texte doit encore être modifié en un ou deux endroits;
    to go places (travel) aller quelque part;
    figurative that girl will go places! cette fille ira loin!
    do you know the place well? est-ce que tu connais bien le coin?;
    she comes from a place called Barton elle vient d'un endroit qui s'appelle Barton;
    the whole place went up in flames (building) tout l'immeuble s'est embrasé; (house) toute la maison s'est embrasée;
    how long have you been working in this place? depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous ici?;
    we had lunch at a little place in the country nous avons déjeuné dans un petit restaurant de campagne;
    can you recommend a place to eat? pouvez-vous me recommander un restaurant?;
    I'm looking for a place to stay je cherche un logement;
    familiar to shout or to scream the place down hurler comme un forcené;
    the other place British University (at Oxford) Cambridge; (at Cambridge) Oxford; British Parliament (in House of Commons) la Chambre des Lords; (in House of Lords) la Chambre des Communes
    (c) (house) maison f; (flat) appartement m;
    they have a place in the country ils ont une maison de campagne;
    familiar nice place you've got here c'est joli chez toi ;
    familiar your place or mine? on va chez toi ou chez moi? ;
    familiar they met up at Ali's place ils se sont retrouvés chez Ali
    (d) (position) place f;
    take your places! prenez vos places!;
    everything is in its place tout est à sa place;
    put it back in its proper place remets-le à sa place;
    it occupies a central place in his philosophy cela occupe une place centrale dans sa philosophie;
    I lost my place in the queue j'ai perdu ma place dans la file d'attente;
    I've lost my place (in a book) je ne sais plus où j'en étais;
    push the lever till it clicks into place poussez le levier jusqu'au déclic;
    figurative suddenly everything fell or clicked into place (I understood) tout à coup, ça a fait tilt; (everything went well) tout d'un coup, tout s'est arrangé;
    what would you do (if you were) in my place? que feriez-vous (si vous étiez) à ma place?;
    try and put yourself in his place essaie de te mettre à sa place;
    I wouldn't change places with her for anything pour rien au monde je n'aimerais être à sa place;
    his anger gave place to pity sa colère a fait place à un sentiment de pitié
    (e) (role, function) place f;
    robots took the place of human workers des robots ont remplacé les hommes dans l'accomplissement de leur tâche;
    if she leaves there's nobody to take or to fill her place si elle part, il n'y a personne pour la remplacer;
    it's not really my place to say ce n'est pas à moi de le dire
    (f) (seat → on train, in theatre etc) place f; (→ on committee) siège m;
    she gave up her place to an old man elle a offert sa place à un vieux monsieur;
    save me a place garde-moi une place;
    there are a few places left on the next flight il reste quelques places sur le prochain vol;
    she has a place on the new commission elle siège à la nouvelle commission;
    to change places with sb changer de place avec qn;
    we changed places so that he could sit by the window nous avons échangé nos places pour qu'il puisse s'asseoir près de la fenêtre
    (g) (table setting) couvert m;
    how many places should I set? combien de couverts dois-je mettre?
    (h) (post, vacancy) place f, poste m;
    to get a place at university être admis à l'université;
    there is keen competition for university places il y a une forte compétition pour les places en faculté
    (i) (ranking → in competition, hierarchy etc) place f;
    the prize for second place le prix pour la deuxième place;
    Brenda took third place in the race/exam Brenda a terminé troisième de la course/a été reçue troisième à l'examen;
    the team is in fifth place l'équipe est en cinquième position;
    Horseracing to back a horse for a place jouer un cheval placé;
    for me, work takes second place to my family pour moi, la famille passe avant le travail;
    he needs to find his place in society il a besoin de trouver sa place dans la société;
    I'll soon put him in his place j'aurai vite fait de le remettre à sa place;
    to know one's place savoir se tenir à sa place
    to three decimal places, to three places of decimals jusqu'à la troisième décimale
    the meeting will take place in Geneva la réunion aura lieu à Genève;
    many changes have taken place il y a eu beaucoup de changements;
    while this was taking place tandis que cela se passait
    no place nulle part;
    I'm not going any place je ne vais nulle part;
    some place quelque part;
    I've looked every place j'ai cherché partout
    (a) (put, set) placer, mettre;
    she placed the vase on the shelf elle a mis le vase sur l'étagère;
    to place a book back on a shelf remettre un livre (en place) sur un rayon;
    to place a book with a publisher confier un livre à un éditeur;
    he placed an ad in the local paper il a fait passer ou mis une annonce dans le journal local;
    the proposals have been placed before the committee les propositions ont été soumises au comité;
    to place a matter in sb's hands mettre une affaire dans les mains de qn;
    I place myself at your disposal je me mets à votre disposition
    to place sb in care placer qn;
    all the refugee children have been placed tous les enfants réfugiés ont été placés
    (c) (usu passive) (situate) placer, situer;
    the house is well placed la maison est bien située;
    strategically placed airfields des terrains d'aviation stratégiquement situés;
    you are better placed to judge than I am vous êtes mieux placé que moi pour en juger;
    British industry is well placed to… l'industrie britannique est à même de…;
    we met several people similarly placed nous avons rencontré plusieurs personnes qui se trouvaient dans la même situation;
    how are we placed for time? combien de temps avons-nous?;
    how are you placed for money at the moment? quelle est ta situation financière en ce moment?
    (d) (usu passive) (rank → in competition, race etc) placer, classer;
    she was placed third elle était en troisième position;
    the runners placed in the first five go through to the final les coureurs classés dans les cinq premiers participent à la finale;
    the horse we bet on wasn't even placed le cheval sur lequel nous avions parié n'est même pas arrivé placé;
    I would place her amongst the best writers of our time je la classerais parmi les meilleurs écrivains de notre époque
    (e) (identify) (se) remettre;
    I can't place him je n'arrive pas à (me) le remettre
    (f) (order, contract) passer ( with à);
    to place an order for sth passer commande de qch;
    to place a bet faire un pari;
    to place a bet on sb/sth parier sur qn/qch;
    place your bets! (in casino) faites vos jeux!
    (g) (invest → funds) placer; (sell → goods, shares) placer, vendre
    American (in racing) être placé
    familiar (everywhere) partout ; (untidy) en désordre ;
    you always leave your things all over the place! tu laisses toujours traîner tes affaires partout!;
    my hair's all over the place je suis complètement décoiffé ;
    figurative the team were all over the place l'équipe a joué n'importe comment ;
    these figures are all over the place (are inaccurate) ces chiffres ont été calculés n'importe comment ;
    at the interview he was all over the place (panicking, unclear) il a raconté n'importe quoi à l'entretien
    (a) (steady) en place;
    hold it in place while I nail it in tiens-le en place pendant que je le cloue
    (b) (on the spot → run, jump) sur place
    à la place de;
    she came in place of her sister elle est venue à la place de sa sœur
    par endroits
    what drew your attention to it in the first place? qu'est-ce qui a attiré votre attention à l'origine ou en premier lieu?;
    I didn't want to come in the first place d'abord, je ne voulais même pas venir;
    in the first place, it's too big, and in the second place… premièrement, c'est trop grand, et deuxièmement…, primo, c'est trop grand, et secundo…
    the wardrobe looks out of place in such a small room l'armoire n'a pas l'air à sa place dans une pièce aussi petite;
    he felt out of place amongst so many young people il ne se sentait pas à sa place parmi tous les jeunes;
    he didn't look out of place il ne déparait pas;
    such remarks are out of place at a funeral de telles paroles sont déplacées lors d'un enterrement
    ►► place of birth lieu m de naissance;
    place of business lieu m de travail;
    place card = carte marquant la place de chaque convive à table;
    Marketing place of delivery lieu m de livraison;
    Finance place of issue lieu m d'émission;
    Sport place kick coup m de pied placé;
    place mat set m (de table);
    place of residence résidence f, domicile m (réel);
    British Law place of safety order = ordonnance autorisant une personne ou un organisme à garder des enfants maltraités en lieu sûr;
    place setting couvert m;
    place of work lieu m de travail;
    place of worship lieu m de culte

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > place

  • 2 go

    A vi (3e pers sg prés goes ; prét went ; pp gone)
    1 (move, travel) aller (from de ; to à, en) ; to go to London/Paris aller à Londres/Paris ; to go to Wales/to Ireland/to California aller au Pays de Galles/en Irlande/en Californie ; to go to town/to the country aller en ville/à la campagne ; they went home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; she's gone to Paris elle est allée à Paris ; to go up/down/across monter/descendre/traverser ; I went into the room je suis entré dans la pièce ; to go by bus/train/plane voyager en bus/train/avion ; we went there by bus nous y sommes allés en bus ; to go by ou past [person, vehicle] passer ; that car's going very fast! cette voiture roule très vite! ; there he goes again! ( that's him again) le revoilà! ; fig ( he's starting again) le voilà qui recommence!, c'est reparti! ; who goes there? Mil qui va là? ; where do we go from here? fig et maintenant qu'est-ce qu'on fait? ;
    2 (on specific errand, activity) aller ; to go shopping aller faire des courses ; to go swimming (in sea, river) aller se baigner ; ( in pool) aller à la piscine ; to go for a walk aller se promener ; to go on a journey/on holiday partir en voyage/en vacances ; to go for a drink aller prendre un verre ; he's gone to get some wine il est allé chercher du vin ; go and answer the phone va répondre au téléphone ; go and tell them that… va leur dire que… ; go after him! poursuivez-le! ;
    3 ( attend) aller ; to go to school/ church aller à l'école/l'église ; to go to work aller or se rendre au travail ; to go to the doctor's/dentist's aller chez le médecin/dentiste ;
    4 ( used as auxiliary with present participle) she went running up the stairs elle a monté l'escalier en courant ; she went complaining to the principal elle est allée se plaindre au directeur ;
    5 ( depart) partir ; I must go, I must be going il faut que je parte or que je m'en aille ; the train goes at six o'clock le train part à six heures ; a train goes every hour il y a un train toutes les heures ; to go on holiday partir en vacances ; be gone! va-t'en!, allez-vous en! ;
    6 euph ( die) mourir, disparaître ; when I am gone quand je ne serai plus là ; the doctors say she could go at any time d'après les médecins elle risque de mourir d'un instant à l'autre ;
    7 ( disappear) partir ; half the money goes on school fees la moitié de l'argent part en frais de scolarité ; the money/cake has all gone il ne reste plus d'argent/de gâteau ; I left my bike outside and now it's gone j'ai laissé mon vélo dehors et il n'est plus là or il a disparu ; there goes my chance of winning! c'en est fait de mes chances de gagner! ;
    8 (be sent, transmitted) it can't go by post on ne peut pas l'envoyer par la poste ; these proposals will go before parliament ces propositions seront soumises au parlement ;
    9 ( become) to go red rougir ; to go white blanchir ; his hair ou he is going grey il commençe à avoir les cheveux blancs ; to go mad devenir fou/folle ; to go bankrupt faire faillite ;
    10 ( change over to new system) to go Labour/Conservative Pol [country, constituency] voter travailliste/conservateur ; to go metric adopter le système métrique ; ⇒ private, public ;
    11 (be, remain) the people went hungry les gens n'avaient rien à manger ; we went for two days without food nous avons passé deux jours sans rien manger ; to go unnoticed passer inaperçu ; to go unpunished rester impuni ; the question went unanswered la question est restée sans réponse ; to go naked se promener tout nu ; he was allowed to go free il a été libéré or remis en liberté ;
    12 (weaken, become impaired) his memory/mind is going il perd la mémoire/l'esprit ; his hearing is going il devient sourd ; my voice is going je n'ai plus de voix ; the battery is going la batterie est presque à plat ; the engine is going le moteur a des ratés ;
    13 ( of time) ( elapse) s'écouler ; three hours went by before… trois heures se sont écoulées avant que… (+ subj) ; there are only three days to go before Christmas il ne reste plus que trois jours avant Noël ; how's the time going? quelle heure est-il? ; it's just gone seven o'clock il est un peu plus de sept heures ;
    14 ( be got rid of) he's totally inefficient, he'll have to go! il est complètement incapable, il va falloir qu'on se débarrasse de lui! ; that new lampshade is hideous, it'll have to go! ce nouvel abat-jour est affreux, il va falloir qu'on s'en débarrasse! ; the car will have to go il va falloir vendre la voiture ; either she goes or I do! c'est elle ou moi! ; six down and four to go! six de faits, et encore quatre à faire! ;
    15 (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] marcher, fonctionner ; to set [sth] going mettre [qch] en marche ; to get going [engine, machine] se mettre en marche ; fig [business] démarrer ; to get the fire going allumer le feu ; to keep going [person, business, machine] tenir le coup , se maintenir ; we have several projects going at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets en route en ce moment ; ⇒ keep ;
    16 ( start) let's get going! allons-y!, allez, on commençe! ; we'll have to get going on that translation il va falloir qu'on se mette à faire cette traduction ; to get things going mettre les choses en train ; ready, steady, go! à vos marques, prêts, partez! ; here goes!, here we go! c'est parti! ; once he gets going, he never stops une fois lancé, il n'arrête pas ;
    17 ( lead) aller, conduire, mener (to à) ; that corridor goes to the kitchen le couloir va or conduit à la cuisine ; the road goes down to the sea/goes up the mountain la route descend vers la mer/monte au sommet de la montagne ; this road goes past the cemetery ce chemin passe à côté du cimetière ;
    18 ( extend in depth or scope) the roots of the plant go very deep les racines de la plante s'enfoncent très profondément ; the historical reasons for this conflict go very deep les raisons historiques de ce conflit remontent très loin ; these habits go very deep ces habitudes sont profondément ancrées or enracinées ; as far as that goes pour ce qui est de cela ; it's true as far as it goes c'est vrai dans un sens or dans une certaine mesure ; she'll go far! elle ira loin! ; this time he's gone too far! cette fois il est allé trop loin! ; a hundred pounds doesn't go far these days on ne va pas loin avec cent livres sterling de nos jours ; one leg of lamb doesn't go very far among twelve people un gigot d'agneau n'est pas suffisant pour douze personnes ; this goes a long way towards explaining his attitude ceci explique en grande partie son attitude ; you can make £5 go a long way on peut faire beaucoup de choses avec 5 livres sterling ;
    19 (belong, be placed) aller ; where do these plates go? où vont ces assiettes? ; that table goes beside the bed cette table va à côté du lit ; the suitcases will have to go in the back il va falloir mettre les valises derrière ;
    20 ( fit) gen rentrer ; it won't go into the box ça ne rentre pas dans la boîte ; five into four won't go quatre n'est pas divisible par cinq ; three into six goes twice six divisé par trois, ça fait deux ;
    21 (be expressed, sung etc in particular way) I can't remember how the poem goes je n'arrive pas à me rappeler le poème ; how does the song go? quel est l'air de la chanson? ; the song goes something like this la chanson ressemble à peu près à ça ; as the saying goes comme dit le proverbe ; the story goes that le bruit court que, on dit que ; her theory goes something like this… sa théorie consiste à peu près à dire que… ;
    22 ( be accepted) what he says goes c'est lui qui fait la loi ; it goes without saying that il va sans dire que ; that goes without saying cela va sans dire ; anything goes tout est permis ;
    23 ( be about to) to be going to do aller faire ; it's going to snow il va neiger ; I was just going to phone you j'étais justement sur le point de t'appeler, j'allais justement t'appeler ; I'm going to phone him right now je vais l'appeler tout de suite ; I'm not going to be treated like that! je ne vais pas me laisser faire comme ça! ; we were going to go to Italy, but we changed our plans nous devions aller en Italie, mais nous avons changé d'idée ;
    24 ( happen) the party went very well la soirée s'est très bien passée ; so far the campaign is going well jusqu'à maintenant la campagne a bien marché ; how did the evening go? comment s'est passée la soirée? ; the way things are going, I don't think we'll ever get finished vu la façon dont les choses se passent or si ça continue comme ça, je pense qu'on n'aura jamais fini ; how's it going ?, how are things going? comment ça va ? ; how goes it? hum comment ça va ?, comment va ? ;
    25 ( be on average) it's old, as Australian towns go c'est une ville assez vieille pour une ville australienne ; it wasn't a bad party, as parties go c'était une soirée plutôt réussie par rapport à la moyenne ;
    26 ( be sold) the house went for over £100,000 la maison a été vendue à plus de 100 000 livres ; we won't let the house go for less than £100,000 nous ne voulons pas vendre la maison à moins de 100 000 livres ; those rugs are going cheap ces tapis ne sont pas chers ; the house will go to the highest bidder la maison sera vendue au plus offrant ; ‘going, going, gone!’ ( at auction) ‘une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé!’ ;
    27 ( be on offer) I'll have some coffee, if there's any going je prendrai bien un café, s'il y en a ; are there any drinks going? est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose à boire? ; I'll have whatever's going je prendrai ce qu'il y a ; it's the best machine going c'est la meilleure machine sur le marché ; there's a job going at their London office il y a un poste libre dans leur bureau de Londres ;
    28 ( contribute) the money will go towards a new roof l'argent servira à payer un nouveau toit ; the elements that go to make a great film les éléments qui font un bon film ; everything that goes to make a good teacher toutes les qualités d'un bon enseignant ;
    29 ( be given) [award, prize] aller (to à) ; [estate, inheritance, title] passer (to à) ; the money will go to charity les bénéfices iront aux bonnes œuvres ; most of the credit should go to the author la plus grande partie du mérite revient à l'auteur ; the job went to a local man le poste a été donné à un homme de la région ;
    30 ( emphatic use) she's gone and told everybody! elle est allée le dire à tout le monde! ; why did he go and spoil it? pourquoi est-il allé tout gâcher ? ; you've gone and ruined everything! tu t'es débrouillé pour tout gâcher! ; he went and won the competition! il s'est débrouillé pour gagner le concours! ; you've really gone and done it now! tu peux être fier de toi! iron ; then he had to go and lose his wallet comme s'il ne manquait plus que ça, il a perdu son portefeuille ;
    31 ( of money) (be spent, used up) all his money goes on drink tout son argent passe dans l'alcool ; most of his salary goes on rent la plus grande partie de son salaire passe dans le loyer ; I don't know where all my money goes (to)! je ne sais pas ce que je fais de mon argent! ;
    32 (make sound, perform action or movement) gen faire ; [bell, alarm] sonner ; the cat went ‘miaow’ le chat a fait ‘miaou’ ; wait until the bell goes attends que la cloche sonne ( subj) ; she went like this with her fingers elle a fait comme ça avec ses doigts ; so he goes ‘what about my money ?’ et puis il dit or il fait, ‘et mon argent?’ ;
    33 (resort to, have recourse to) to go to war [country] entrer en guerre ; [soldier] partir à la guerre ; to go to law GB ou to the law US aller en justice ;
    34 (break, collapse etc) [roof] s'effondrer ; [cable, rope] se rompre, céder ; ( fuse) [light bulb] griller ;
    35 (bid, bet) aller ; I'll go as high as £100 j'irai jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ; I went up to £100 je suis allé jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ;
    36 ( take one's turn) you go next c'est ton tour après, c'est à toi après ; you go first après vous ;
    37 ( be in harmony) those two colours don't go together ces deux couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ; the curtains don't go with the carpet les rideaux ne vont pas avec le tapis ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;
    38 euph ( relieve oneself) aller aux toilettes ;
    39 US ( in takeaway) to go à emporter ; two hamburgers to go! deux hamburgers à emporter!
    1 ( travel) we had gone ten miles before we realized that… nous avions déjà fait dix kilomètres quand nous nous sommes rendu compte que… ; are you going my way? tu vas dans la même direction que moi? ; to go one's own way fig suivre son chemin ;
    2 (bet, bid) I go two diamonds ( in cards) j'annonce deux carreaux ; he went £20 il a mis or parié 20 livres sterling.
    C n (pl goes)
    1 GB ( person's turn) tour m ; ( try) essai m ; it's your go ( in game) c'est ton tour, c'est à toi ; whose go is it? gen à qui le tour? ; ( in game) à qui de jouer? ; you've had two goes ( in game) tu as eu deux tours ; ( two attempts at mending sth) tu as déjà essayé deux fois ; to have a go at sth essayer de faire qch ; have another go! essaie encore une fois or un coup! ; she had several goes at the exam elle a repassé l'examen plusieurs fois ; I had to have several goes before passing j'ai dû m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois avant de réussir ;
    2 ( energy) dynamisme m ; to be full of go, to be all go être très dynamique, avoir beaucoup d'allant ; he has no go in him il manque de dynamisme ;
    3 GB ( bout) ( of illness) attaque f ;
    D adj all systems are go! Aerosp tout est paré pour le lancement!
    to have a go at sb s'en prendre à qn ; to make a go of sth réussir qch ; she's always on the go elle n'arrête jamais ; he's all go ! il n'arrête pas! ; it's all the go ! ça fait fureur! ; we have several different projects on the go at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets différents en chantier or en cours en ce moment ; (it's) no go! pas question! ; from the word go dès le départ ; that was a near go ! on l'a échappé belle! ; in one go d'un seul coup ; to go one better than sb renchérir sur qn ; that's how it goes!, that's the way it goes! ainsi va le monde!, c'est la vie! ; there you go ! voilà!
    go about:
    1 = go around ;
    2 Naut virer de bord ; prepare to go about! parer à virer! ;
    go about [sth]
    1 ( undertake) s'attaquer à [task] ; how do you go about writing a novel? comment est-ce que vous vous y prenez pour écrire un roman? ; he knows how to go about it il sait s'y prendre ;
    2 ( be busy with) to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations ; she went about her work mechanically elle faisait son travail machinalement.
    go across:
    go across traverser ; he's gone across to the shop/neighbour's il est allé au magasin en face/chez les voisins en face ;
    go across [sth] traverser [street, river, bridge etc].
    go after:
    go after [sth/sb]
    1 ( chase) poursuivre [person] ;
    2 fig ( try hard to get) he really went after that job il a fait tout son possible pour avoir ce travail.
    go against [sb/sth]
    1 ( prove unfavourable to) the vote/verdict/decision went against them le vote/le verdict/la décision leur a été défavorable or n'a pas été en leur faveur ; the war is going against them la guerre tourne à leur désavantage ;
    2 ( conflict with) être contraire à [rules, principles] ; to go against the trend aller à l'encontre de or être contraire à la tendance ; to go against the party line Pol ne pas être dans la ligne du parti ;
    3 (resist, oppose) s'opposer à, aller à l'inverse de [person, sb's wishes].
    1 ( go in front) go ahead, I'll follow you on partez devant, je vous suis ;
    2 fig ( proceed) go! ( in conversation) continue! ; go ahead and shoot! vas-y, tire! ; they are going ahead with the project ils ont décidé de mettre le projet en route ; we can go ahead without them nous pouvons continuer sans eux ; next week's strike is to go ahead la grève de la semaine prochaine va avoir lieu.
    1 ( move along) [person, vehicle] aller, avancer ; to make sth up as one goes along fig inventer qch au fur et à mesure ;
    2 ( attend) aller ; she went along as a witch elle y est allée déguisée en sorcière ; I went along as a witness j'y suis allé or je me suis présenté comme témoin.
    go along with [sb/sth] être d'accord avec, accepter [plans, wishes] ; I can't go along with that je ne peux pas accepter ça ; I'll go along with you there je suis d'accord avec vous sur ce point.
    go around:
    1 (move, travel about) se promener, circuler ; to go around naked/barefoot se promener tout nu/pieds nus ; she goes around on a bicycle elle circule à bicyclette ; they go around everywhere together ils vont partout ensemble ;
    2 ( circulate) [rumour] courir ; there's a rumour going around that le bruit court que ; there's a virus going around il y a un virus qui traîne ; there isn't enough money to go around il n'y a pas assez d'argent pour tout le monde ;
    go around [sth] faire le tour de [house, shops, area] ; to go around the world faire le tour du monde ; they went around the country looking for him ils l'ont cherché dans tout le pays.
    go at:
    go at [sb] ( attack) attaquer, tomber sur ;
    go at [sth] s'attaquer à, s'atteler à [task, activity].
    go away [person] partir ; to go away on holiday GB ou vacation US partir en vacances ; go away and leave me alone! va-t-en et laisse-moi tranquille! ; go away and think about it réfléchissez-y ; don't go away thinking that ne va pas croire que ; this cold/headache just won't go away! je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de ce rhume/mal de tête! ; the problems aren't just going to go away! les problèmes ne vont pas disparaître tout seuls!
    go back
    1 ( return) retourner ; ( turn back) rebrousser chemin, faire demi-tour ; ( resume work) reprendre le travail ; (resume classes, studies) reprendre les cours ; as it was raining, they decided to go back comme il pleuvait, ils ont décidé de faire demi-tour or de rebrousser chemin ; they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; let's go back to France rentrons en France ; to go back to the beginning recommencer ; to go back to sleep se rendormir ; to go back to work/writing se remettre au travail/à écrire ; go back! the path isn't safe reculez! le chemin est dangereux ; once you've committed yourself, there's no going back une fois que vous vous êtes engagé, vous ne pouvez plus reculer ;
    2 ( in time) remonter ; to go back in time remonter dans le temps ; to understand the problem we need to go back 20 years pour comprendre le problème il faut remonter 20 ans en arrière ; this tradition goes back a century cette tradition est vieille d'un siècle ; we go back a long way ça fait longtemps qu'on se connaît ;
    3 ( revert) revenir (to à) ; to go back to teaching revenir à l'enseignement ; to go back to being a student reprendre des études ; let's go back to what we were discussing yesterday revenons à ce que dont nous parlions hier.
    go back on [sth] revenir sur [promise, decision].
    go before:
    go before ( go in front) aller au devant ; fig ( in time) se passer avant ; all that had gone before tout ce qui s'était passé avant ;
    go before [sb/sth] [person] comparaître devant [court, judge] ; the bill went before parliament le projet de loi a été soumis au parlement.
    go below gen, Naut descendre.
    go by:
    go by [person] passer ; [time] passer, s'écouler ; as time goes by avec le temps ; don't let such opportunities go by il ne faut pas laisser passer de telles occasions ;
    go by [sth]
    1 ( judge by) juger d'après ; to go by appearances juger d'après or sur les apparences ; going by her looks, I'd say she was about 30 à la voir, je lui donne 30 ans ; you mustn't go by what you read in the papers il ne faut pas croire tout ce que disent les journaux ; if the trailer is anything to go by, it should be a good film à en juger par la bande-annonce, ça doit être un bon film ; if the father is anything to go by, I wouldn't like to meet the son! quand on voit le père, on n'a pas envie de rencontrer le fils! ;
    2 ( proceed by) to go by the rules suivre or observer le règlement ; promotion goes by seniority la promotion se fait à l'ancienneté or en fonction de l'ancienneté.
    go down:
    go down
    1 ( descend) gen descendre ; [diver] effectuer une plongée ; to go down to the cellar descendre à la cave ; to go down to the beach aller à la plage ; to go down to the pub aller au pub ; they've gone down to Brighton for a few days ils sont allés passer quelques jours à Brighton ; ‘going down!’ ( in elevator) ‘on descend!’ ; to go down on one's knees se mettre à genoux ;
    2 ( fall) [person, aircraft] tomber ; ( sink) [ship] couler, sombrer ; [person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ; most of the passengers went down with the ship la plupart des passagers ont coulé avec le navire ; the plane went down in flames l'avion s'est écrasé en flammes ; the plane went down over Normandy/the Channel l'avion s'est écrasé en Normandie/est tombé dans la Manche ; to go down for the third time [drowning person] disparaître sous les flots et se noyer ;
    3 [sun] se coucher ;
    4 ( be received) to go down well/badly être bien/mal reçu ; this remark didn't go down at all well cette remarque n'a pas été appréciée du tout ; his jokes went down well/didn't go down well with the audience le public a apprécié/n'a pas beaucoup apprécié ses plaisanteries ; another cup of coffee would go down nicely! une autre tasse de café serait la bienvenue! ;
    5 ( be swallowed) it went down the wrong way c'est passé de travers ;
    6 ( become lower) [water level, temperature] baisser ; [tide] descendre ; [price, standard] baisser ; ( abate) [storm, wind] se calmer ; [fire] s'éteindre ; the river has/the floods have gone down le niveau de la rivière/des inondations a baissé ; foodstuffs are going down (in price) les produits alimentaires deviennent moins chers ;
    7 ( become deflated) [swelling] désenfler ; [tyre, balloon] se dégonfler ;
    8 GB Univ ( break up for holiday) terminer les cours ; ( leave university permanently) quitter l'université ; when do you go down? quand est-ce que vous êtes en vacances? ;
    9 gen, Sport (fail, be defeated) perdre ; ( be downgraded) redescendre ; Corby went down 6-1 to Oxford Corby a perdu 6-1 contre Oxford ; the team has gone down to the second division l'équipe est redescendue en deuxième division ;
    10 ( be remembered) he will go down as a great statesman on se souviendra de lui comme d'un grand homme d'État ;
    11 ( be recorded) être noté ; it all goes down in her diary elle note tout dans son journal ;
    12 ( continue) the book goes down to 1939 le livre va jusqu'en 1939 ; if you go down to the second last line you will see that si vous regardez à l'avant-dernière ligne, vous verrez que ;
    13 ( be stricken) to go down with flu/malaria attraper la grippe/la malaria ;
    14 GB ( be sent to prison) être envoyé en prison ;
    15 Comput [computer, system] tomber en panne ;
    go down [sth]
    1 lit descendre [hill] ; descendre dans [mine] ;
    2 ( be downgraded) to go down a class Sch redescendre d'une classe.
    go down on [sth] ( set) [sun] se coucher sur ; when the sun went down on the Roman Empire fig quand l'empire romain commençait à décliner ;
    go down on [sb] ( have oral sex with) tailler une pipe à [man] ; faire minette à [woman].
    go for:
    go for [sb/sth]
    1 (favour, have liking for) craquer pour [person, physical type] ; aimer [style of music, literature etc] ; he really goes for blondes il craque pour or il adore les blondes ; I don't go much for modern art je ne suis pas emballé par l'art moderne, je n'aime pas tellement l'art moderne ;
    2 ( apply to) être valable pour, s'appliquer à ; that goes for all of you! c'est valable pour tout le monde! ; the same goes for him c'est valable pour lui aussi!, ça s'applique à lui aussi! ;
    go for [sb]
    1 ( attack) ( physically) attaquer, tomber sur ; ( verbally) attaquer, s'en prendre à [person] ; the two youths went for him les deux jeunes l'ont attaqué or lui ont sauté dessus ; to go for sb's throat [animal] attaquer qn à la gorge ; she really went for him! (in argument, row) elle l'a vraiment incendié!, elle s'en est prise violemment à lui! ;
    2 he has a lot going for him il a beaucoup de choses pour lui ;
    go for [sth]
    1 ( attempt to achieve) essayer d'obtenir [honour, victory] ; she's going for the gold medal/world record elle vise la médaille d'or/le record mondial ; go for it ! vas-y, fonce ! ; the company is going for a new image l'entreprise cherche à se donner une nouvelle image ; the team is going for a win against Italy l'équipe compte bien gagner contre l'Italie ;
    2 ( choose) choisir, prendre ; I'll go for the blue one je prendrai le bleu.
    go forth sout [person] ( go out) sortir ; ( go forward) aller, avancer ; go forth and multiply allez et multipliez-vous.
    go forward(s) avancer.
    go in
    1 ( enter) entrer ; ( go back in) rentrer ;
    2 Mil [army, troops] attaquer ; the troops went in at dawn les troupes ont attaqué à l'aube ;
    3 ( disappear) [sun, moon] se cacher.
    go in for:
    go in for [sth]
    1 ( be keen on) aimer [sport, hobby etc] ; I don't go in for sports much je n'aime pas tellement le sport ; he goes in for opera in a big way il adore l'opéra, c'est un fou d'opéra ; we don't go in for that sort of thing nous n'aimons pas ce genre de chose ; they don't go in much for foreign languages at Ben's school ils ne s'intéressent pas beaucoup aux langues étrangères dans l'école de Ben ;
    2 ( take up) to go in for teaching entrer dans l'enseignement ; to go in for politics se lancer dans la politique ;
    3 ( take part in) s'inscrire à [exam, competition].
    go into:
    go into [sth]
    1 ( enter) entrer dans ; fig ( take up) se lancer dans ; to go into hospital entrer à l'hôpital ; to go into parliament entrer au parlement ; to go into politics/business se lancer dans la politique/les affaires ;
    2 (examine, investigate) étudier ; we need to go into the question of funding il faut que nous étudiions la question du financement ;
    3 (explain, describe) I won't go into why I did it je n'expliquerai pas pourquoi je l'ai fait ; let's not go into that now laissons cela de côté pour l'instant ;
    4 ( launch into) se lancer dans ; she went into a long explanation of what had happened elle s'est lancée dans une longue explication de ce qui s'était passé ;
    5 ( be expended) a lot of work/money went into this project beaucoup de travail/d'argent a été investi dans ce projet ; a lot of effort went into organizing the party l'organisation de la soirée a demandé beaucoup de travail ;
    6 ( hit) [car, driver] rentrer dans, heurter ; the car went into a lamp post la voiture est rentrée dans or a heurté un réverbère.
    go in with [sb] se joindre à [person, ally, organization] ; he went in with us to buy the present il s'est mis avec nous pour acheter le cadeau.
    go off:
    go off
    1 (explode, fire) [bomb] exploser ; the gun didn't go off le coup n'est pas parti ;
    2 [alarm clock] sonner ; [fire alarm] se déclencher ;
    3 ( depart) partir, s'en aller ; he went off to work il est parti au travail ; she went off to find a spade elle est allée chercher une pelle ; they went off together ils sont partis ensemble ;
    4 GB ( go bad) [milk, cream] tourner ; [meat] s'avarier ; [butter] rancir ; ( deteriorate) [performer, athlete etc] perdre sa forme ; [work] se dégrader ; ( lose one's attractiveness) [person] être moins beau/belle qu'avant ; he used to be very handsome, but he's gone off a bit il était très beau, mais il est moins bien maintenant ; the first part of the film was good, but after that it went off la première partie du film était bien, mais après ça s'est dégradé ;
    5 ( fall asleep) s'endormir ;
    6 ( cease to operate) [lights, heating] s'éteindre ;
    7 (happen, take place) [evening, organized event] se passer ; the concert went off very well le concert s'est très bien passé ;
    8 Theat quitter la scène ;
    go off [sb/sth] GB I used to like him but I've gone off him je l'aimais bien avant, mais je ne l'aime plus tellement ; I've gone off opera/whisky je n'aime plus tellement l'opéra/le whisky ; I think she's gone off the idea je crois qu'elle a renoncé à l'idée.
    go off with [sb/sth] partir avec [person, money] ; she went off with all his money elle est partie avec tout son argent ; who's gone off with my pen? qui a pris mon stylo?
    go on:
    go on
    1 (happen, take place) se passer ; what's going on? qu'est-ce qui se passe? ; there's a party going on upstairs il y a une fête en haut ; how long has this been going on? depuis combien de temps est-ce que ça dure? ; a lot of stealing goes on il y a beaucoup de vols ; a lot of drinking goes on at Christmas time les gens boivent beaucoup à Noël ;
    2 ( continue on one's way) poursuivre son chemin ;
    3 ( continue) continuer ; go on with your work continuez votre travail, continuez de travailler ; go on looking continuez à or de chercher ; she went on speaking elle a continué de parler ; go on, we're all listening! continue, nous t'écoutons tous! ; ‘and another thing,’ she went on, ‘you're always late’ ‘et autre chose,’ a-t-elle ajouté, ‘vous êtes toujours en retard’ ; if he goes on like this, he'll get into trouble! s'il continue comme ça, il va s'attirer des ennuis ; we can't go on like this! nous ne pouvons pas continuer comme ça! ; life must go on la vie continue ; the meeting went on into the afternoon la réunion s'est prolongée jusque dans l'après-midi ; you can't go on being a pen pusher all your life! tu ne peux pas rester gratte-papier toute ta vie! ; the list goes on and on la liste est infinie or interminable ; that's enough to be going on with ça suffit pour le moment ; have you got enough work to be going on with? est-ce que tu as assez de travail pour le moment? ; here's £20 to be going on with voici 20 livres pour te dépanner ; go on (with you) ! allons donc! ;
    4 ( of time) ( elapse) as time went on, they… avec le temps, ils… ; as the evening went on, he became more animated au fur et à mesure que la soirée avançait, il devenait plus animé ;
    5 ( keep talking) to go on about sth ne pas arrêter de parler de qch, parler de qch à n'en plus finir ; he was going on about the war il parlait de la guerre à n'en plus finir ; don't go on about it! arrête de parler de ça!, change de disque! ; she went on and on about it elle en a fait toute une histoire ; he does tend to go on a bit! il a tendance à radoter ! ; the way she goes on, you'd think she was an expert on the subject! à l'entendre, on croirait qu'elle est experte en la matière! ;
    6 ( proceed) passer ; let's go on to the next item passons au point suivant ; he went on to say that/describe how puis il a dit que/décrit comment ;
    7 ( go into operation) [heating, lights] s'allumer ;
    8 Theat entrer en scène ; what time do you go on? à quelle heure est-ce que vous entrez en scène? ;
    9 ( approach) it's going on three o'clock il est presque trois heures ; she's four going on five elle va sur ses cinq ans ; he's thirty going on three hum il a trente ans mais il pourrait bien en avoir trois ;
    10 ( fit) these gloves won't go on ces gants ne m'iront pas ; the lid won't go on properly le couvercle ne ferme pas bien ;
    go on [sth] se fonder sur [piece of evidence, information] ; that's all we've got to go on tout ce que nous savons avec certitude ; we've got nothing else to go on nous n'avons pas d'autre point de départ ; the police haven't got much evidence to go on la police n'a pas beaucoup de preuves à l'appui.
    go on at:
    go on at [sb] s'en prendre à [person] ; he's always going on at me for writing badly il s'en prend toujours à moi à cause de ma mauvaise écriture ; they're always going on at us about deadlines ils sont toujours sur notre dos pour des histoires de délais.
    go out
    1 (leave, depart) sortir ; she went out of the room elle a quitté la pièce, elle est sortie de la pièce ; to go out walking aller se promener ; to go out for a drink aller prendre un verre ; they go out a lot ils sortent beaucoup ; she likes going out elle aime sortir ; she had to go out to work at 14 il a fallu qu'elle aille travailler à 14 ans ;
    2 ( travel long distance) partir (to à, pour) ; she's gone out to Australia/Africa elle est partie pour l'Australie/l'Afrique ;
    3 ( have relationship) to go out with sb sortir avec qn ; they've been going out together for six weeks ils sortent ensemble depuis six semaines ;
    4 [tide] descendre ; the tide is going out la marée descend, la mer se retire ;
    5 Ind ( go on strike) se mettre en grève ;
    6 ( become unfashionable) passer de mode ; ( no longer be used) ne plus être utilisé ; mini-skirts went out in the 1970s les mini-jupes ont passé de mode dans les années 70 ; gas went out and electricity came in l'électricité a remplacé le gaz ;
    7 ( be extinguished) [fire, light] s'éteindre ;
    8 ( be sent) [invitation, summons] être envoyé ; ( be published) [journal, magazine] être publié ; Radio, TV ( be broadcast) être diffusé ;
    9 ( be announced) word went out that he was coming back le bruit a couru qu'il revenait ; the news went out from Washington that Washington a annoncé que ;
    10 ( be eliminated) gen, Sport être éliminé ; she went out in the early stages of the competition elle a été éliminée au début de la compétition ;
    11 (expressing compassion, sympathy) my heart goes out to them je les plains de tout mon cœur, je suis de tout cœur avec eux ; our thoughts go out to absent friends nos pensées vont vers nos amis absents ;
    12 ( disappear) all the spirit seemed to have gone out of her elle semblait avoir perdu tout son entrain ; the romance seemed to have gone out of their relationship leur relation semblait avoir perdu tout son charme ;
    13 ( end) [year, month] se terminer ;
    14 ( in cards) terminer.
    go over:
    go over
    1 ( cross over) aller ; she went over to him/to the window elle est allée vers lui/vers la fenêtre, elle s'est approchée de lui/de la fenêtre ; to go over to Ireland/to America aller en Irlande/aux États-Unis ; we are now going over to Washington for more news Radio, TV nous passons maintenant l'antenne à Washington pour plus d'informations ;
    2 ( be received) how did his speech go over? comment est-ce que son discours a été reçu? ; his speech went over well son discours a été bien reçu ; to go over big avoir un grand succès ;
    3 ( switch over) he went over to Labour from the Conservatives il est passé du parti des conservateurs au parti des travaillistes ; to go over to the other side fig passer dans l'autre camp ; we've gone over to gas (central heating) nous sommes passés au chauffage central au gaz ; to go over to Islam se convertir à l'Islam ;
    go over [sth]
    1 ( review) passer [qch] en revue [details] ; she went over the events of the day in her mind elle a passé en revue les événements de la journée ; we've gone over the details again and again nous avons déjà passé les détails en revue mille fois ; to go over one's lines ( actor) répéter son texte ; there's no point in going over old ground il n'y a aucune raison de revenir là-dessus ;
    2 (check, inspect) vérifier [accounts, figures] ; revoir [facts, piece of work] ; I want to go over this article once more before I hand it in je veux relire cet article une dernière fois avant de le remettre ; to go over a house faire le tour d'une maison ;
    3 ( clean) he went over the room with a duster il a donné un coup de chiffon dans la pièce ; after cleaning, go over the surface with a dry cloth après l'avoir nettoyée, essuyez la surface avec un chiffon sec or passez un chiffon sec sur la surface ;
    4 to go over a sketch in ink repasser un dessin à l'encre ;
    5 ( exceed) dépasser ; don't go over £100 ne dépassez pas 100 livres sterling.
    go round GB:
    1 ( turn) [wheel, propeller etc] tourner ; the wheels went round and round les roues n'ont pas arrêté de tourner ; my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne ;
    2 ( call round) to go round to see sb aller voir qn ; he's gone round to Anna's il est allé chez Anna ;
    3 ( suffice) there isn't enough food/money to go round il n'y a pas assez de nourriture/d'argent pour tout le monde ; there was barely enough to go round il y en avait à peine assez pour tout le monde ;
    4 ( circulate) there's a rumour going round that le bruit court que ;
    5 ( make detour) faire un détour ; we had to go round the long way ou the long way round il a fallu qu'on prenne un chemin plus long ; I had to go round by the bridge il a fallu que je passe par or que je fasse un détour par le pont ;
    go round [sth] ( visit) faire le tour de [shops, house, museum].
    1 ( come in) entrer ; if you'll just go (on) through, I'll tell them you're here si vous voulez bien entrer, je vais leur dire que vous êtes arrivé ;
    2 ( be approved) [law, agreement] passer ; the law failed to go through la loi n'est pas passée ; the divorce hasn't gone through yet le divorce n'a pas encore été prononcé ;
    3 ( be successfully completed) [business deal] être conclu ;
    go through [sth]
    1 ( undergo) endurer, subir [experience, ordeal] ; ( pass through) passer par [stage, phase] ; in spite of all he's gone through malgré tout ce qu'il a enduré ; we've all gone through it nous sommes tous passés par là ; she's gone through a lot elle a beaucoup souffert ; he went through the day in a kind of daze toute la journée il a été dans un état second ; the country has gone through two civil wars le pays a connu deux guerres civiles ; to go through a crisis traverser une crise ; as you go through life au fur et à mesure que tu vieillis, en vieillissant ; you have to go through the switchboard/right authorities il faut passer par le standard/les autorités compétentes ; it went through my mind that l'idée m'a traversé l'esprit que ;
    2 (check, inspect) examiner, étudier ; ( rapidly) parcourir [documents, files, list] ; to go through one's mail parcourir son courrier ; let's go through the points one by one étudions or examinons les problèmes un par un ;
    3 ( search) fouiller [person's belongings, baggage] ; to go through sb's pockets/drawers fouiller dans les poches/tiroirs de qn ; at customs they went through all my things à la douane ils ont fouillé toutes mes affaires ;
    4 (perform, rehearse) répéter [scene] ; expliquer [procedure] ; let's go through the whole scene once more répétons or reprenons toute la scène une dernière fois ; there are still a certain number of formalities to be gone through il y a encore un certain nombre de formalités à remplir ; I went through the whole procedure with him je lui ai expliqué comment il fallait procéder en détail ;
    5 (consume, use up) dépenser [money] ; we went through three bottles of wine nous avons bu or descendu trois bouteilles de vin ; I've gone through the elbows of my jacket j'ai usé ma veste aux coudes.
    go through with [sth] réaliser, mettre [qch] à exécution [plan] ; in the end they decided to go through with the wedding finalement ils ont décidé de se marier ; I can't go through with it je ne peux pas le faire ; you'll have to go through with it now il va falloir que tu le fasses maintenant.
    1 ( harmonize) [colours, pieces of furniture etc] aller ensemble ; these colours don't go together ces couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ;
    2 ( entail each other) aller de pair ; poverty and crime often go together la pauvreté et le crime vont souvent de pair ;
    3 ( have relationship) [couple] sortir ensemble.
    1 [boat, ship] couler, sombrer ; [drowning person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ;
    2 fig ( succumb) [person] succomber ; ( go bankrupt) [business, company] faire faillite.
    go up:
    go up
    1 ( ascend) monter ; to go up to bed monter se coucher ; they've gone up to London ils sont allés or montés à Londres ; they've gone up to Scotland ils sont allés en Écosse ; ‘going up!’ ( in elevator) ‘on monte!’ ;
    2 ( rise) [price, temperature] monter ; Theat [curtain] se lever (on sur) ; petrol has gone up (in price) (le prix de) l'essence a augmenté ; unemployment is going up le chômage augmente or est en hausse ; our membership has gone up le nombre de nos adhérents a augmenté ; a cry went up from the crowd un cri est monté or s'est élevé de la foule ;
    3 ( be erected) [building] être construit ; [poster] être affiché ; new office blocks are going up all over the place on construit de nouveaux immeubles un peu partout ;
    4 (be destroyed, blown up) [building] sauter, exploser ;
    5 GB Univ ( start university) entrer à l'université ; ( start term) reprendre les cours ;
    6 ( be upgraded) the team has gone up to the first division l'équipe est passée en première division ;
    7 ( continue) the book/series goes up to 1990 le livre/la série va jusqu'en 1990 ;
    go up [sth]
    1 ( mount) monter, gravir [hill, mountain] ;
    2 to go up a class Sch passer dans une classe supérieure.
    go with:
    go with [sth]
    1 (match, suit) aller avec ; your shirt goes with your blue eyes ta chemise va bien avec tes yeux bleus ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;
    2 ( accompany) aller de pair avec ; the car goes with the job la voiture va de pair avec la situation ; the responsibilities that go with parenthood les responsabilités qui vont de pair avec le fait d'être parent ;
    go with [sb] ( date) sortir avec ; ( have sex with) coucher avec [person].
    go without s'en passer ; you'll just have to go without! il va falloir que tu t'en passes!, il va falloir que tu fasses sans! ;
    go without [sth] se passer de [food, luxuries].

    Big English-French dictionary > go

  • 3 run

    run [rʌn]
    course1 (a), 1 (b) excursion1 (c) trajet1 (e) vol1 (f) série1 (i), 1 (k) tendance1 (l) ruée1 (m) diriger2 (a) organiser2 (b) (faire) marcher2 (c), 3 (k) courir2 (e), 3 (a), 3 (b) transporter2 (i) conduire2 (k) (faire) passer2 (l), 2 (m), 3 (d) se sauver3 (c) couler3 (h), 3 (i) fondre3 (i) circuler3 (l) durer3 (m) être à l'affiche3 (n) (se) présenter2 (q), 3 (r)
    (pt ran [ræn], pp run, cont running)
    1 noun
    (a) (action) course f;
    he took a short run and cleared the gate après un court élan il a franchi la barrière;
    at a run en courant;
    to go for a run aller faire du jogging;
    to go for a 5-mile run courir 8 kilomètres;
    I took the dog for a run in the park j'ai emmené le chien courir dans le parc;
    two policemen arrived at a run deux policiers sont arrivés au pas de course;
    to break into a run se mettre à courir;
    to make a run for it prendre la fuite, se sauver;
    the murderer is on the run le meurtrier est en cavale;
    she was on the run from her creditors/the police elle essayait d'échapper à ses créanciers/à la police;
    we've got them on the run! nous les avons mis en déroute!;
    figurative we have the run of the house while the owners are away nous disposons de toute la maison pendant l'absence des propriétaires;
    we give the au pair the run of the place nous laissons à la jeune fille au pair la libre disposition de la maison;
    you've had a good run (for your money), it's time to step down tu en as bien profité, maintenant il faut laisser la place à un autre;
    they gave the Russian team a good run for their money ils ont donné du fil à retordre à l'équipe soviétique;
    familiar to have the runs (diarrhoea) avoir la courante
    (b) (race) course f;
    a charity run une course de charité
    (c) (drive) excursion f, promenade f;
    we went for a run down to the coast nous sommes allés nous promener au bord de la mer;
    she took me for a run in her new car elle m'a emmené faire un tour dans sa nouvelle voiture;
    humorous shall I make or do a beer run? je vais chercher de la bière?;
    I do the school run in the morning c'est moi qui emmène les enfants à l'école tous les matins
    (d) (for smuggling) passage m;
    the gang used to make runs across the border le gang passait régulièrement la frontière
    (e) (route, itinerary) trajet m, parcours m;
    the buses on the London to Glasgow run les cars qui font le trajet ou qui assurent le service Londres-Glasgow;
    he used to do the London (to) Glasgow run (pilot, bus or train driver) il faisait la ligne Londres-Glasgow;
    it's only a short run into town le trajet jusqu'au centre-ville n'est pas long;
    there was very little traffic on the run down nous avons rencontré très peu de circulation
    (f) Aviation (flight) vol m, mission f;
    bombing run mission f de bombardement
    (g) Sport (in cricket, baseball) point m;
    to make 10 runs marquer 10 points
    (h) (track → for skiing, bobsleighing) piste f
    (i) (series, sequence) série f, succession f, suite f;
    they've had a run of ten defeats ils ont connu dix défaites consécutives;
    the recent run of events la récente série d'événements;
    a run of bad luck une série ou suite de malheurs;
    you seem to be having a run of good/bad luck on dirait que la chance est/n'est pas de ton côté en ce moment;
    the play had a triumphant run on Broadway la pièce a connu un succès triomphal à Broadway;
    the play had a run of nearly two years la pièce a tenu l'affiche (pendant) presque deux ans;
    to have a long run (of fashion, person in power) tenir longtemps; (of play) tenir longtemps l'affiche;
    in the long/short run à long/court terme
    (k) (of product) lot m, série f; (of book) tirage m;
    a run of fewer than 500 would be uneconomical fabriquer une série de moins de 500 unités ne serait pas rentable
    (l) (general tendency, trend) tendance f;
    to score against the run of play marquer contre le jeu;
    I was lucky and got the run of the cards j'avais de la chance, les cartes m'étaient favorables;
    the usual run of colds and upset stomachs les rhumes et les maux de ventre habituels;
    she's well above the average or ordinary run of students elle est bien au-dessus de la moyenne des étudiants;
    the ordinary run of mankind le commun des mortels;
    in the ordinary run of things normalement, en temps normal;
    out of the common run hors du commun
    (m) (great demand → on product, currency, Stock Exchange) ruée f (on sur);
    the heatwave caused a run on suntan cream la vague de chaleur provoqua une ruée sur les crèmes solaires;
    a run on the banks un retrait massif des dépôts bancaires;
    Stock Exchange there was a run on the dollar il y a eu une ruée sur le dollar
    (n) (operation → of machine) opération f;
    computer run passage m machine
    (o) (bid → in election) candidature f;
    his run for the presidency sa candidature à la présidence
    (p) (ladder → in stocking, tights) échelle f, maille f filée;
    I've got a run in my tights mon collant est filé
    (q) (enclosure → for animals) enclos m;
    chicken run poulailler m
    (r) (of salmon) remontée f
    (s) Music roulade f
    (a) (manage → company, office) diriger, gérer; (→ shop, restaurant, club) tenir; (→ theatre) diriger; (→ farm) exploiter; (→ newspaper, magazine) rédiger; (→ house) tenir; (→ country) gouverner, diriger;
    she runs the bar while her parents are away elle tient le bar pendant l'absence de ses parents;
    a badly run organization une organisation mal gérée;
    the library is run by volunteer workers la bibliothèque est tenue par des bénévoles;
    the farm was too big for him to run alone la ferme était trop grande pour qu'il puisse s'en occuper seul;
    who's running this outfit? qui est le patron ici?;
    I wish she'd stop trying to run my life! j'aimerais bien qu'elle arrête de me dire comment vivre ma vie!
    (b) (organize, lay on → service, course, contest) organiser; (→ train, bus) mettre en service;
    to run a bridge tournament/a raffle organiser un tournoi de bridge/une tombola;
    they run evening classes in computing ils organisent des cours du soir en informatique;
    they run extra trains in the summer l'été ils mettent (en service) des trains supplémentaires;
    several private companies run buses to the airport plusieurs sociétés privées assurent un service d'autobus pour l'aéroport
    (c) (operate → piece of equipment) faire marcher, faire fonctionner; Computing (program) exécuter, faire tourner;
    you can run it off solar energy/the mains vous pouvez le faire fonctionner à l'énergie solaire/sur secteur;
    this computer runs most software on peut utiliser la plupart des logiciels sur cet ordinateur;
    Aviation to run the engines (for checking) faire le point fixe;
    I can't afford to run a car any more je n'ai plus les moyens d'avoir une voiture;
    she runs a Porsche elle roule en Porsche
    (d) (conduct → experiment, test) effectuer
    (e) (do or cover at a run → race, distance) courir;
    to run the marathon courir le marathon;
    I can still run 2 km in under 7 minutes j'arrive encore à courir ou à couvrir 2 km en moins de 7 minutes;
    the children were running races les enfants faisaient la course;
    the race will be run in Paris next year la course aura lieu à Paris l'année prochaine;
    to run messages or errands faire des commissions ou des courses;
    he'd run a mile if he saw it il prendrait ses jambes à son cou s'il voyait ça;
    it looks as if his race is run on dirait qu'il a fait son temps
    to be run off one's feet être débordé;
    you're running the poor boy off his feet! le pauvre, tu es en train de l'épuiser!;
    to run oneself to a standstill courir jusqu'à l'épuisement
    (g) (enter for race → horse, greyhound) faire courir
    (h) (hunt, chase) chasser;
    to run deer chasser le cerf;
    the outlaws were run out of town les hors-la-loi furent chassés de la ville
    (i) (transport → goods) transporter; (give lift to → person) conduire, emmener;
    I'll run you to the bus stop je vais te conduire à l'arrêt de bus;
    to run sb back home reconduire qn chez lui;
    I've got to run these boxes over to my new house je dois emporter ces boîtes dans ma nouvelle maison
    (j) (smuggle) faire le trafic de;
    he's suspected of running drugs/guns il est soupçonné de trafic de drogue/d'armes
    (k) (drive → vehicle) conduire;
    I ran the car into the driveway j'ai mis la voiture dans l'allée;
    could you run your car back a bit? pourriez-vous reculer un peu votre voiture?;
    I ran my car into a lamppost je suis rentré dans un réverbère (avec ma voiture);
    he tried to run me off the road! il a essayé de me faire sortir de la route!
    (l) (pass, quickly or lightly) passer;
    he ran his hand through his hair il se passa la main dans les cheveux;
    he ran a comb through his hair il se donna un coup de peigne;
    I'll run a duster over the furniture je passerai un coup de chiffon sur les meubles;
    she ran her hands over the controls elle promena ses mains sur les boutons de commande;
    she ran her finger down the list/her eye over the text elle parcourut la liste du doigt/le texte des yeux
    it would be better to run the wires under the floorboards ce serait mieux de faire passer les fils sous le plancher;
    we could run a cable from the house nous pourrions amener un câble de la maison;
    run the other end of the rope through the loop passez l'autre bout de la corde dans la boucle
    (n) (go through or past → blockade) forcer; (→ rapids) franchir; American (→ red light) brûler
    (o) (cause to flow) faire couler;
    run the water into the basin faites couler l'eau dans la cuvette;
    to run a bath faire couler un bain
    (p) (publish) publier;
    the local paper is running a series of articles on the scandal le journal local publie une série d'articles sur le scandale;
    to run an ad (in the newspaper) passer ou faire passer une annonce (dans le journal)
    they're running a candidate in every constituency ils présentent un candidat dans chaque circonscription
    to run a temperature or fever avoir de la fièvre
    to run the danger or risk of doing sth courir le risque de faire qch;
    you run the risk of a heavy fine vous risquez une grosse amende;
    do you realize the risks you're running? est-ce que vous réalisez les risques que vous prenez?
    (a) (gen) courir;
    I run every morning in the park je cours tous les matins dans le parc;
    to come running towards sb accourir vers qn;
    they ran out of the house ils sont sortis de la maison en courant;
    to run upstairs/downstairs monter/descendre l'escalier en courant;
    I had to run for the train j'ai dû courir pour attraper le train;
    she ran for the police elle a couru chercher la police;
    run and fetch me a glass of water cours me chercher un verre d'eau;
    I'll just run across or round or over to the shop je fais un saut à l'épicerie;
    to run to meet sb courir ou se précipiter à la rencontre de qn;
    I've been running all over the place looking for you j'ai couru partout à ta recherche;
    figurative I didn't expect her to go running to the press with the story je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'elle coure raconter l'histoire à la presse;
    don't come running to me with your problems ne viens pas m'embêter avec tes problèmes
    (b) (compete in race) courir; (score in cricket, baseball) marquer;
    to run in a race (horse, person) participer à une course;
    there are twenty horses running in the race vingt chevaux participent à la course;
    she ran for her country in the Olympics elle a couru pour son pays aux jeux Olympiques
    (c) (flee) se sauver, fuir;
    run for your lives! sauve qui peut!;
    familiar if the night watchman sees you, run for it! si le veilleur de nuit te voit, tire-toi ou file!;
    figurative you can't just keep running from your past vous ne pouvez pas continuer à fuir votre passé
    (d) (pass → road, railway, boundary) passer;
    a tunnel runs under the mountain un tunnel passe sous la montagne;
    the railway line runs through a valley/over a viaduct le chemin de fer passe dans une vallée/sur un viaduc;
    the pipes run under the road les tuyaux passent sous la route;
    the road runs alongside the river/parallel to the coast la route longe la rivière/la côte;
    hedgerows run between the fields des haies séparent les champs;
    the road runs due north la route va droit vers le nord;
    to run north and south être orienté nord-sud;
    a canal running from London to Birmingham un canal qui va de Londres à Birmingham;
    a high fence runs around the building une grande barrière fait le tour du bâtiment;
    the lizard has red markings running down its back le dos du lézard est zébré de rouge;
    the line of print ran off the page la ligne a débordé de la feuille;
    figurative our lives seem to be running in different directions il semble que nos vies prennent des chemins différents
    (e) (move, go → ball, vehicle) rouler; (slip, slide → rope, cable) filer;
    the pram ran down the hill out of control le landau a dévalé la côte;
    the tram runs on special tracks le tramway roule sur des rails spéciaux;
    the crane runs on rails la grue se déplace sur des rails;
    the piano runs on casters le piano est monté sur (des) roulettes;
    the truck ran off the road le camion a quitté la route;
    let the cord run through your hands laissez la corde filer entre vos mains;
    his fingers ran over the controls ses doigts se promenèrent sur les boutons de commande;
    her eyes ran down the list elle parcourut la liste des yeux;
    a shiver ran down my spine un frisson me parcourut le dos;
    his thoughts ran to that hot August day in Paris cette chaude journée d'août à Paris lui revint à l'esprit
    (f) (words, text)
    how does that last verse run? c'est quoi la dernière strophe?;
    their argument or reasoning runs something like this voici plus ou moins leur raisonnement;
    the conversation ran something like this voilà en gros ce qui s'est dit
    (g) (spread → rumour, news) se répandre
    (h) (flow → river, water, tap, nose) couler;
    let the water run until it's hot laisse couler l'eau jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit chaude;
    the water's run cold l'eau est froide au robinet;
    you've let the water run cold tu as laissé couler l'eau trop longtemps, elle est devenue froide;
    your bath is running ton bain est en train de couler;
    your nose is running tu as le nez qui coule;
    the cold made our eyes run le froid nous piquait les yeux;
    the hot water runs along/down this pipe l'eau chaude passe/descend dans ce tuyau;
    their faces were running with sweat leurs visages ruisselaient de transpiration;
    tears ran down her face des larmes coulaient sur son visage;
    the streets were running with blood le sang coulait dans les rues;
    the river ran red with blood les eaux de la rivière étaient rouges de sang;
    the Jari runs into the Amazon le Jari se jette dans l'Amazone
    (i) (butter, ice cream, wax) fondre; (cheese) couler; (paint) goutter;
    her mascara had run son mascara avait coulé
    (j) (in wash → colour, fabric) déteindre;
    wash that dress separately, the colour might run lave cette robe à part, elle pourrait déteindre
    (k) (operate → engine, machine, business) marcher, fonctionner;
    to run on or off electricity/gas/diesel fonctionner à l'électricité/au gaz/au diesel;
    this machine runs off the mains cet appareil se branche sur (le) secteur;
    the tape recorder was still running le magnétophone était encore en marche;
    leave the engine running laissez tourner le moteur;
    the engine is running smoothly le moteur tourne rond;
    the new assembly line is up and running la nouvelle chaîne de montage est en service;
    Computing do not interrupt the program while it is running ne pas interrompre le programme en cours d'exécution;
    Computing this software runs on DOS ce logiciel tourne sous DOS;
    Computing running at… cadencé à…;
    figurative everything is running smoothly tout marche très bien
    this train doesn't run/only runs on Sundays ce train ne circule pas/ne circule que le dimanche;
    some bus lines run all night certaines lignes d'autobus sont en service toute la nuit;
    the buses stop running at midnight après minuit il n'y a plus de bus;
    trains running between London and Manchester trains qui circulent entre Londres et Manchester;
    trains running to Calais are cancelled les trains à destination de Calais sont annulés;
    he took the tube that runs through Clapham il prit la ligne de métro qui passe par Clapham
    (m) (last) durer; (be valid → contract) être ou rester valide; (→ agreement) être ou rester en vigueur; Finance (→ interest) courir;
    the sales run from the beginning to the end of January les soldes durent du début à la fin janvier;
    the sales have only another two days to run il ne reste que deux jours de soldes;
    the meeting ran for an hour longer than expected la réunion a duré une heure de plus que prévu;
    I'd like the ad to run for a week je voudrais que l'annonce passe pendant une semaine;
    the lease has another year to run le bail n'expire pas avant un an;
    your subscription will run for two years votre abonnement sera valable deux ans;
    interest runs from 1 January les intérêts courent à partir du 1er janvier
    (n) Cinema & Theatre (be performed → play, film) être à l'affiche;
    the play has been running for a year la pièce est à l'affiche depuis un an;
    the film is currently running in Hull le film est actuellement sur les écrans à Hull;
    his new musical should run and run! sa nouvelle comédie musicale devrait tenir l'affiche pendant des mois!;
    Television this soap opera has been running for twenty years ça fait vingt ans que ce feuilleton est diffusé;
    America's longest-running TV series la plus longue série télévisée américaine
    (o) (occur → inherited trait, illness)
    twins run in our family les jumeaux sont courants dans la famille;
    heart disease runs in the family les maladies cardiaques sont fréquentes dans notre famille
    (p) (range) aller;
    the colours run from dark blue to bright green les couleurs vont du bleu foncé au vert vif
    to run high (sea) être grosse ou houleuse;
    feelings or tempers were running high les esprits étaient échauffés;
    their ammunition was running low ils commençaient à manquer de munitions;
    our stores are running low nos provisions s'épuisent ou tirent à leur fin;
    he's running scared il a la frousse;
    to be running late être en retard, avoir du retard;
    programmes are running ten minutes late les émissions ont toutes dix minutes de retard;
    sorry I can't stop, I'm running a bit late désolé, je ne peux pas rester, je suis un peu en retard;
    events are running in our favour les événements tournent en notre faveur;
    inflation was running at 18 percent le taux d'inflation était de 18 pour cent
    (r) (be candidate, stand) se présenter;
    to run for president or the presidency se présenter aux élections présidentielles, être candidat aux élections présidentielles ou à la présidence;
    to run for office se porter candidat;
    she's running on a law-and-order ticket elle se présente aux élections avec un programme basé sur la lutte contre l'insécurité;
    he ran against Reagan in 1984 il s'est présenté contre Reagan en 1984
    (s) (drive) faire un tour ou une promenade;
    why don't we run down to the coast/up to London? si on faisait un tour jusqu'à la mer/jusqu'à Londres?
    to run (before the wind) filer vent arrière;
    to run aground échouer; figurative (project, plan) capoter
    (u) (ladder → stocking, tights) filer
    (v) (salmon) remonter les rivières
    (w) (tide) monter
    British courir (çà et là);
    I've been running about all day looking for you! j'ai passé ma journée à te chercher partout!
    (meet → acquaintance) rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; (find → book, reference) trouver par hasard, tomber sur
    traverser en courant
    also figurative courir après;
    it's not like her to run after a man ce n'est pas son genre de courir après un homme;
    she spends half her life running after her kids elle passe son temps à être derrière les enfants;
    he's got all these assistants running after him the whole time il a tout un tas d'assistants qui passent sans arrêt derrière ce qu'il fait
    (go away) s'en aller, partir;
    it's getting late, I must be running along il se fait tard, il faut que j'y aille;
    run along to bed now, children! allez les enfants, au lit maintenant!
    (a) (from place to place) courir (çà et là) ;
    I've been running around all day looking for you! j'ai passé ma journée à te chercher partout!
    (b) (be unfaithful → husband) courir après les femmes; (→ wife) courir après les hommes;
    he was sure his wife was running around il était sûr que sa femme le trompait
    familiar (be friendly with) fréquenter ; (have affair with) sortir avec ;
    he's always running around with other women il est toujours en train de courir après d'autres femmes
    (a) (flee) se sauver, s'enfuir;
    their son has run away from home leur fils a fait une fugue;
    I'll be with you in a minute, don't run away je serai à toi dans un instant, ne te sauve pas;
    run away and play now, children allez jouer ailleurs, les enfants;
    figurative to run away from one's responsibilities fuir ses responsabilités;
    to run away from the facts se refuser à l'évidence
    (b) (elope) partir
    he ran away with his best friend's wife il est parti avec la femme de son meilleur ami;
    he ran away with the takings il est parti avec la caisse
    she tends to let her imagination run away with her elle a tendance à se laisser emporter par son imagination
    (c) (get → idea)
    don't go running away with the idea or the notion that it will be easy n'allez pas vous imaginer que ce sera facile
    (d) (win → race, match) emporter haut la main; (→ prize) remporter;
    they ran away with nearly all the medals ils ont remporté presque toutes les médailles
    (a) (drive back) raccompagner (en voiture);
    she ran me back home elle m'a ramené ou raccompagné chez moi en voiture;
    he ran me back on his motorbike il m'a raccompagné en moto
    (b) (rewind → tape, film) rembobiner
    (a) (return) retourner ou revenir en courant;
    familiar to come running back (errant husband etc) revenir
    to run back over sth passer qch en revue
    to run sth by sb (submit) soumettre qch à qn;
    you'd better run that by the committee vous feriez mieux de demander l'avis du comité;
    run that by me again répétez-moi ça
    (a) (reduce, diminish → gen) réduire; (→ number of employees) diminuer; (→ stocks) laisser s'épuiser; (→ industry, factory) fermer progressivement;
    they are running down their military presence in Africa ils réduisent leur présence militaire en Afrique;
    the government was accused of running down the steel industry le gouvernement a été accusé de laisser dépérir la sidérurgie;
    you've run the battery down vous avez déchargé la pile; (of car) vous avez vidé ou déchargé la batterie, vous avez mis la batterie à plat
    (b) familiar (criticize, denigrate) rabaisser ;
    they're always running her friends down ils passent leur temps à dire du mal de ou à dénigrer ses amis ;
    stop running yourself down all the time cesse de te rabaisser constamment
    (c) (in car → pedestrian, animal) renverser, écraser;
    he was run down by a bus il s'est fait renverser par un bus
    (d) (track down → animal, criminal) (traquer et) capturer; (→ person, object) dénicher;
    I finally ran down the reference in the library j'ai fini par dénicher la référence à la bibliothèque
    (a) (person) descendre en courant
    (b) (clock, machine) s'arrêter; (battery → through use) s'user; (→ through a fault) se décharger;
    the batteries in the radio are beginning to run down les piles de la radio commencent à être usées
    run in
    (a) British (car, engine) roder
    (a) (person) entrer en courant
    (b) British (car, engine)
    running in en rodage
    (a) (encounter → problem, difficulty) rencontrer
    (b) (meet → acquaintance) rencontrer (par hasard), tomber sur;
    to run into debt faire des dettes, s'endetter
    (c) (collide with → of car, driver) percuter, rentrer dans;
    I ran into a lamppost je suis rentrée dans un réverbère;
    you should be more careful, you nearly ran into me! tu devrais faire attention, tu as failli me rentrer dedans!
    (d) (amount to) s'élever à;
    debts running into millions of dollars des dettes qui s'élèvent à des millions de dollars;
    takings run into five figures la recette atteint les cinq chiffres
    (e) (merge into) se fondre dans, se confondre avec;
    the red runs into orange le rouge devient orange;
    the words began to run into each other before my eyes les mots commençaient à se confondre devant mes yeux
    run off
    (a) (print) tirer, imprimer; (photocopy) photocopier;
    run me off five copies of this report faites-moi cinq copies de ce rapport
    (c) Sport (race) disputer;
    the heats will be run off tomorrow les éliminatoires se disputeront demain
    (d) (lose → excess weight, fat) perdre en courant
    (e) (liquid) laisser s'écouler
    (a) (flee) se sauver, s'enfuir;
    I'll be with you in a minute, don't run off je serai à toi dans un instant, ne te sauve pas
    (b) (liquid) s'écouler
    run on
    (lines of writing) ne pas découper en paragraphes; (letters, words) ne pas séparer, lier
    (a) (continue) continuer, durer; (drag on) s'éterniser;
    the play ran on for hours la pièce a duré des heures;
    the discussion ran on for an extra hour la discussion a duré une heure de plus que prévu
    (b) familiar (talk non-stop) parler sans cesse ;
    he does run on rather quand il est parti celui-là, il ne s'arrête plus;
    he can run on for hours if you let him si tu le laisses faire il peut tenir le crachoir pendant des heures
    (c) (line of text) suivre sans alinéa; (verse) enjamber
    run out
    (a) (cable, rope) laisser filer
    to run a batsman out mettre un batteur hors jeu
    (a) (person, animal) sortir en courant; (liquid) s'écouler
    (b) (be used up → supplies, money etc) s'épuiser, (venir à) manquer; (→ time) filer;
    hurry up, time is running out! dépêchez-vous, il ne reste plus beaucoup de temps!;
    their luck finally ran out la chance a fini par tourner, leur chance n'a pas duré
    (c) (expire → contract, passport, agreement) expirer, venir à expiration
    manquer de;
    we're running out of ammunition nous commençons à manquer de munitions;
    we're running out of sugar nous allons nous trouver à court de sucre;
    he's run out of money il n'a plus d'argent;
    to run out of patience être à bout de patience;
    to run out of petrol tomber en panne d'essence
    (spouse, colleague) laisser tomber, abandonner;
    she ran out on her husband elle a quitté son mari;
    his assistants all ran out on him ses assistants l'ont tous abandonné ou laissé tomber
    (pedestrian, animal) écraser;
    I nearly got run over j'ai failli me faire écraser;
    he's been run over il s'est fait écraser;
    the car ran over his legs la voiture lui est passé sur les jambes
    (a) (review) revoir; (rehearse) répéter; (recap) récapituler;
    let's run over the arguments one more time before the meeting reprenons les arguments une dernière fois avant la réunion;
    could you run over the main points for us? pourriez-vous nous récapituler les principaux points?
    to run over the allotted time excéder le temps imparti
    (a) (overflow) déborder;
    literary my cup runneth over je nage dans le bonheur;
    to run over with energy/enthusiasm déborder d'énergie/d'enthousiasme
    (b) (run late) dépasser l'heure; Radio & Television dépasser le temps d'antenne, déborder sur le temps d'antenne;
    the programme ran over by twenty minutes l'émission a dépassé son temps d'antenne de vingt minutes
    passer en courant
    (a) (cross → of person) traverser en courant;
    figurative money runs through his fingers like water l'argent lui brûle les doigts
    (b) (pervade → of thought, feeling)
    a strange idea ran through my mind une idée étrange m'a traversé l'esprit;
    a thrill of excitement ran through her un frisson d'émotion la parcourut;
    an angry murmur ran through the crowd des murmures de colère parcoururent la foule;
    his words kept running through my head ses paroles ne cessaient de retentir dans ma tête;
    an air of melancholy runs through the whole film une atmosphère de mélancolie imprègne tout le film
    (c) (review) revoir; (rehearse) répéter; (recap) récapituler;
    she ran through the arguments in her mind elle repassa les arguments dans sa tête;
    let's just run through the procedure one more time reprenons une dernière fois la marche à suivre;
    I'll run through your speech with you je vous ferai répéter votre discours
    (d) (read quickly) parcourir (des yeux), jeter un coup d'œil sur
    (e) (use up → money) dépenser; (→ case of wine, coffee) consommer; (squander → fortune) gaspiller;
    he runs through a dozen shirts a week il lui faut une douzaine de chemises par semaine
    to run sb through (with a sword) transpercer qn (d'un coup d'épée)
    (a) (amount to) se chiffrer à;
    her essay ran to twenty pages sa dissertation faisait vingt pages
    (b) British (afford, be enough for)
    your salary should run to a new computer ton salaire devrait te permettre d'acheter un nouvel ordinateur;
    the budget won't run to champagne le budget ne nous permet pas d'acheter du champagne
    run up
    (a) (debt, bill) laisser s'accumuler;
    I've run up a huge overdraft j'ai un découvert énorme
    (b) (flag) hisser
    (c) (sew quickly) coudre rapidement ou à la hâte
    (climb rapidly) monter en courant; (approach) approcher en courant;
    a young man ran up to me un jeune homme s'approcha de moi en courant
    (encounter) se heurter à;
    we've run up against some problems nous nous sommes heurtés à quelques problèmes

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > run

  • 4 run

    1. I
    1) set off running пуститься бежать; run and fetch the doctor сбегай за врачом; when I called he came running когда я позвал его, он тут же прибежал /примчался/; the enemy ran противник бежал; he dropped his gun and ran он бросил ружье и пустился наутек; I must run мне надо бежать /срочно идти/
    2) a ball (a sledge, etc.) runs мяч и т.д. катится; a wheel (a spindle, etc.) runs колесо вращается /вертится/
    3) water (blood, etc.) runs вода и т.д. течет /льется/; the pus was running сочился гной; the ice cream (the jelly, the coating, etc.) is beginning to run мороженое и т.д. потекло; the candle ran свеча оплыла; the butter ran масло растаяло; this ink does not run эти чернила не расплываются; colours are guaranteed not to run прочность красок гарантируется; I'm afraid the colours ran when I washed that skirt к сожалению, юбка в стирке полиняла; wash this towel separately the dye runs стирай это полотенце отдельно run оно линяет || let water run спустить воду
    4) the tap (the barrel, the vessel, the kettle, etc.) runs кран и т.д. течет; who has left the tap running? кто оставил кран открытым /не закрыл кран/?; this pen runs ручка течет /сажает кляксы/; his nose is running у него течет из носу, у него насморк; his eyes are running у него слезятся глаза; we laughed till our eyes ran мы смеялись до слез; an ulcer (a wound, a sore, etc.) that runs язва и т.д., которая гноится
    5) trains (buses, boats, ships, etc.) run поезда и т.д. ходят; trams are not running трамваи не ходят
    6) a motor (a machine, the works, etc.) runs мотор и т.д. работает; the lift is not running лифт не работает; leave the engine running не выключай мотор; the plant has ceased running завод встал /остановился/; the clock (the watch) runs часы идут /ходят/
    7) time runs время летит /мчится/
    8) several days running несколько дней подряд; he hit the target seven times running он попал в цель семь раз подряд
    9) the agreement (the contract, the lease of the house, etc.) has two more years to run срок соглашения и т.д. действует еще два года
    10) my stocking has run у меня на чулке спустилась петля; stockings guaranteed not to run чулки с неспускающимися петлями
    2. II
    1) run in some manner run run fast (slowly, noiselessly, etc.) бегать быстро и т.д.; the horse runs well лошадь хорошо бежит /идет/, у лошади хороший ход; run somewhere run about бегать повсюду, суетиться, сновать взад и вперед; let the dogs run about пусть собаки побегают /порезвятся/; the children are running about дети играют /резвятся/; chickens run about as soon as they are out of the shell стоит только цыплятам вылупиться, как они начинают бегать; run up /upstairs/ (down/downstairs/) бегать вверх (вниз) [по лестнице]; run upstairs and get the iodine сбегай наверх и принеси йод; run at some time I must run now мне пора бежать /уходить/
    2) run in some manner the river runs quietly (smoothly, sluggishly, etc.) река течет спокойно и т.д.; the current is running strong сейчас сильное течение; the tide is running strong вода сильно поднимается (при приливе), blood ran in torrents кровь лилась ручьями; his ideas ran freely его мысли текли свободно; run somewhere the water has run out вся вода вытекла
    3) run at some time these pens (such taps, etc.) often run эти ручки и т.д. часто текут
    4) run at some time these trains (the steamers, the buses, etc.) run daily /every day/ (every ten minutes, etc.) эти поезда и т.д. ходят ежедневно и т.д.; the traffic runs day and night движение на улице не прекращается ни днем ни ночью; the 9 o'clock train is not running today девятичасовой поезд сегодня отменен /не ходит/
    5) run in some manner an engine (a sewing-machine, etc.) runs smoothly (well, badly, efficiently, etc.) мотор и т.д. работает ритмично и т.д.; the саг is running nicely машина идет хорошо; the printing-press doesn't run properly печатный станок плохо работает; the drawer doesn't run easily ящик открывается /выдвигается/ с трудом; how does your new watch runrun? как идут ваши новые часы?
    7) run somewhere the road (the boundary, the forest, etc.) runs east (north and south, up, etc.) дорога и т.д. идет /тянется/ на восток и т.д.; the river runs south река течет на юг; new streets will run here здесь пройдут /будут проложены/ новые улицы
    8) run in some manner months (years, days, etc.) run fast быстро проходит месяц за месяцем; time runs fast время летит быстро; his life runs smoothly (quietly, etc.) жизнь его течет спокойно /гладко/ и т.д.; how time runs! как бежит /летит/ время!
    9) run for some time this law (this bill) will run much longer этот закон (этот билль) будет действовать значительно дольше; run at /in/ some place regions (places, offices, etc.) where these rules do not run районы и т.д., где не действуют эти правила /на которые не распространяются эти правила/; this writ doesn't run here здесь это постановление /распоряжение/ не действует / не имеет силы/
    10) run in some manner the letter (the note, the clause, the contract, etc.) ran thus... письмо и т.д. гласило следующее...; so the story ran вот что говорилось в рассказе; this is how the tune runs вот как звучит эта мелодия; I don't remember how the first line runs я не помню первую строку
    11) run somewhere the ship /the boat/ ran aground корабль сел на мель; the boat ran ashore лодка врезалась в берег
    12) run at some time silk stockings often (sometimes) run на шелковых чулках часто (иногда) спускаются петли; run in some manner these stockings run easily на этих чулках очень легко спускаются петли; эти чулки быстро рвутся
    13) run in some manner all my arrangements ran smoothly все шло, как было обусловлено; is everything running well in your office? на работе у вас все в порядке?, дела на работе идут нормально?
    3. III
    1) run smth. run a mile (six miles. etc.) пробежать милю и т.д., участвовать в беге на одну милю и т.д.; run a distance бежать на какую-л. дистанцию; run a race участвовать в забеге /в скачках/; the children ran races дети бегали наперегонки
    2) run smth. run errands /messages/ быть посыльным; быть на посылках; I want you to run an errand я хочу послать тебя с поручением
    3) run smb., smth. run a fox (a hare, a stag, etc.) гнать /преследовать лису/ и т.д.; run a false scent идти по ложному следу; run cattle (horses, etc.) гнать скот и т.д.; run logs сплавлять /гнать/ лес /бревна/
    4) run smth. run extra (special) trains пускать дополнительные (специальные) поезда
    5) run smth. run cargoes (a cargo of coffee, etc.) перевозить /транспортировать/ грузы и т.д.; run arms (drugs, liquor, narcotics. etc.) нелегально /контрабандой/ ввозить в страну оружие и т.д.
    6) run smth., smb. run a blockade прорвать /прорваться через/ блокаду; run the rapids пройти /преодолеть/ пороги; run the guard проскользнуть /пройти незамеченным/ мимо охраны
    7) run smth. run a саг (a bus, a taxi, etc.) водить машину и т.д.; he runs a blue Volga он ездит на голубой "Волге"; run the engine запускать мотор /двигатель/; run a tractor (a sewing-machine, a ferry, etc.) работать на тракторе и т.д.; can you run a washing-machine? вы умеете обращаться со стиральной машиной?; run a bath наполнить ванну
    10) run some distance the river (the road, etc.) run 200 miles река (дорога и т.д.) тянется на 200 миль
    11) || run its course идти своим чередом; the illness must run its course болезнь должна идти своим ходом; the war was running its course война все продолжалась
    12) run smth. run a business (a bus company, a factory, etc.) управлять предприятием и т.д.; run a theatre (a newspaper, a youth club, etc.) руководить театром и т.д.; run a shop (a hotel, etc.) заведовать магазином и т.д.; run a competition (a match, a race, etc.) проводить соревнования и т.д.; run the external affairs of a country направлять внешнюю политику государства, руководить внешней политикой страны; run a new system of payment осуществлять /внедрять/ новую систему оплаты; run smb.'s house вести чье-л. хозяйство; she runs the household она ведет хозяйство; весь дом на ней; run the show cool. заправлять чем-л.; who is running the show? кто здесь главный?; run one's life (one's fortune) самому строить свою жизнь (свое счастье); run experiments ставить /проводить/ опыты; run a blood test сделать анализ крови
    13) run smb. run a candidate выставлять чью-л. кандидатуру, выдвигать кого-л. кандидатом
    14) semiaux run smth. run debts залезать в /делать/ долги; run a temperature температурить
    15) id run smth. run a risk (the risk of discovery, the risk of losing one's job, a danger, the danger of being fired, the chance of being suspect of theft, etc.) подвергаться риску и т.д.; run chances положиться на счастье
    4. IV
    1) run smth. т some time this bus (a car, ale.) runs 40 miles (an hour, etc.) автобус и т.д. делает сорок миль в час и т.д.; we ran 20 knots a day мы делали двадцать узлов в день
    2) run smb. in some manner run smb. (too) fast гнать кого-л. (очень) быстро; run smb. somewhere run a horse up and down прохаживать лошадь [взад и вперед]; run the gun out выкапывать орудие; run the car downhill (uphill) ехать на машине с горы (в гору)
    3) run smth. at some time run a bus every three minutes отправлять автобус каждые три минуты; run cars day and night держать машины на линии круглые сутки, обеспечивать работу у машин круглосуточно
    4) run smb. somewhere run smb. home отвозить кого-л. домой; run smb. out выгнать кого-л.
    5) run smth. for (in) some time run the machine (the press, etc.) 24 hours a day работать на машине и т.д. двадцать четыре часа в сутки /круглосуточно/; run 500 barrels of oil daily (1000 bottles of milk a day, etc.) выпускать 500 бочек масла и т.д. в день
    6) run smth. at some time run a film often (twice a week, six times, etc.) демонстрировать /показывать/ фильм часто и т.д.; I'll run the first part of the film through again я прокручу еще раз первую часть фильма
    7) run smth. at some time interviews (oral examinations, the programme, etc.) ran twenty minutes behind интервью и т.д. началось на двадцать минут позже; the rehearsal (the meeting, etc.) can ten minutes earlier репетиция и т.д. началась на десять минут раньше
    8) run smth. somewhere run a ship aground посадить корабль на мель; run a boat (a ship) ashore направить лодку корабль) к берегу
    5. V
    1) run smb. some distance run a fox (a hare, etc.) five miles (a long distance, the length of the field, etc.) преследовать /гнать/ лису и т.д. пять миль и т.д.
    2) run smb. some sum of money the dress (this picture, this boat, the new house, this car, etc.) will run you a considerable sum of money это платье и т.д. будет вам дорого стоить
    6. VI
    semiaux run smb. to some state run smb. breathless гонять кого-л. до изнеможения || run smb. close (hard) не уступать кому-л., быть чьим-л. опасным противником /соперником/; run smth. close быть почти равным чему-л.; run it fine иметь (времени, денег) в обрез
    7. XI
    1) be run after she is much run after a) с ней многие ищут знакомства; б) за ней многие ухаживают; I hate to feel that I am being run after терпеть не могу, когда за мной бегают
    2) || be run off one's feet coll. сбиться с ног; I was run off my feet that day я набегался за день
    3) be run into smth. molten metal is run into moulds расплавленный металл разливают в формы
    4) be run at some time sleepingcars (express trains, these boats, etc.) are run twice a week (on week days, etc.) поезда со спальными вагонами и т.д. ходят два раза в неделю и т.д.; be run somewhere these trains are run between X and Y эти поезда курсируют между X и Y
    5) be run on smth. trains (buses, etc.) are run on electricity (on coal, on steam, etc.) поезда и т.д. работают на электричестве и т.д.; be run at smth. be run at some cost обходиться в определенную сумму (об эксплуатации машины и т.п.); this car can be run at a small cost расходы на эксплуатацию этой машины очень невелика
    6) be run on smth. this book is to be run on good paper эта книга будет издана на хорошей бумаге
    7) be run through he was run through and through ему было нанесено множество колотых ран; be run through by smth. he was run through by a bayonet его пронзили штыком, его закололи штыком
    8) be run at some time the race (the match, the competition, etc.) will be run tomorrow (next week, etc.) скачки и т.д. состоятся /будут проводиться/ завтра и т.д.; the cup will be run for today сегодня состоятся соревнования на кубок /состоится розыгрыш кубка/; be run in some condition the Derby was run in a snowstorm (in rain, etc.) дерби проводилось во время сильного снегопада /вьюги/ и т.д.; be run as (on) smth. this business (it, this scheme, etc.) is run /is being run/ as a commercial enterprise /on a commercial basis/ это дело и т.д. ведется на коммерческой основе; be run by smb. he is (hard) run by his wife (by his secretary, etc.) он под башмаком у своей жены и т.д.; the school is run by a committee школа управляется советом
    8. XIII
    run to do smth. run to catch the train (to meet us, to see what is going on, etc.) бежать /торопиться/, чтобы успеть на писал и т.д.; she ran to help us она бросилась нам на помощь
    9. XV
    1) run in some state run free /loose/ бегать на свободе; let the dog run loose дай собаке побегать на воле
    2) run in some order run second (third, etc.) a) бежать вторым и т.д.; б) идти /прийти/ вторым и т.д.; my horse ran last моя лошадь пришла последней /заняла последнее место/
    3) abs run parallel идти /бежать/ параллельно /бок о бок/ || run foul of smth. налететь на что-л.; run foul of a hidden reef налететь на скрытый риф; run foul of the law нарушить закон; run foul of smb. вызвать чье-л. недовольство; the ships ran foul of each other корабли столкнулись [в море]
    4) semiaux run to some state run low /short/ a) понижаться, опускаться; б) иссякать; our provisions /our supplies, our stock, our stores /are running low /short/ наши запасы кончаются /на исходе/; I am running short of time у меня остается мало времени; run dry высыхать, пересыхать; the well ran dry колодец высох; the river ran dry река пересохла; my imagination ran dry моя фантазия иссякла, мое воображение истощилось; run cold похолодеть; my blood ran cold у меня кровь застыла в жилах; run hot нагреваться; wait till the water runs hot at the tap подожди, пока из крана пойдет горячая вода; run clear быть чистым; rivers run clear вода в реках частая; run high a) подниматься; б) возрастать; the sea runs high море волнуется; the waves run high волны вздымаются; the tide runs high /strong/ прилив нарастает, вода прибывает; feelings /passions/ run high страсти бушуют; the debates ran high споры разгорелись; the prices run high цены растут; run strong набирать силу; run mad сходить с ума; run wild не знать удержу; she lets her children run wild она оставляет детей без присмотра; the garden ran wild сад запущен; we are letting the flowers run wild за цветами у нас никто не ухаживает; his imagination ran wild у него разыгралось воображение; run a certain size apples (pears, potatoes, etc.) run big (small, etc.) this year яблоки и т.д. в этом году крупные и т.д.
    10. XVI
    1) run about (across, around, up, down, in, etc.) smth. run about the streets (about the fields, about the garden, in the pastures, in the yard, etc.) бегать по улицам и т.д.; run across the road (across the street, across the square, etc.) перебегать дорогу и т.д.; run down the road (down the street, down the hill, down the path, down the mountain, down the lane, etc.) бежать вниз по дороге и т.д.; run along the wall (along the bank of the river, etc.) бежать вдоль стены и т.д.; run up the path (up the mountain, etc.) бежать вверх по тропинке и т.д.; run out of the house (out of the room, etc.) выбежать из дома и т.д.; run into a room вбежать в комнату; run through the garden (through the yard, through the village, etc.) пробегать через сад и т.д.; every morning he ran around the garden to keep in condition каждое утро он бегал по саду, чтобы быть в форме; run to /towards/ smth., smb. run towards the door (to the coming visitors, to her son, etc.) подбежать /броситься/ к двери и т.д.; run before (behind, past, by, etc.) smb. run before the crowd (behind the marchers, by her past the waiting people, etc.) бежать впереди толпы и т.д.; he ran past her without saying "hello" он пробежал мимо и даже не поздоровался; run before the wind идти по ветру
    2) run after smb., smth. run after the burglar (after the thief, after a rabbit, etc.) гнаться за грабителем и т.д.; don't bother running after the bus, you'll never catch it какой толк бежать за автобусом, все равно его не догонишь; run after him, he's left his wallet behind догони его, он забыл свой бумажник; who's running after you? кто за вами гонится?; I can't keep running after you all day! coll. я не могу бегать за тобой весь день!; run from smth., smb. run from the village (from the enemy, from danger, etc.) бежать из деревни и т.д.; run to (for) smth., smb. run to smb.'s help поспешить кому-л. на помощь; run to the post-office сбегать на почту; run for the doctor (for the police, etc.) сбегать за врачом и т.д.; run for a prize бежать на приз; run to smb. for help бежать к кому-л. за помощью; run to his mother (to his parents, etc.) with every little problem бегать к матери и т.д. с каждой мелочью; run in smth. run in a race участвовать в забеге /в соревнованиях по бегу/ || run for one's life colt. бежать во весь дух; run for it coll, бежать что есть мочи
    3) run after smb. coll. she runs after every good-looking man in the village она бегает за каждым красивым парнем в деревне; you shouldn't run after him не надо вешаться ему на шею, run after the great увлекаться великими людьми: run after smth. coll. he runs after the country club set он стремится попасть в круг членов загородного клуба; run after new theories увлекаться новыми веяниями
    4) run along (over, past, on, etc.) smth. run along the highway (along the streets, over the hill, over slippery roads, through the city, etc.) двигаться /мчаться, нестись/ по шоссе и т.д.; cars run along these roads по этим дорогам движутся автомобили; sledges run well over frozen snow сани хорошо скользят по мерзлому снегу, the train ran past the signal поезд проскочил светофор; the ball ran past the hole шарик прокатился мимо лунки; the ball ran over the curb and into the street мяч перекатился через обочину и попал /выкатился/ на дорогу; run on snow (on macadam roads, etc.) передвигаться /катиться, скользить/ по снегу и т.д.; trains run on rails поезда ходят по рельсам; the table runs on wheels стол передвигается на колесиках; file drawers run on ball bearings каталожные ящики двигаются /выдвигаются, ходят/ на подшипниках; the fire ran along the ground огонь побежал по земле the fire ran through the-building огонь охватил все здание; run at some speed run at a very high speed (at full speed, at 60 miles an hour, etc.) двигаться с очень большой скоростью и т.д. the train ran at an illegal speed поезд шел с превышением предела скорости
    5) run at smb. run at the enemy (на)броситься на врага
    6) run down ( along, into, to, from, at, etc.) smth. run down the wind screen (down the rain-pipe, down the slope, down smb.'s face, down her cheeks,.etc.) катится /стекать/ по ветровому стеклу и т.д.; the rapids run over the rocks на камнях вода образовывает пороги; run over the table (over the floor, etc.) растекаться или рассыпаться по столу и т.д.; wax ran down the burning candle воск оплывал и стекал по горящей свече; the river runs into the ocean (into the sea, etc.) река впадает в океан и т.д.; water is running into the bath в ванну наливается вода; water runs from a tap (from a cistern from a cask, etc.) из крана и т.д. бежит /льётся вода; sweat was running from his forehead (from his face) у него по лбу (по лицу) струился пот; blood ran from a wound (from a cut, etc.) из раны и т.д. потекла кровь; tears ran from her eyes у нее из глаз катились слезы; he is running at the nose (at the mouth) у него течет из носу (изо рта); I felt tile blood running to my head я чувствовал, как кровь бросилась мне в голову; good blood runs in his veins в его жилах течет хорошая кровь; the colours (the dyes) run in the washing при стирке краски линяют; run with smth. run with sweat взмокнуть от пота, обливаться потом; his eyes ran with tears у него глаза наполнились слезами; the floor (the streets, etc.) ran with water (with blood, with wine, etc.) пол и т.д. был залит водой и т.д.; run off smb. water ran off him с него стекала вода id run off smb. as /like/ water off a duck's back = как с гуся вода; her words (scoldings, admonitions, etc.) ran off him like water off a duck's back на все ее слова и т.д. он не обращал ни малейшего внимания
    7) run to (between) smth. a morning train runs to Paris (to the south, to this city, etc.) в Париж и т.д. ходит утренний поезд; trains (boats, buses, etc.) run between the capitals of these countries (between these towns, between London and the coast. etc.) между столицами этих стран и т.д. ходят /курсируют/ поезда и т.д.
    8) run on (off) smth. cars run on gasoline автомобили работают на бензине; the apparatus runs off the mains аппаратура работает от сети
    9) run for some time the play ran for 200 nights (for a year) пьеса выдержала двести спектаклей (шла целый год); the picture runs for 3 hours фильм идет три часа; the interval sometimes runs to as much as half an hour антракт иногда длится полчаса; run at some place the play (the film) is now running at the Lyceum пьеса сейчас идет в театре "Лицеум"
    10) run across ( along, through, over, up, etc.) smth. the road (the path, etc.) runs across the plain (along the river, along the shore, through the wood, over a hill, up the mountain, close to the village, right by my house, at right angles to the highway, etc.) дорога и т.д. проходит по равнине и т.д.; a corridor runs through the house по всей длине дома тянется коридор; shelves run round the walls (round the room) по всем стенам (по всей комнате) идут полки; a fence runs round the house дом обнесен забором: ivy runs all over the wall (up the side of the house, upon other plants, etc.) плющ вьется по всей стене и т.д.; vine.runs over the porch крыльцо увито виноградом; a scar runs across his left cheek через всю его левую щеку проходит шрам; run from smth. to smth. the chain of mountains runs from north to south горная цепь тянется с севера на юг; shelves run from floor to ceiling полки идут от пола до потолка; this road runs from the village to the station эта дорога идет от деревни к станции; run for some distance the river ( the unpaved section, the path, etc.) runs for 200 miles (for eight miles, etc.) река и т.д. тянется на двести миль и т.д.
    11) run in smth. what sizes do these dresses run in? каких размеров бывают в продаже эти платья?; run in certain numbers иметь определенные номера; on this side house numbers run in odd numbers по этой стороне [улицы] идут нечетные номера домов
    12) run over smth. his fingers ran over the strings (over the piano, over the keys, etc.) он пробежал пальцами по струнам и т.д.; run over one's pockets ощупать свой карманы; run over the seams of the boat осмотреть /ощупать/ швы лодки
    13) run down ( over, through, etc.) smth. a cheer ran down the line (down the ranks of spectators) возгласы одобрения /крики ура/ прокатились по строю (по рядам зрителей); a murmur (a whisper) ran through the crowd по толпе пробежал /прокатился/ ропот (шепот); the news ran all over the town новость облетела весь город; rumours ran through the village (through the town, etc.) no деревне и т.д. прошли /разнеслись/ слухи; a thought (an idea, etc.) ran in /through/ his head /his mind/ у него в голове пронеслась /промелькнула/ мысль и т.д.; this idea run-s through the whole book эта идея проходит через /пронизывает/ всю книгу; the song (the old tune, his words, a snatch of their conversation, etc.) kept running in my mind /through my head/ эта песенка и т.д. неотвязно звучала у меня в ушах; his influence runs through every department его влияние чувствуется /ощущается/ во всех отделах; run up /down/ smth. a cold shiver ran up /down/ his spine холодная дрожь пробежала у него по спине; a sharp pain ran up /down/ his arm (his spine, his leg, etc.) он почувствовал острую боль в руке и т.д.
    14) run into smth. days ran into weeks дни складывались в недели; one year ran into the next шел год за годом
    15) run (up)on smth. the talk (the whole argument, etc.) ran on this point (on this subject, upon the past, on this problem, on the matter, on the same event, on the recent occurrence, etc.) разговор и т.д. вертелся вокруг этого вопроса и т.д.; the conversation ran on politics разговор шел о политике; the boy's thoughts /mind/ kept running on the same theme (on food, on the event, etc.) мальчик все время думал об одном и том же и т.д. || run along familiar lines касаться привычных тем, думать или говорить традиционно
    16) run for some time the law (the contract, the lease, etc.) runs for 3 years этот закон и т.д. имеет /сохраняет/ силу в течение трех лет; your interest runs from January 1st to December 31 вам начисляются проценты с первого января по тридцать первое декабря
    17) run out of smth. we have run out of sugar (out of provisions, out of food, out of petrol, out of tobacco, out of bread, etc.) у нас кончился сахар и т.д.
    18) run over (through, down) smth. run over one's notes (over these proofs, over the story, through one's mail, through the main points of the subject, down the list of names, etc.) просмотреть /пробежать глазами/ свои заметки и т.д.; her eyes ran over the room она окинула комнату беглым взглядом; his eyes ran down the front row and stopped suddenly он глазами пробежал по первому ряду, и вдруг его взгляд на ком-то задержался; don't run through your work so fast не делайте свою работу в спешке
    19) run over/through/ smth. just run over /through/ my lines with me before the rehearsal begins повторите со мной роль до начала репетиции; we'll run over that song again мы еще раз пропоем эту песенку; she ran over his good points она перечислила его достоинства; run through the scene оживить в своей памяти эту сцену
    20) run in (on, etc.) smth. the account (the story, the article, etc.) ran in all the papers сообщение и т.д. было напечатано /опубликовано/ во всех газетах; this item ran under a sensational heading эта информация была напечатана под сенсационным заголовком; political cartoons run on the editorial page политические карикатуры печатаются /помещаются/ на той же полосе, где и передовая статья || run in certain words быть сформулированным определённым образом; the order ran in these words приказ был сформулирован именно следующими словами
    21) run into /through /smth. the book (his novel, etc.) ran into /through/ 5 editions (10 impressions, thousands of copies, etc.) эта книга выдержала пять изданий и т.д.
    22) run through smth. run through a fortune (through the money he won, through his winnings, etc.) растратить /растранжирить/ наследство и т.д.; he ran through his father's money very quickly он очень быстро промотал отцовские деньги; money runs through his fingers [like water through a sieve], he runs through money quickly деньги у него не задерживаются; we run through a lot of sugar in a week мы расходуем много сахара за неделю
    23) run in (to) some amount his income (her bank account, their inheritance, etc.) runs to ten or twelve thousand pounds его доходы и т.д. исчисляются в десять-двенадцать тысяч фунтов; our hotel bill ran to t 500 наш счет за гостиницу достиг суммы в пятьсот фунтов /равняется пятистам фунтам/; the losses run into five figures убытки выражаются в пятизначных числах; a boat like that runs into a lot of money (to a pretty penny) такая лодка стоит больших денег (станет в копеечку); prices run from 50 pence to a pound цены колеблются от пятидесяти пенсов до одного фунта; my money won't run to a car на машину у меня не хватит денег; we can't run to a holiday abroad this year в этом году мы себе не можем позволить провести отпуск за границей; the story (the manuscript, etc.) runs to 16 pages (to three volumes, etc.) рассказ и т.д. занимает шестнадцать страниц и т.д.; her letter ran to a great length она написала очень длинное письмо
    24) run against (into, on, at, etc.) smth. run against /into/ a tree (into a wall, into a bank of soft mud, at the railing, etc.) налететь на дерево и т.д., врезаться в дерево и т.д.; run against a rock (on a mine, etc.) наскочить на скалу и т.д.; run into a patch of thick mist (into a gale, into a storm, etc.) попасть в густой туман и т.д.
    25) run into (across, etc.) smb. run into each other (into an old classmate, into an old friend, etc.) случайно встретить друг друга и т.д.; run across smb. in the street столкнуться с кем-л. на улице; when did you last run across him? когда вы с ним последний раз виделись?; you never know whom you'll run into at a party никогда не знаешь, кого встретишь на вечеринке
    26) run into (across) smth. run into danger (into trouble, into mischief, etc.) попасть в опасное положение и т.д.; run into difficulties очутиться в затруднительном положении; run into debts залезть в долга; run across one of his earliest recordings (across the first edition of this book in a second-hand bookshop, etc.) натолкнуться на /случайно найти/ одну из его ранних записей и т.д.; he ran across her name in the phone book он случайно встретил /увидел/ ее имя в телефонной книге; run against smth. this runs against my interests это идет вразрез с моими интересами
    27) run for smth. run for parliament (for office, for the presidency, for governor, etc.) баллотироваться в члены парламента и т.д.; run in smth. run in an election баллотироваться на выборах; how many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election? сколько кандидатов выставляет либеральная партия на выборах?; run against smb. whom will the Republicans run against the Democratic candidate? кого выставят республиканцы против кандидата от демократической партии?
    28) aux run in smth. musical talent (courage, broadmindedness, red hair, etc) runs in the family (in the blood) музыкальность и т.д. - их семейная черта (у них в крови); run to smth. run to sentiment /to sentimentality/ (to fat, etc.) быть склонным /расположенным/ к сентиментальности и т.д.; they run to big noses (to red hair, to being overweight, etc.) in that family в их семье у всех большие носы и т.д.; the novel runs to long descriptions в романе слишком много затянутых описаний
    11. XIX1
    1) run like smb., smth. run like a deer /like a hare, like the devil, like hell, like blazes, like anything/ бежать во весь опор /что есть мочи/
    2) run like smth. news (rumours) run like wildfire (like lightning) новости (слухи) распространяются как лесной пожар (с быстротой молнии)
    12. XX3
    2) || run as follows гласить следующее; the conversation ran as follows... разговор был такой...
    13. XXI1
    1) run smth. in (over) smth. run two miles in six minutes проехать две мили за шесть минут; run a race over a mile бежать на дистанцию в одну милю;
    2) run smb. across (out of, etc.) smth. run a horse across a field погонять лошадь по полю; run oneself out of breath бежать так, что начинаешь задыхаться
    3) run smb., smth. (in)to (off, out of, etc.) smth. run a fox to cover /to earth/ загнать лису в нору; they ran him off his property его согнали с собственной земля; run smb. out of the country выдворить кого-л. из страны; run a саг into a garage (a ship into harbour, a cart into the yard, etc.) завезти машину в гараж и т.д.
    4) run smth. in (to) smth. run some water into glasses (milk into casks, lead into moulds, etc.) наливать воду в стаканы и т.д.; run bullets into a mould отливать пули; run oil in a still рафинировать масло; run smth. for smb., smth. run a hot tub for smb. сделать для кого-л. горячую ванну; run the water for a tub наполнять ванну водой
    5) run smth. to smth. run ships (trains, etc.) to London водить корабли и т.д. в Лондон; run smth. between smth. run trains (buses, etc.) between these towns пускать поезда и т.д. между этими городами; run a ferry between these villages соединить эти деревни паромом; run smth. from smth. to smth. run trains ( line of mail-boats, etc.) from the capital to other cities пускать поезда и т.д. из столицы в другие города; run smth. during smth. run extra trains during rush hours пускать дополнительные поезда в часы пик
    6) run smth., smb. across (into, to, etc.) smth. run guns (narcotics, drugs, etc.) across the border (into the country) провозить /переправлять/ оружие и т.д. [контрабандой] через границу (в какую-л. страну); run smb. up to town отвозить кого-л. в город
    7) run smth. at smth. run a factory at a loss иметь от фабрики один убытки; run a саг at small cost тратить на содержание машины немного денег; run smth. off smth. she runs her electric sewing-machine off the mains ее электрическая швейная машина работает от сети; run smth., smb. in smth. run a car (a bicycle, etc.) in a race участвовать в автогонках и т.д.; he runs horses in races a) он жокей; б) он держит конюшню /скаковых лошадей/
    8) run smth. across (around, from... to, etc.) smth. run a partition across a room разгородить комнату перегородкой; run a rope across the street натянуть канат через улицу; run a fence around the lot обнести участок забором; run a telephone cable from one place to another проложить /провести/ телефонный кабель от одного пункта в другой, соединять два пункта телефонным кабелем
    9) run smth. against (over, through, etc.) smth. run one's fingers (one's hand) against a door (over a surface, over the seams of the boat, etc.) провести пальцами (рукой) по двери и т.д.; ощупать дверь и т.д.; run a comb through one's hair расчесать волосы гребнем; run one's hand over one's hair пригладить волосы ладонью; run one's fingers over the strings of a harp (over the keys of a piano, etc.) пробежать пальцами по струнам арфы и т.д.; run one's eyes over a page (over a letter, etc.) пробежать глазами страницу и т.д.; run one's finger down the list просмотреть список, водя по строчкам пальцем; run one's pencil through these names (through a word, etc.) зачеркнуть эти фамилии и т.д. карандашом; run a line on a map (over a surface, etc.) провести /прочертить/ линию на карте и т.д.
    10) run smth. behind smth. run a few minutes behind schedule (behind time) не укладываться в расписание (во времени); if we run ten minutes behind schedule the whole evening's viewing will be thrown out of gear если расписание сдвинется больше, чем на десять минут, то программа всего вечера будет нарушена; the programmes are running 10 minutes behind schedule наши программы сегодня запаздывают на десять минут
    11) run smb., smth. through smth. run the actors through their parts заставить актеров повторить свои роли или партии; I'd like to run you through that scene я бы хотел, чтобы вы еще раз провели эту сцену
    12) run smth. to smth. run tile rumour to its source выяснить источник слухов; run a quotation to earth выяснить, откуда взята цитата
    13) run smth. on smth. run the story (this account, the article, this cartoon, etc.) on page one напечатать рассказ и т.д. на первой странице
    14) run smth., smb. into (on) smth., smb. run a саг into a tree (into a wall, into a post, etc.) врезаться машиной в дерево и т.д.; run a ship on a rock разбить корабль о скалу; run the troops into an ambush загнать или заманить войска в засаду; he ran me into a сор из-за него я налетел на полицейского; run smb. into a corner загнать кого-л. в угол; run smth. against smth. run one's head against a wall стукнуться /удариться/ головой о стену; run one's nose against a post (against a wall, etc.) разбить нос о столб и т.д.
    15) run smth. into (through) smth., smb. run a nail into a board забить /загнать/ гвоздь в доску; run a splinter into one's toe (into one's foot, into one's finger, etc.) занозить палец и т.д.; run a thorn (a needle) into one's finger загнать шип (иголку) в палец; run a knife into a loaf разрезать буханку хлеба ножом; run a thread through an eyelet (a rope through a loop) продеть нитку в иголку (веревку в петлю); run a sword through one's enemy пронзить /проколоть/ своего противника шпагой; run smb. through with smth. run a man through with a sword проткнуть кого-л. шпагой
    16) || run a stocking on smth. рвать чулок обо что-л.; run a stocking on a nail разодрать чулок о гвоздь
    17) run smth. for smb. who runs his house for him? кто ведет у него хозяйство?
    18) run smb. (in)to smth. run smb. into expense ввести кого-л. в расход; run smb. into debts заставить кого-л. влезть в долги; run oneself to death до смерти забегаться || this ran me clean off my legs я из-за этого столько бегал, что теперь ног под собой не чую
    19) aux run smth. on (at) smth. I can't afford to run a car on my salary на свою зарплату я не могу содержать машину; run 60 head of cattle on this ranch держать на ранчо шестьдесят голов скота; run an account at the grocery иметь счет у бакалейщика
    14. XXV
    1) run if... (when..., etc.) you'll have to run if you want to catch the train тебе придется бежать, если ты хочешь успеть на поезд; he used to run when he was at college когда он был студентом, он занимался бегом
    2) run when the colour of the dress ran when it was washed платье полиняло в стирке
    3) run that... the story (the rumour) runs that... по рассказам (по слухам)...

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > run

  • 5 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 6 near cash

    гос. фин. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    This paper provides background information on the framework for the planning and control of public expenditure in the UK which has been operated since the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). It sets out the different classifications of spending for budgeting purposes and why these distinctions have been adopted. It discusses how the public expenditure framework is designed to ensure both sound public finances and an outcome-focused approach to public expenditure.
    The UK's public spending framework is based on several key principles:
    consistency with a long-term, prudent and transparent regime for managing the public finances as a whole;
    " "
    the judgement of success by policy outcomes rather than resource inputs;
    " "
    strong incentives for departments and their partners in service delivery to plan over several years and plan together where appropriate so as to deliver better public services with greater cost effectiveness; and
    the proper costing and management of capital assets to provide the right incentives for public investment.
    The Government sets policy to meet two firm fiscal rules:
    the Golden Rule states that over the economic cycle, the Government will borrow only to invest and not to fund current spending; and
    the Sustainable Investment Rule states that net public debt as a proportion of GDP will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level. Other things being equal, net debt will be maintained below 40 per cent of GDP over the economic cycle.
    Achievement of the fiscal rules is assessed by reference to the national accounts, which are produced by the Office for National Statistics, acting as an independent agency. The Government sets its spending envelope to comply with these fiscal rules.
    Departmental Expenditure Limits ( DEL) and Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)
    Departmental Expenditure Limit ( DEL) spending, which is planned and controlled on a three year basis in Spending Reviews; and
    Annually Managed Expenditure ( AME), which is expenditure which cannot reasonably be subject to firm, multi-year limits in the same way as DEL. AME includes social security benefits, local authority self-financed expenditure, debt interest, and payments to EU institutions.
    More information about DEL and AME is set out below.
    In Spending Reviews, firm DEL plans are set for departments for three years. To ensure consistency with the Government's fiscal rules departments are set separate resource (current) and capital budgets. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    To encourage departments to plan over the medium term departments may carry forward unspent DEL provision from one year into the next and, subject to the normal tests for tautness and realism of plans, may be drawn down in future years. This end-year flexibility also removes any incentive for departments to use up their provision as the year end approaches with less regard to value for money. For the full benefits of this flexibility and of three year plans to feed through into improved public service delivery, end-year flexibility and three year budgets should be cascaded from departments to executive agencies and other budget holders.
    Three year budgets and end-year flexibility give those managing public services the stability to plan their operations on a sensible time scale. Further, the system means that departments cannot seek to bid up funds each year (before 1997, three year plans were set and reviewed in annual Public Expenditure Surveys). So the credibility of medium-term plans has been enhanced at both central and departmental level.
    Departments have certainty over the budgetary allocation over the medium term and these multi-year DEL plans are strictly enforced. Departments are expected to prioritise competing pressures and fund these within their overall annual limits, as set in Spending Reviews. So the DEL system provides a strong incentive to control costs and maximise value for money.
    There is a small centrally held DEL Reserve. Support from the Reserve is available only for genuinely unforeseeable contingencies which departments cannot be expected to manage within their DEL.
    AME typically consists of programmes which are large, volatile and demand-led, and which therefore cannot reasonably be subject to firm multi-year limits. The biggest single element is social security spending. Other items include tax credits, Local Authority Self Financed Expenditure, Scottish Executive spending financed by non-domestic rates, and spending financed from the proceeds of the National Lottery.
    AME is reviewed twice a year as part of the Budget and Pre-Budget Report process reflecting the close integration of the tax and benefit system, which was enhanced by the introduction of tax credits.
    AME is not subject to the same three year expenditure limits as DEL, but is still part of the overall envelope for public expenditure. Affordability is taken into account when policy decisions affecting AME are made. The Government has committed itself not to take policy measures which are likely to have the effect of increasing social security or other elements of AME without taking steps to ensure that the effects of those decisions can be accommodated prudently within the Government's fiscal rules.
    Given an overall envelope for public spending, forecasts of AME affect the level of resources available for DEL spending. Cautious estimates and the AME margin are built in to these AME forecasts and reduce the risk of overspending on AME.
    Together, DEL plus AME sum to Total Managed Expenditure (TME). TME is a measure drawn from national accounts. It represents the current and capital spending of the public sector. The public sector is made up of central government, local government and public corporations.
    Resource and Capital Budgets are set in terms of accruals information. Accruals information measures resources as they are consumed rather than when the cash is paid. So for example the Resource Budget includes a charge for depreciation, a measure of the consumption or wearing out of capital assets.
    Non cash charges in budgets do not impact directly on the fiscal framework. That may be because the national accounts use a different way of measuring the same thing, for example in the case of the depreciation of departmental assets. Or it may be that the national accounts measure something different: for example, resource budgets include a cost of capital charge reflecting the opportunity cost of holding capital; the national accounts include debt interest.
    Within the Resource Budget DEL, departments have separate controls on:
    Near cash spending, the sub set of Resource Budgets which impacts directly on the Golden Rule; and
    The amount of their Resource Budget DEL that departments may spend on running themselves (e.g. paying most civil servants’ salaries) is limited by Administration Budgets, which are set in Spending Reviews. Administration Budgets are used to ensure that as much money as practicable is available for front line services and programmes. These budgets also help to drive efficiency improvements in departments’ own activities. Administration Budgets exclude the costs of frontline services delivered directly by departments.
    The Budget preceding a Spending Review sets an overall envelope for public spending that is consistent with the fiscal rules for the period covered by the Spending Review. In the Spending Review, the Budget AME forecast for year one of the Spending Review period is updated, and AME forecasts are made for the later years of the Spending Review period.
    The 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review ( CSR), which was published in July 1998, was a comprehensive review of departmental aims and objectives alongside a zero-based analysis of each spending programme to determine the best way of delivering the Government's objectives. The 1998 CSR allocated substantial additional resources to the Government's key priorities, particularly education and health, for the three year period from 1999-2000 to 2001-02.
    Delivering better public services does not just depend on how much money the Government spends, but also on how well it spends it. Therefore the 1998 CSR introduced Public Service Agreements (PSAs). Each major government department was given its own PSA setting out clear targets for achievements in terms of public service improvements.
    The 1998 CSR also introduced the DEL/ AME framework for the control of public spending, and made other framework changes. Building on the investment and reforms delivered by the 1998 CSR, successive spending reviews in 2000, 2002 and 2004 have:
    provided significant increase in resources for the Government’s priorities, in particular health and education, and cross-cutting themes such as raising productivity; extending opportunity; and building strong and secure communities;
    " "
    enabled the Government significantly to increase investment in public assets and address the legacy of under investment from past decades. Departmental Investment Strategies were introduced in SR2000. As a result there has been a steady increase in public sector net investment from less than ¾ of a per cent of GDP in 1997-98 to 2¼ per cent of GDP in 2005-06, providing better infrastructure across public services;
    " "
    introduced further refinements to the performance management framework. PSA targets have been reduced in number over successive spending reviews from around 300 to 110 to give greater focus to the Government’s highest priorities. The targets have become increasingly outcome-focused to deliver further improvements in key areas of public service delivery across Government. They have also been refined in line with the conclusions of the Devolving Decision Making Review to provide a framework which encourages greater devolution and local flexibility. Technical Notes were introduced in SR2000 explaining how performance against each PSA target will be measured; and
    not only allocated near cash spending to departments, but also – since SR2002 - set Resource DEL plans for non cash spending.
    To identify what further investments and reforms are needed to equip the UK for the global challenges of the decade ahead, on 19 July 2005 the Chief Secretary to the Treasury announced that the Government intends to launch a second Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) reporting in 2007.
    A decade on from the first CSR, the 2007 CSR will represent a long-term and fundamental review of government expenditure. It will cover departmental allocations for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010 11. Allocations for 2007-08 will be held to the agreed figures already announced by the 2004 Spending Review. To provide a rigorous analytical framework for these departmental allocations, the Government will be taking forward a programme of preparatory work over 2006 involving:
    an assessment of what the sustained increases in spending and reforms to public service delivery have achieved since the first CSR. The assessment will inform the setting of new objectives for the decade ahead;
    " "
    an examination of the key long-term trends and challenges that will shape the next decade – including demographic and socio-economic change, globalisation, climate and environmental change, global insecurity and technological change – together with an assessment of how public services will need to respond;
    " "
    to release the resources needed to address these challenges, and to continue to secure maximum value for money from public spending over the CSR period, a set of zero-based reviews of departments’ baseline expenditure to assess its effectiveness in delivering the Government’s long-term objectives; together with
    further development of the efficiency programme, building on the cross cutting areas identified in the Gershon Review, to embed and extend ongoing efficiency savings into departmental expenditure planning.
    The 2007 CSR also offers the opportunity to continue to refine the PSA framework so that it drives effective delivery and the attainment of ambitious national standards.
    Public Service Agreements (PSAs) were introduced in the 1998 CSR. They set out agreed targets detailing the outputs and outcomes departments are expected to deliver with the resources allocated to them. The new spending regime places a strong emphasis on outcome targets, for example in providing for better health and higher educational standards or service standards. The introduction in SR2004 of PSA ‘standards’ will ensure that high standards in priority areas are maintained.
    The Government monitors progress against PSA targets, and departments report in detail twice a year in their annual Departmental Reports (published in spring) and in their autumn performance reports. These reports provide Parliament and the public with regular updates on departments’ performance against their targets.
    Technical Notes explain how performance against each PSA target will be measured.
    To make the most of both new investment and existing assets, there needs to be a coherent long term strategy against which investment decisions are taken. Departmental Investment Strategies (DIS) set out each department's plans to deliver the scale and quality of capital stock needed to underpin its objectives. The DIS includes information about the department's existing capital stock and future plans for that stock, as well as plans for new investment. It also sets out the systems that the department has in place to ensure that it delivers its capital programmes effectively.
    This document was updated on 19 December 2005.
    Near-cash resource expenditure that has a related cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment might be made in arrears on aquarterly basis. Other examples of near-cash expenditure are: pay, rental.Net cash requirement the upper limit agreed by Parliament on the cash which a department may draw from theConsolidated Fund to finance the expenditure within the ambit of its Request forResources. It is equal to the agreed amount of net resources and net capital less non-cashitems and working capital.Non-cash cost costs where there is no cash transaction but which are included in a body’s accounts (or taken into account in charging for a service) to establish the true cost of all the resourcesused.Non-departmental a body which has a role in the processes of government, but is not a government public body, NDPBdepartment or part of one. NDPBs accordingly operate at arm’s length from governmentMinisters.Notional cost of a cost which is taken into account in setting fees and charges to improve comparability with insuranceprivate sector service providers.The charge takes account of the fact that public bodies donot generally pay an insurance premium to a commercial insurer.the independent body responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about theUK’s society and economy. (At the time of going to print legislation was progressing tochange this body to the Statistics Board).Office of Government an office of the Treasury, with a status similar to that of an agency, which aims to maximise Commerce, OGCthe government’s purchasing power for routine items and combine professional expertiseto bear on capital projects.Office of the the government department responsible for discharging the Paymaster General’s statutoryPaymaster General,responsibilities to hold accounts and make payments for government departments and OPGother public bodies.Orange bookthe informal title for Management of Risks: Principles and Concepts, which is published by theTreasury for the guidance of public sector bodies.Office for NationalStatistics, ONS60Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYOverdraftan account with a negative balance.Parliament’s formal agreement to authorise an activity or expenditure.Prerogative powerspowers exercisable under the Royal Prerogative, ie powers which are unique to the Crown,as contrasted with common-law powers which may be available to the Crown on the samebasis as to natural persons.Primary legislationActs which have been passed by the Westminster Parliament and, where they haveappropriate powers, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Begin asBills until they have received Royal Assent.arrangements under which a public sector organisation contracts with a private sectorentity to construct a facility and provide associated services of a specified quality over asustained period. See annex 7.5.Proprietythe principle that patterns of resource consumption should respect Parliament’s intentions,conventions and control procedures, including any laid down by the PAC. See box 2.4.Public Accountssee Committee of Public Accounts.CommitteePublic corporationa trading body controlled by central government, local authority or other publiccorporation that has substantial day to day operating independence. See section 7.8.Public Dividend finance provided by government to public sector bodies as an equity stake; an alternative to Capital, PDCloan finance.Public Service sets out what the public can expect the government to deliver with its resources. EveryAgreement, PSAlarge government department has PSA(s) which specify deliverables as targets or aimsrelated to objectives.a structured arrangement between a public sector and a private sector organisation tosecure an outcome delivering good value for money for the public sector. It is classified tothe public or private sector according to which has more control.Rate of returnthe financial remuneration delivered by a particular project or enterprise, expressed as apercentage of the net assets employed.Regularitythe principle that resource consumption should accord with the relevant legislation, therelevant delegated authority and this document. See box 2.4.Request for the functional level into which departmental Estimates may be split. RfRs contain a number Resources, RfRof functions being carried out by the department in pursuit of one or more of thatdepartment’s objectives.Resource accountan accruals account produced in line with the Financial Reporting Manual (FReM).Resource accountingthe system under which budgets, Estimates and accounts are constructed in a similar wayto commercial audited accounts, so that both plans and records of expenditure allow in fullfor the goods and services which are to be, or have been, consumed – ie not just the cashexpended.Resource budgetthe means by which the government plans and controls the expenditure of resources tomeet its objectives.Restitutiona legal concept which allows money and property to be returned to its rightful owner. Ittypically operates where another person can be said to have been unjustly enriched byreceiving such monies.Return on capital the ratio of profit to capital employed of an accounting entity during an identified period.employed, ROCEVarious measures of profit and of capital employed may be used in calculating the ratio.Public Privatepartnership, PPPPrivate Finance Initiative, PFIParliamentaryauthority61Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYRoyal charterthe document setting out the powers and constitution of a corporation established underprerogative power of the monarch acting on Privy Council advice.Second readingthe second formal time that a House of Parliament may debate a bill, although in practicethe first substantive debate on its content. If successful, it is deemed to denoteParliamentary approval of the principle of the proposed legislation.Secondary legislationlaws, including orders and regulations, which are made using powers in primary legislation.Normally used to set out technical and administrative provision in greater detail thanprimary legislation, they are subject to a less intense level of scrutiny in Parliament.European legislation is,however,often implemented in secondary legislation using powers inthe European Communities Act 1972.Service-level agreement between parties, setting out in detail the level of service to be performed.agreementWhere agreements are between central government bodies, they are not legally a contractbut have a similar function.Shareholder Executive a body created to improve the government’s performance as a shareholder in businesses.Spending reviewsets out the key improvements in public services that the public can expect over a givenperiod. It includes a thorough review of departmental aims and objectives to find the bestway of delivering the government’s objectives, and sets out the spending plans for the givenperiod.State aidstate support for a domestic body or company which could distort EU competition and sois not usually allowed. See annex 4.9.Statement of Excessa formal statement detailing departments’ overspends prepared by the Comptroller andAuditor General as a result of undertaking annual audits.Statement on Internal an annual statement that Accounting Officers are required to make as part of the accounts Control, SICon a range of risk and control issues.Subheadindividual elements of departmental expenditure identifiable in Estimates as single cells, forexample cell A1 being administration costs within a particular line of departmental spending.Supplyresources voted by Parliament in response to Estimates, for expenditure by governmentdepartments.Supply Estimatesa statement of the resources the government needs in the coming financial year, and forwhat purpose(s), by which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level ofexpenditure and income.Target rate of returnthe rate of return required of a project or enterprise over a given period, usually at least a year.Third sectorprivate sector bodies which do not act commercially,including charities,social and voluntaryorganisations and other not-for-profit collectives. See annex 7.7.Total Managed a Treasury budgeting term which covers all current and capital spending carried out by the Expenditure,TMEpublic sector (ie not just by central departments).Trading fundan organisation (either within a government department or forming one) which is largely orwholly financed from commercial revenue generated by its activities. Its Estimate shows itsnet impact, allowing its income from receipts to be devoted entirely to its business.Treasury Minutea formal administrative document drawn up by the Treasury, which may serve a wide varietyof purposes including seeking Parliamentary approval for the use of receipts asappropriations in aid, a remission of some or all of the principal of voted loans, andresponding on behalf of the government to reports by the Public Accounts Committee(PAC).62Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARY63Managing Public MoneyValue for moneythe process under which organisation’s procurement, projects and processes aresystematically evaluated and assessed to provide confidence about suitability, effectiveness,prudence,quality,value and avoidance of error and other waste,judged for the public sectoras a whole.Virementthe process through which funds are moved between subheads such that additionalexpenditure on one is met by savings on one or more others.Votethe process by which Parliament approves funds in response to supply Estimates.Voted expenditureprovision for expenditure that has been authorised by Parliament. Parliament ‘votes’authority for public expenditure through the Supply Estimates process. Most expenditureby central government departments is authorised in this way.Wider market activity activities undertaken by central government organisations outside their statutory duties,using spare capacity and aimed at generating a commercial profit. See annex 7.6.Windfallmonies received by a department which were not anticipated in the spending review.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > near cash

  • 7 round

    round [raʊnd]
    rond1 (a)-(c), 4 (a) autour (de)2 (a), 2 (c), 2 (e), 3 (a) environ2 (g), 6 série4 (c) tournée4 (d), 4 (h) tour4 (f) partie4 (g)
    (a) (circular) rond, circulaire; (spherical) rond, sphérique;
    to become round s'arrondir;
    the earth is round la terre est ronde;
    to have a round face avoir la figure ronde;
    she looked up, her eyes round with surprise elle leva des yeux écarquillés de surprise;
    round hand or handwriting écriture f ronde
    (b) (curved → belly, cheeks) rond;
    to have round shoulders avoir le dos rond ou voûté
    (c) (figures) rond;
    in round figures en chiffres ronds;
    that's 500, in round figures ça fait 500 tout rond;
    a round dozen une douzaine tout rond
    a round sum une somme rondelette
    (e) literary (candid) net, franc (franche);
    they gave a round denial ils ont nié tout net
    (f) (rich, sonorous → tone, voice) sonore
    (a) (on all sides of) autour de;
    sitting round the fire/table assis autour du feu/de la table;
    the village is built round a green le village est construit autour d'un jardin public;
    they were all grouped round the teacher ils étaient tous rassemblés autour du professeur;
    the story centres round one particular family l'histoire est surtout centrée autour d'une famille
    the pillar is three feet round the base la base du pilier fait trois pieds de circonférence;
    he's 95 cm round the chest il fait 95 cm de tour de poitrine
    (c) (in the vicinity of, near) autour de;
    the countryside round Bath is lovely la campagne autour de Bath est très belle;
    they live somewhere round here ils habitent quelque part par ici
    the nearest garage is just round the corner le garage le plus proche est juste au coin de la rue;
    the grocer round the corner l'épicier du coin;
    she disappeared round the back of the house elle a disparu derrière la maison;
    the orchard is round the back le verger est derrière;
    to go round the corner passer le coin, tourner au coin;
    to go round an obstacle contourner un obstacle;
    there must be a way round the problem il doit y avoir un moyen de contourner ce problème
    he put his arm round her shoulders/waist il a passé son bras autour de ses épaules/de sa taille;
    she wears a scarf round her neck elle porte une écharpe autour du cou;
    he put a blanket round her legs il lui enveloppa les jambes d'une couverture;
    the shark swam round the boat le requin faisait des cercles autour du bateau;
    Drake sailed round the world Drake a fait le tour du monde en bateau;
    the earth goes or moves round the sun la terre tourne autour du soleil;
    they were dancing round a fire ils dansaient autour d'un feu
    (f) (all over, everywhere in)
    all round the world dans le monde entier, partout dans le monde;
    to travel round the world/country faire le tour du monde/du pays;
    she looked round the room elle a promené son regard autour de la pièce;
    to walk round the town faire le tour de la ville (à pied);
    we went for a stroll round the garden nous avons fait une balade dans le jardin;
    there's a rumour going round the school une rumeur circule dans l'école
    (g) (approximately) environ, aux environs de;
    round six o'clock aux environs de ou vers les six heures;
    round Christmas aux environs de Noël
    round the clock 24 heures sur 24;
    we worked round the clock nous avons travaillé 24 heures d'affilée;
    he slept round the clock il a fait le tour du cadran
    there's a fence all round il y a une clôture tout autour;
    there are trees all the way round il y a des arbres tout autour;
    taking things all round, taken all round à tout prendre, tout compte fait;
    all round, it was a good result dans l'ensemble, c'était un bon résultat
    you'll have to go round, the door's locked il faudra faire le tour, la porte est fermée à clé;
    we drove round to the back nous avons fait le tour (par derrière)
    turn the wheel right round or all the way round faites faire un tour complet à la roue;
    the shark swam round in circles le requin tournait en rond;
    all year round tout au long de ou toute l'année;
    summer will soon be or come round again l'été reviendra vite
    turn round and look at me retournez-vous et regardez-moi;
    she looked round at us elle se retourna pour nous regarder;
    we'll have to turn the car round on va devoir faire demi-tour;
    to have one's hat/jumper on the wrong way round avoir son chapeau/son pull à l'envers;
    to do sth the wrong way round faire qch à l'envers;
    it's the other way round (quite the opposite) c'est (tout) le contraire;
    try the key the other way round essaie la clef dans l'autre sens
    we spent the summer just travelling round on a passé l'été à voyager;
    can I have a look round? je peux jeter un coup d'œil?
    hand the sweets round, hand round the sweets faites passer les bonbons;
    there's a rumour going round il y a une rumeur qui court;
    there wasn't enough to go round il n'y en avait pas assez pour tout le monde
    she came round to see me elle est passée me voir;
    let's invite some friends round et si on invitait des amis?;
    come round for dinner some time viens dîner un soir;
    take these cakes round to her house apportez-lui ces gâteaux;
    he'll be round il passera;
    to order the car round demander qu'on amène la voiture
    (h) (to a different place, position)
    she's always moving the furniture round elle passe son temps à changer les meubles de place;
    try shifting the aerial round a bit essaie de bouger un peu l'antenne
    we had to take the long way round on a dû faire le grand tour ou un grand détour;
    she went round by the stream elle fit un détour par le ruisseau
    the tree is 5 metres round l'arbre fait 5 mètres de circonférence
    4 noun
    (a) (circle) rond m, cercle m
    (b) British (slice → of ham, cheese, bread, toast) tranche f;
    a round of sandwiches = un sandwich au pain de mie coupé en deux ou en quatre
    (c) (one in a series → of discussions, negotiations) série f; (→ of elections) tour m; (→ of increases) série f, train m;
    the next round of talks will be held in Moscow les prochains pourparlers auront lieu à Moscou
    (d) (regular route → for delivery) tournée f; (→ of sentry, patrol) ronde f;
    to do a paper/milk round distribuer les journaux/le lait à domicile;
    to do a hospital round faire sa visite à l'hôpital, visiter ses malades;
    to go on or do one's rounds (paperboy, milkman) faire sa tournée; (doctor) faire ses visites; (guard, policeman) faire sa ronde;
    to go or do or make the rounds (story, rumour, cold) circuler;
    there are several theories going the rounds at the moment il y a plusieurs théories qui circulent en ce moment;
    there's a joke/rumour/virus going the rounds in the office il y a une blague/une rumeur/un virus qui circule au bureau;
    she's doing or making the rounds of literary agents/travel agents elle fait le tour des agents littéraires/des agences de voyages
    the daily round le train-train quotidien, la routine quotidienne;
    the daily round of cooking and cleaning les travaux quotidiens de cuisine et de ménage;
    his life is one long round of parties il passe sa vie à faire la fête
    (f) (stage of competition) tour m, manche f;
    to be/get through to the next round se qualifier/s'être qualifié pour la manche suivante;
    she's through to the final round elle participera à la finale
    (g) (of golf, cards) partie f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, reprise f;
    Horseriding there were six clear rounds six chevaux avaient fait un sans-faute;
    Boxing he only went three rounds il n'a fait que trois rounds;
    to play a round of golf faire une partie de golf;
    he had the best round of the day c'est lui qui a fait le meilleur parcours ou round
    (h) (of drinks) tournée f;
    to buy or stand a round of drinks payer une tournée (générale);
    it's my round c'est ma tournée;
    let's have another round prenons encore un verre
    (i) (of cheering) salve f
    (j) (of ammunition) cartouche f;
    how many rounds have we got left? combien de cartouches nous reste-t-il?
    (k) (song) canon m
    theatre in the round théâtre m en rond
    sculpture in the round ronde-bosse f
    (a) (lips, vowel) arrondir
    (b) (corner) tourner; Nautical (cape) doubler, franchir
    we need round about 6,000 posters il nous faut environ 6000 affiches;
    she's round about forty elle a la quarantaine;
    round about midnight vers minuit
    alentour, des alentours;
    the villages round about les villages alentour ou des alentours
    to go round and round tourner;
    we drove round and round for hours on a tourné en rond pendant des heures;
    my head was spinning round and round j'avais la tête qui tournait
    we drove round and round the field on a fait plusieurs tours dans le champ;
    the helicopter flew round and round the lighthouse l'hélicoptère a tourné plusieurs fois autour du phare
    ►► round of applause des applaudissements mpl;
    give her a round of applause! on peut l'applaudir!;
    they got a round of applause ils se sont fait applaudir;
    Architecture round arch arc m en plein cintre;
    Cookery round of beef gîte m à la noix;
    Typography round brackets parenthèses fpl;
    round dance ronde f;
    round figure chiffre m rond;
    in round figures en chiffres mpl ronds;
    round robin (letter) pétition f (où les signatures sont disposées en rond); esp American (contest) poule f;
    the Round Table la Table ronde;
    round table table f ronde;
    round trip (voyage m) aller et retour m;
    I did the round trip in six hours j'ai fait l'aller-retour en six heures;
    Anatomy round window fenêtre f ronde
    arrondir au chiffre inférieur;
    their prices were rounded down to the nearest £10 ils ont arrondi leurs prix aux 10 livres inférieures
    (a) (finish, complete) terminer, clore;
    he rounded off his meal with a glass of brandy il a terminé son repas par un verre de cognac;
    to round things off… pour finir…
    (b) (figures → round down) arrondir au chiffre inférieur; (→ round up) arrondir au chiffre supérieur
    attaquer, s'en prendre à
    (complete) compléter; (deepen) approfondir
    prendre des rondeurs
    (a) (cattle, people) rassembler; (criminals) ramasser
    (b) (figures) arrondir au chiffre supérieur

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > round

  • 8 run

    1. present participle - running; verb
    1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) løpe
    2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) gli (over), gå
    3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) renne, strømme
    4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) være i gang, gå
    5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) drive, lede, styre
    6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) løpe (om kapp), la delta i veddeløp
    7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) gå, kjøre
    8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.)
    9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) kjøre; eie
    10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) farge av, renne utover
    11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) kjøre, gi skyss
    12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) gli, renne
    13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).) være, bli
    2. noun
    1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.) løp(etur)
    2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.) kjøretur, reise
    3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.) periode, stund
    4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.) løpemaske, raknet maske
    5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.) fri adgang
    6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.) -gård
    7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.)
    - running 3. adverb
    (one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) i ett, i trekk, på rad
    - runaway
    - rundown
    - runner-up
    - runway
    - in
    - out of the running
    - on the run
    - run across
    - run after
    - run aground
    - run along
    - run away
    - run down
    - run for
    - run for it
    - run in
    - run into
    - run its course
    - run off
    - run out
    - run over
    - run a temperature
    - run through
    - run to
    - run up
    - run wild
    subst. \/rʌn\/
    1) joggetur, løpetur
    2) løp, springmarsj
    3) løping, renning, renn
    4) (tilbakelagt) strekning
    5) evne til å løpe, kraft til å løpe
    han hadde krefter igjen til (å løpe) enda en «mile»
    6) tilløp, sats, ansats (for hopp)
    7) (sport, i cricket e.l.) run, poeng, (fri)omgang
    8) (softball, baseball, også run score) poeng
    9) kort reise, tur, svipptur, snartur
    10) reise, kjøring, seiling, seilas, sjøreise
    11) rute, vei, runde
    12) remse, stripe, strekning
    13) strøm, flom av vann
    14) (amer.) bekk, å
    15) ( gruvedrift) ras
    16) (plutselig) fall, ras
    17) tendens, retning, utvikling, vei
    18) retning
    19) gang, rytme, forløp
    20) serie, rekke, periode
    21) plutselig (forsterket) etterspørsel, rush, renn
    22) ( kortspill) suite
    23) ( handel) merke, sort, type
    24) produksjonsserie
    25) trykking, opplag
    26) ( om dyr) kull
    27) hjord, flokk (av husdyr)
    28) ( om fisk) stim (på vandring), vandringsfisk
    29) ( om fisk) vandring til gyteplass
    30) innhegning, (løpe)gård (for dyr)
    31) (spesielt austr., også sheep run)
    beitemark (for sauer)
    32) spor, sti (opptrampet av dyr)
    33) ( sport eller teknikk) bane, spor, løype
    34) ( for vann e.l.) renne
    35) ( hverdagslig) fri tilgang, adgang
    36) ( på strømpe e.l.) (løpe)maske, raknet maske
    37) ( sjøfart) akterskipets linjer under vannflaten
    38) (militærvesen, mot bombemål) innflyging
    at a run i springmarsj, løpende, i strak galopp ( militærvesen) i løp
    come down with a run falle plutselig, rase
    the common run det vanlige, den vanlige sorten
    have a good run ha fremgang, ha flaks, gjøre lykke, gå bra
    have a long run være på moten lenge ( om skuespill og film) gå lenge, bli spilt lenge
    ( også) sitte lenge ved makten
    have a run (være ute og) løpe
    have a (good) run for one's money få valuta for pengene, ha glede av pengene få en hard kamp, få hard konkurranse
    in the long run i lengden, i det lange løp, på lang sikt
    in the normal run of events under normale forhold
    in the short run på kort sikt
    on the run ( hverdagslig) på flukt, på rømmen, flyktende ( hverdagslig) på sprang(et), i farten, i gang, i virksomhet
    per metre run per løpemeter
    run of fri tilgang til
    la noen få komme og gå som han\/hun vil i ens hus
    run of office embetsperiode
    a run of salmon en laksestim på vei opp elven
    the run of the tide tidevannets stigning og fall, tidevannets rytme
    run on renn etter, plutselig etterspørsel etter
    take a run ta en (jogge)tur, løpe en runde
    ta seg en tur
    ta sats
    verb ( ran - run) \/rʌn\/
    1) løpe, springe, renne
    2) ( som trening) jogge, løpe
    3) skynde seg, ile, haste, fare, kut(t)e
    4) gli, løpe, gå, rulle, kjøre
    5) gå på, drives av, fungere på
    6) springe omkring på, løpe rundt i
    7) springe etter, jage, forfølge, jakte på
    hunden forfulgte en rev fem «miles»
    8) løpe om kapp med, kappløpe
    9) flykte (fra), fly
    10) ( om idrettsutøver eller veddeløpshest) delta i løp, løpe, springe, konkurrere
    11) ( om veddeløpshest e.l.) la springe, la løpe, la delta, stille (opp) med
    12) ( overført) løpe, ta
    13) ( om tid) gå, forløpe, fly, renne bort
    15) ( politikk e.l., spesielt amer.) stille (til valg) som kandidat
    han stiller ikke opp (til valg) igjen, han har frabedt seg gjenvalg
    16) drive, stå for drift av
    17) lede, styre, regjere, dominere
    18) arrangere, holde, organisere, stå for
    19) skjøtte, passe, forestå, stå i spissen for
    passe huset for noen, føre husholdningen for noen
    20) ( om maskin e.l.) gå, være i gang, være i drift
    21) ( samferdsel) gå (i trafikk), kjøre, trafikkere
    22) ( samferdsel) frakte, befordre, transportere
    23) kjøre, skysse
    24) ( overført) flyte
    25) la gli, la løpe, dra, fare med, kjøre, stryke
    26) kjøre, renne, stikke
    27) kjøre
    28) kjøre, vise, spille, holde i gang
    kjøre en film, vise en film
    29) ( sjøfart) seile, føre
    30) kjøre (med), ha i trafikk
    31) sette inn (i trafikk)
    32) ( overført) spre seg, løpe, fare
    33) ( om farge) flyte ut, flyte sammen, farge av, slippe farge
    34) renne, dryppe, flyte, flomme (over)
    35) ( om sår) væske, verke
    36) smelte, bli flytende, være flytende
    37) gå, løpe, strekke seg, bre seg ut
    38) ( om plante) slynge seg, klatre
    39) løpe, gjelde
    40) pågå, gå, være i gang
    skuespillet gikk \/ ble spilt i seks måneder
    41) lyde, låte
    det sier historien \/ slik lyder historien
    42) ( om strømpe e.l.) rakne, gå opp
    43) (australsk, også run to pasture)
    drive på beite, la beite
    44) kjøre mot
    45) tappe i, fylle i
    46) lede, føre, la renne
    47) strømme av, renne av, flomme av, sprute (frem), gi
    48) smugle (inn)
    49) dra, trekke, legge ut
    50) tråkle, kaste, sy med forsting
    51) støpe
    52) holde, ha
    53) føre
    54) utføre, gjøre
    55) trykke, publisere, ha (som nyhet)
    be\/feel run down være utkjørt, være helt gåen, være helt på felgen, være trett og nedfor, kjenne seg overanstrengt, føle seg tom
    be run out ( i cricket) bli utslått, bli løpt ut
    cut and run secut, 2
    he who runs may read det kan hvem som helst begripe, det kan en blind se
    keep running in one's head\/mind (om melodi, tanker e.l.) stadig ha i tankene, kverne i hodet på en
    leave something running la noe være i gang, la noe gå
    la motoren være i gang, la motoren gå (på tomgang)
    run about eller run around løpe omkring, fare omkring, springe omkring
    run across løpe tvers over, gå tvers over støte på, råke på, treffe på, komme over
    run after ( også overført) løpe etter, forfølge, jage (etter), være på jakt etter
    passe opp
    run against støte på, råke på, treffe på ( gammeldags) støte sammen med, kollidere med ( overført) komme i veien for, komme i strid med ( sport e.l.) konkurrere mot, løpe mot ( politikk e.l., spesielt amer.) stille (opp) mot, stille som kandidat mot gå tvert imot, være tvert imot, komme på tvers av
    run aground gå på grunn, seile på grunn, grunnstøte, sette på grunn, seile på grunn
    run along! (hverdagslig, spesielt til barn eller dyr) stikk av gårde!, skynd deg av sted!, i vei med deg!, stikk av gårde!
    run around være lett på tråden
    run around with eller run with ( hverdagslig) henge sammen med, omgås med
    run at idle seidle, 1
    run at somebody eller run (up)on somebody løpe mot noen, storme mot noen, komme stormende mot noen, komme løpende mot noen
    run away løpe i vei, haste i vei flykte, legge på flukt, rømme, stikke av, lure seg bort ( om hest) løpe løpsk, skjene
    run away from ( også overført) rømme fra, flykte fra, forlate, stikke av fra løpe fra, stikke fra (konkurrent e.l.)
    run away to sea stikke til sjøs, rømme til sjøs
    run away with rømme med, stikke av med ( også overført) stjele
    bortføre, kidnappe ( om hest) løpe løpsk med, skjene (i vei) med vinne lett, ta (hjem) lett
    la seg rive med av, (blindt) hengi seg til
    gå nå ikke omkring og tro at, innbill deg nå ikke at
    ( overført) løpe løpsk med, sette fart på, løpe av med
    sluke, koste
    run back gå tilbake i hukommelsen, se tilbake ( om film e.l.) spole tilbake, kjøre tilbake
    run back over gå tilbake i hukommelsen til, se tilbake på
    run back to ( overført) gå tilbake til, gå tilbake på
    run down springe ned(over), løpe ned(over), fare ned(over), renne ned(over), spre seg nedover
    ( om ur e.l.) (holde på å) stanse, slutte å gå ( om helse) bli dårligere
    ta slutt
    batteriet er flatt, batteriet er utladet
    gjøre slutt på forfalle, forringes, forverres minske, gå tilbake holde tilbake, strupe
    innskrenke, skjære ned, gjøre innskrenkninger ved, foreta nedskjæringer ved
    ( om (inner)slange) tappe ut luften, slippe ut luften reise ut (fra storby)
    kjøre over, kjøre ned, løpe over ende seile i senk jage trett, jage til døde, utmatte (om vilt)
    spore opp og fange snakke stygt om, rakke ned på, sverte, skjelle ut
    spore opp, lete frem, forsøke å spore kilden til, forsøke å spore opphavet til
    gå raskt gjennom, kikke raskt gjennom ( sjøfart) ta ned, ta inn, låre
    run down someone fange noen, ta igjen noen
    run dry ( også overført) gå tom, gå tørr, tørke inn, tørke opp, tørke ut
    run for løpe til, søke opp løpe etter (og hente) ( politikk e.l., spesielt amer.) (la) konkurrere om, stille (opp) som, stille til, stille i
    løpe (i), gjelde (for)
    pågå, gå
    run for it! ( hverdagslig) skynd deg!, løp for livet!, legg bena på nakken!
    run for one's life løpe for livet
    run from flykte fra, flykte for
    run high (om tidevann, pris e.l.) stige høyt
    ( om sjø) gå høy(t) (overført, om følelser e.l.) bølge høyt, bølge over, bli stadig hissigere
    run hot bli varm ( om motor e.l.) gå varm(t)
    run in komme stormende inn, styrte frem titte inn, stikke innom nærme seg løpe inn, seile inn
    finnes i, ligge til
    ( hverdagslig) fange, ta, arrestere
    kjøre inn
    dra (inn), trekke (inn)
    (typografi, amer.) la løpe (uten innrykk eller avsnitt) (typografi, amer.) sette inn
    run in on eller run in to styrte frem på, styrte frem mot
    run into kjøre på, kjøre (inn) i, renne imot, kollidere med
    seile på, renne på støte på, råke på, treffe på, løpe rett i armene på råke ut for, støte på, komme i, pådra seg sette i, bringe i, hensette i, pådra
    beløpe seg til, koste
    gå over i, bli til
    ( også overført) flyte sammen (til), smelte sammen i, forvandle til
    run it fine beregne knapp tid lage stramt budsjett
    run it's course gå sin (naturlige) gang
    run low synke, (begynne å) tørke ut
    ( overført) (begynne å) ta slutt, holde på å ta slutt, skorte, slippe opp, (begynne å) bli knapp
    run low of begynne å få dårlig med, begynne å mangle
    run off løpe (bort), springe (sin vei), flykte rømme, stikke av, lure seg bort
    (la) renne av, (la) renne unna tappe (ut), tømme (ut), slippe ut, helle ut
    drive bort, jage bort rable ned, klore ned, rive av seg, skrive i full fart
    trykke, kopiere, lage
    could you run off fifty copies of this?
    spille (av), kjøre
    ( sport) (endelig) avgjøre (gjennom omkamp)
    gjøre unna forsøksheat, avvikle forsøksheat
    run on gå på, løpe videre, kjøre videre, ferdes videre, ri videre, seile videre fortsette, løpe videre ( om sykdom) spre seg videre ( om tid) gå (videre)
    ( om bokstaver) henge sammen, løpe sammen, skrives sammenhengende prate i vei (uten opphold), dure i vei, male kretse rundt, være opptatt av
    handle om, dreie seg om
    (amer.) spøke med, irritere ( typografi e.l.) løpe i ett stykke ( typografi e.l.) sette inn i samme stykke, henge på i samme stykke gå på, drives med
    løpe mot, støte sammen med, råke på, gå på, støte imot
    run oneself out (of breath) trette seg ut, utmatte seg, kjøre seg tom
    run one's head against the wall ( overført) kjøre hodet mot veggen
    run out løpe ut, springe ut, gå ut gå ut, løpe ut, utløpe
    holde på å ta slutt, begynne å skorte, slippe opp for
    renne ut (av) (om tau, trosser e.l.) løpe ut, sendes ut, sette ut, legge ut, la løpe ut stikke ut, skyte ut, løpe ut
    ( røtter e.l.) sende ut jage bort, kjøre ut, drive ut
    drive ut på beite ( sport) avslutte, fullbyrde, avgjøre (om løp, konkurranse e.l.) ( overført) fullbyrde, fullende (tid, bane e.l.) ( om jord) pine ut, utarme, bli utarmet
    run out on (somebody) ( hverdagslig) løpe fra (noen), springe fra (noen)
    ( hverdagslig) stikke fra, overgi, gå ifra, la noen i stikken
    run over renne over, flomme over ese over se over, se gjennom, gå gjennom, granske
    gå gjennom på nytt, rekapitulere, redegjøre for
    han gikk gjennom alt sammen på nytt i hodet kjøre over, kjøre på
    kjøre over, skysse over
    run round løpe rundt, gå rundt stikke innom, titte innom, kjøre innom
    run second komme (inn) som nummer to, komme på andreplass
    run short of begynne å slippe opp for, mangle
    run somebody close\/hard følge noen hakk i hel, presse noen hardt kunne konkurrere med noen, være en hard konkurrent (til noen)
    run something too far drive noe for langt
    run strong ( om elv e.l.) være sterk, være stri
    run through gå gjennom, løpe gjennom, passere gjennom, fare gjennom, renne gjennom, spre seg gjennom
    gjennomsyre gå gjennom, gjenoppleve
    sette en strek over, stryke gjennombore
    gjøre slutt på, gjøre (seg) av med, sløse bort, kaste bort, skusle bort
    se gjennom, titte gjennom, gå gjennom repetere (raskt)
    run to skynde seg til, ile til
    løpe opp i, koste
    omfatte, inneholde
    the story runs to 5,000 words
    nå, komme opp i
    ( hverdagslig) ha råd til ( om penger) holde til, strekke til
    inntekten min strekker ikke til det gå over til, gå over i, slå over i, ha tendenser til, ha tilbøyelighet til, gå til
    run to fat bli fet, ha anlegg for fedme
    run together forene seg, løpe sammen
    run to ground nedlegge (bytte) forfølge (bytte), jage (bytte) spore opp, forfølge, fange
    run up løpe oppover, springe oppover ( sport) ta sats, ta tilløp vokse (opp), skyte i høyden ( også om plante) klatre (oppover) ( også overført) gå opp, øke (raskt), stige (raskt) spre seg oppover
    øke raskt, samle seg raskt opp
    reise inn, dra inn
    sette opp, smelle opp, slenge sammen
    neste sammen, tråkle sammen, sy sammen
    regne sammen, summere, addere, legge sammen
    ( spor e.l.) følge (tilbake)
    run up against støte på, råke på, råke ut for, treffe tilfeldig
    run upon komme stormende mot, løpe mot, springe mot
    støte på, råke på, treffe på, støte sammen med gå på, støte mot kretse omkring, være opptatt av
    run up to (om vekt, pris e.l.) ligge på, gå opp til, nå
    run wild (om planter, dyr) vokse vilt, mangle styring, løpe løpsk ( om person) være uten kontroll, mangle styring
    run with renne av, strømme av, flomme av vrimle av, kry av
    holde sammen med, henge sammen med, omgås med følge
    adj. \/rʌn\/
    1) tomt, slutt
    2) ( om væske) som har rent ut
    3) smeltet
    4) (ut)støpt
    5) (inn)smuglet
    6) ( om fisk) forklaring: som har gått opp i elv for å gyte

    English-Norwegian dictionary > run

  • 9 give

    1. I
    the door gave дверь подалась; the ice gave лед сломался /не выдержал/; the foundations are giving фундамент оседает; at the height of the storm the bridge gave в самый разгар бури мост не выдержал и рухнул; his knees seemed to give ему казалось, что у него подкашиваются ноги; the branch gave but did not break ветка прогнулась, но не сломалась; а soft chair (a bed, a mattress, etc.) gives [when one sits on it] мягкий стул и т. д. проминается [, когда на него садятся]; the frost is beginning to give мороз начинает слабеть
    2. II
    1) give in some manner. give generously /unsparingly, abundantly/ щедро и т. д. давать /дарить, одаривать/; give grudgingly нехотя делать подарки
    2) give in some manner this chair (the mattress, the bed, etc.) gives comfortably (a lot) этот стул и т. д. приятно (сильно) проминается; the springs won't give enough /much/ пружины довольно тугие; the горе has given a good deal веревка сильно растянулась /ослабла/; give for some time the frost did not give all day мороз не отпускал весь день
    3. III
    give smth.
    1) give food (medicine, L 3, etc.) давать еду и т. д., give presents дарить /делать/ подарки; give a grant давать дотацию /пособие/; give a scholarship предоставлять стипендию; give a medal награждать медалью; give alms подавать милостыню
    2) give a message передавать записку /сообщение/; give one's regards передать привет
    3) give a large crop (10 per cent profit, etc.) приносить / давать/ большой урожай и т. д.; give fruit плодоносить; give milk давать молоке; give heat излучать тепло; the lamp gives a poor light лампа светит тускло /дает, излучает тусклый свет/; his work gives good results его работа дает хорошие результаты; two times two /two multiplied by two/ gives four дважды два give четыре
    4) give facts (news, details, the following figures, etc.) приводить /сообщать/ факты и т. д.; give an example /an instance/ приводить /давать/ пример: the dictionary doesn't give this word в словаре нет этого слова; the list gives ten names в списке [приведено /указано/] / список содержит/ десять имен; he gave a full account of the event он все рассказал /дал полный отчет/ об этом событии; he gave no particulars он не сообщил никаких подробностей; give a portrait (a character, the scenery of the country, etc.) нарисовать портрет и т. д.; in his book he gives a description of their customs в своей книге он описывает их нравы; give evidence /testimony/ давать показания; give one's name and address дать /назвать/ свой фамилию и адрес
    5) the thermometer gives forty degrees термометр показывает сорок градусов; the barometer gives rain барометр пошел на дождь; give no sign of life не подавать признаков жизни; give no sign of recognition a) не подать виду, что узнал; б) не узнать; give no sign of embarrassment нисколько не смутиться
    6) give a dinner (a dinner party, a ball, a party, a concert, a performance, etc.) давать /устраивать/ обед и т. д.
    7) give lessons (instruction, exact information, etc.) давать уроки и т. д., give smth. in smth. give lessons in mathematics (instruction in golf, etc.) давать уроки по математике и т. д.; give smth. on smth. give lectures on psychology (on biology, on various subjects, etc.) читать лекции по психологии и т. д., give a lecture прочитать лекцию, выступить с лекцией; give a song (one of Beethoven's sonatas, a concerto, etc.) исполнять песню и т. д., give a recital (a recitation) выступать с сольным концертом (с художественным чтением)
    8) give one's good wishes желать всего доброго / хорошего/; give one's blessing давать свое благословение: give a toast провозглашать тост; give smb.'s health /the health of smb./ поднимать тост за чье-л. здоровье
    9) give a point in the argument уступить по одному какому-л. вопросу в споре; give way /ground/ отступать, сдавать [свои] позиции; the army (our troops, the crowd, etc.) gave way армия и т. д. отступила; the door (the axle, the railing, etc.) gave way дверь и т. д. подалась; the bridge (the ice, the floor, the ground, etc.) gave way мост и т. д. провалился; the rope /the line/ gave way веревка лопнула; my legs gave way у меня подкосились ноги; his health is giving way его здоровье пошатнулось; his strength is giving way силы оставляют его; if he argues don't give way если он будет спорить, не уступайте
    10) give a decision сообщать решение; give judg (e)ment выносить приговор; give notice а) предупреждать о предстоящем увольнении; б) уведомлять
    11) semiaux give a look glance/ взглянуть, бросить взгляд; give a jump leap/ (под)прыгнуть, сделать прыжок; give a push (a pull) толкнуть (потянуть); give a kick ударить ногой, лягнуть; give a smile улыбнуться; give a kiss поцеловать; give a loud laugh громко засмеяться /рассмеяться/; give a cry shout/ издавать крик; give a sigh вздохнуть; give a groan застонать; give a sob всхлипнуть; give a start вздрогнуть; give a nod кивнуть; give a shake [of one's head] отрицательно покачать головой; give an injection делать укол; give a shrug of the shoulders пожать плечами; give a wave of the hand махнуть рукой; give a blow ударить; give a rebuff давать отпор; give a beating задать порку, избить; give chase пускаться в погоню; give a wag of the tail вильнуть хвостом; give an order (a command, instructions, etc.) отдавать приказ /распоряжение/ и т. д.; give an answer reply/ давать ответ, отвечать; give help оказывать помощь; give the alert объявлять тревогу; give a warning делать предупреждение; give advice советовать, давать совет; give a suggestion предлагать, выдвигать предложение; give a promise (one's word, one's pledge, etc.) давать обещание и т. д.; give shelter давать /предоставлять/ убежище; give a volley дать залп; the gun gave a loud report раздался громкий ружейный выстрел; give offence обижать, наносить обиду; give battle давать бой; give a chance (an opportunity, power, etc.) предоставлять /давать/ возможность и т. д.
    4. IV
    give smth. somewhere
    1) give back the books you borrowed (my pen, my newspaper, etc.) возвращать книги, которые вы взяли и т. д.; give smth. in some manner give money generously (grudgingly, freely, etc.) щедро и т. д. давать деньги; regularly give presents регулярно делать подарки
    2) give smth. at some time give a message immediately немедленно передать записку
    3) give smth. at some time give profit (10 per cent, etc.) regularly (annually, etc.) регулярно и т. д. приносить прибыль и т. д.
    4) give smth. in some manner give an extract in full (at length, in detail, etc.) приводить отрывок полностью и т. д.
    5) semiaux give smth. in some manner give aid willingly охотно оказывать помощь; give one's answers loudly (distinctly, etc.) давать ответы /отвечать/ громко и т. д.
    5. V
    1) give smb. smth. give me your pencil (him this book, her your hand, me a match, the child a glass of milk, the boy his medicine, etc.) дайте мне ваш карандаш и т. д., give smb. a present сделать кому-л. подарок; give him watch (her a ring, etc.) подарить ему часы и т. д.; give her a bunch of flowers преподнести ей букет цветов; what has he given you? что он вам подарил /преподнес/?; give him a letter from his mother (her a note from me, etc.) передавать ему письмо от матери и т. д.; give an actor a role (him a job, etc.) предлагать /давать/ актеру роль и т. д.; give smb. the place of honour отвести кому-л. почетное место; give me long distance дайте мне междугородную; I give you my word (my promise, my consent, etc.) 'даю вам слово и т. д.; give smb. smth. for smth. give smb. a watch for a present преподнести кому-л. часы в качестве подарка; give women equal pay with men for their work оплачивать труд женщин наравне с трудом мужчин; give smb. smth. in smth. give them parts in his new play распределять между ними роли в его новой пьесе; give smb. smb. she gave him a beautiful baby boy она родила ему прекрасного мальчика
    2) give smb. smth. give him the message (me the letter, etc.) передавать ему записку и т. д.; give smb. one's love (one's compliments, one's kind regards, etc.) передавать кому-л. привет и т. д.; give him my thanks передайте ему мою благодарность; I give you my very best wishes желаю вам всего самого лучшего
    3) give smb. smth. give smb. an illness (measles, a sore throat, etc.) заразить кого-л. какой-л. болезнью и т. д.; you've given me your cold вы заразили меня насморком, я от вас заразился насморком
    4) give smb., smth. smth. give us warmth and light (us fruit, people meat, us milk, us wool and leather, etc.) давать нам тепло и свет и т. д.; give men pleasure (him joy, the children enjoyment, her satisfaction, etc.) доставлять людям удовольствие и т. д.; give smb. [much] pain (much trouble, sorrow, etc.) причинять кому-л. боль и т. д.; too much noise gives me a headache от сильного шума у меня начинается головная боль; give smb. courage (me patience, him strength, her more self-confidence, etc.) придавать кому-л. мужество и т. д.; that gave me the idea of travelling это навело меня на мысль о путешествии; give smth. flavour придавать чему-л. вкус
    5) give smb. smth. give the commission an account of his trip (us a good description of the man, him wrong information, him good proof, etc.) давать комиссии отчет /отчитываться перед комиссией/ о своей поездке и т. д.; give me your opinion сообщите мне свое мнение; give us human nature truthfully (the reader a true picture of his age, etc.) описать /воссоздать/ для нас подлинную картину человеческой природы и т. д.
    6) give smb. smth. give the child a name дать ребенку имя; give smth. smth. give the book a strange title дать книге странное заглавие /название/; this town gave the battle its name эта битва получила название по городу, близ которого она произошла
    7) give smb. smth. give smb. lessons (music lessons, lessons in French, consultations, instruction, etc.) давать кому-л. уроки и т. д., give smb. a concerto (a play, etc.) исполнить для кого-л. концерт и т. д.; give us Bach (us another song, etc.) исполните нам /для нас/ Баха и т. д.; who will give us a song? кто вам споет? || give smb. an example служить кому-л. примером; give the other boys an example подавать другим мальчикам пример
    8) give smb. smth. give smb. good morning (him good day, us good evening, etc.) пожелать кому-л. доброго утра и т. д., give smb. one's blessing благословлять кого-л.; give smb. smth., smb. give them our country (our host, the Governor, etc.) предложить им выпить за нашу страну и т. д.
    9) give smb. smth. give smb. six months' imprisonment (five years, two years of hard labour, etc.) приговорить кого-л. к пяти месяцам тюремного заключения и т. д.
    10) semiaux give smb., smth. smth. give smb. a look (a fleeting glance, etc.) бросить на кого-л. взгляд и т. д.; give smb. a smile улыбнуться кому-л.; give smb. a kiss поцеловать кого-л.; give smb. a blow нанести кому-л. удар, стукнуть кого-л.; give smb. a push толкнуть кого-л.; give smb. a kick лягнуть, ударить кого-л. ногой; give smb. a nod кивнуть кому-л. [головой]; give smb. a beating избить /поколотить/ кого-л.; give one's hat a brush почистить шляпу; give a blackboard a wipe стереть с доски; give smb.'s hand a squeeze сжать или пожать кому-л. руку; give them our support (him help, him a hand, them every assistance, etc.) оказать им поддержку и т. д.; give the matter every care внимательно отнестись к вопросу; give smb. a warning предупреждать кого-л.; give smb. an order (instructions, etc.) отдать кому-л. приказ и т. д.; give smb. an answer reply/ давать кому-л. ответ, отвечать кому-л.; my old coat gives me good service мое старое пальто все еще служит мне; give me a chance (him another opportunity, etc.) предоставьте мне возможность и т. д.
    6. VII
    1) give smth. to do smth. give a signal to start (notice to leave, etc.) давать сигнал к отправлению и т. д.; give a push to open the door толкнуть дверь, чтобы она открылась; give a lot to know it (anything to know what happened, the world to have it, the world to secure such a thing, etc.) многое отдать, чтобы узнать это и т. д. || give smb. to understand дать кому-л. понять
    2) give smb. smth. to do give him a book to read (me something to eat, her a glass of water to drink, him the right to complain, him a week to make up his mind, us an hour to get there, myself time to think it over, etc.) дать ему прочесть книгу и т. д.; give a porter one's bags to carry (a groom one's horse to hold, etc.) попросить носильщика отнести вещи и т. д.; give him a letter to mail дать /велеть/ ему отправить письмо; give her a message to deliver дать ей записку для передачи
    7. XI
    1) be given smth. he was given a job (quarters, a rest, etc.) ему дали /предложили/ работу и т. д., he was given a book (a watch, L 50, a ring, etc.) ему подарили книгу и т. д.; be given to smb., smth. a book (a watch, etc.) was given to him ему подарили книгу и т. д., he was given a contract с ним заключили контракт; be given in some manner our services are given free of charge мы оказываем услуги бесплатно; invitations are given gratuitously (periodically, willingly, etc.) приглашения рассылаются бесплатно и т. д., be given somewhere articles (books, etc.) must be given back статьи и т. д. должны быть возвращены
    2) be given to smb. of all the books that have been given to the public on the problem из всех выпущенных по данному вопросу книг
    3) || semiaux I was given to understand that... мне дали понять, что...
    4) be given to smth. be given to idleness (to luxury and pleasure, to drink, to these pursuits, etc.) иметь склонность к безделью и т. д., he is much given to music он увлекается музыкой; be given in so me manner I am not given that way у меня не такой склад /характер/; be given to doing smth. be given to drinking (to day-dreaming, to lying, to contradicting, to swearing, to shooting and hunting, etc.) любить выпить, иметь пристрастие к выпивке и т. д.; he is given to stealing он нечист на руку; he is given to boasting он хвастлив || semiaux (not) be given to smb. to do smth. it is not given to him to understand it (to appreciate beauty, to express his thoughts eloquently, to become famous, etc.) ему не дано понять это и т. д.
    5) be given somewhere the figures (the data, the results, etc.) are given below ( above) цифры и т. д. приведены ниже (выше); as given below (above) как показано /сказано/ ниже (выше); the word (this phrase, etc.) is not given in the dictionary словарь не дает /не приводит/ этого слова и т. д., be given in some manner the prices are given separately цены даются отдельно; this is given as a hypothesis это приводится в виде гипотезы
    6) be given smth. he was given the name of John его назвали Джоном; be given in some manner the subtitle is given rather grandiloquently дан очень пышный подзаголовок
    7) be given at some place the opera (the play, etc.) was first given in Paris (on this stage, etc.) эта опера и т. д. была впервые поставлена в Париже и т. д.; be given at some time the play is to be given again next month пьеса вновь пойдет /пьесу снова покажут/ в следующем месяце
    8) be given smth. be given six years' imprisonment (a severe punishment, a stiff sentence, a reprieve, etc.) получить шесть лет тюрьмы и т. д.; be given for (against) smb. the decision (the judg(e)ment, etc.) was given for (against) the defendant ( the plaintiff, etc.) решение и т. д. было вынесено в пользу (против) обвиняемого и т. д.
    8. XVI
    1) give to /for/ smth., smb. give to the Red Cross (to charity, to the poor, for the relief of the victims of the flood, etc.) жертвовать [средства] в пользу Красного Креста и т. д.
    2) give under smth. the fence (the beam, etc.) may give under the weight забор и т. д. может рухнуть под такой тяжестью; the earth /the soil/ (the marshy ground, etc.) gave under the vehicle под тяжестью машины почва и т. д. осела; the step gave under his feet ступенька сломалась у него под ногами; the lock gave under hard pushing мы напирали на дверь, пока замок не сломался; give on smth. we can't negotiate until each side is willing to give on some points успешные переговоры невозможны [до тех пор], пока каждая сторона не пойдет на определенные уступки
    3) give (up)on (into, onto) smth. the window ( the door, the gate, etc.) gives (up)on the street (on the garden, on the side street, into /on(to)/ the yard, on the sea, etc.) окно и т. д. выходит на улицу и т. д., the road gave onto the highway дорога выходила на шоссе
    9. XVIII
    give oneself to smth. give oneself to mathematics (to study, to science, etc.) посвятить себя математике и т. д.; give oneself to thought (to meditation, to prayer, etc.) предаваться размышлениям и т. д.; the invaders gave themselves to plunder захватчики занимались грабежом
    10. XXI1
    1) give smth. to smb., smth. give a book to each of the boys (food to the hungry, medicine to a patient, money to a beggar, etc.) давать каждому мальчику по книге и т. д.; money to the Red Cross (all his books to the library, his collection to the college, etc.) передать /( пожертвовать/ деньги Красному Кресту и т.
    ; give one's hand to the visitor подать / пожать, протянуть/ руку посетителю; give a part to an actor дать актеру роль; give place to the old woman (to new methods, etc.) уступить место пожилой женщине и т. д.; give her face to the sun подставить лицо солнцу; give smth. for smb., smth. give his life for his friends (for his country, for a cause, etc.) отдать свою жизнь за друзей и т. д.; give smth. to smth., smb. give (no) thought to it (не) задумываться над этим; give [one's] attention to smb. оказывать кому-л. внимание; give credit to smth. прислушиваться к чему-л.; give credit to the report доверять сообщению || give one's ear to smb., smth. прислушиваться к кому-л., чему-л.; give ear to the rumour прислушиваться к тому, что говорят; give one's daughter in marriage выдавать /отдавать/ дочь замуж
    2) give smth. to smb. give the command of the regiment to him поручить ему командование полком; give my love /my kind regards, my compliments/ to her (to your family, etc.) передавать ей и т. д. привет; give smb., smth. into smb., smth. give the children into smb.'s hands (into smb.'s care, into smb.'s charge, etc.) передавать детей в чьи-л. руки и т. д., поручать детей кому-л. и т. д., give the thief into the hands of the police передать вора в руки полиции; give the prisoner into custody отдать заключенного под стражу
    3) give smth. to smth., smb. give perfume to the linen (an edge to the appetite, brilliance to the thing, etc.) придавать белью аромат и т. д.; give a disease to smb. (a cold to the boy, measles to a whole school, etc.) заразить кого-л. какой-л. болезнью и т. д.; give motion to the wheel привести колесо в движение; give currency to smth. пускать что-л. в обращение; give currency to rumours распускать слухи; his novel gave currency to this phrase после выхода в свет его романа это выражение стало крылатым; give rise to smth. породить /вызвать/ что-л.; his behaviour gave rise to rumours его поведение дало повод разговорам
    4) give smth. for smth. give five pounds for the hat (as much as L 3 for this book, a good price for the car, etc.) (заплатать пять фунтов за шляпу и т. д.; how much /what/ did you give for that? сколько вы за это заплатили?; give prizes /premiums/ for the best exhibits выдавать призы за лучшие экспонаты; give smth. to smb. give good wages to the workers хорошо платить рабочим
    5) give smth. to smth., smb. give one's free time to golf (one's mind to scientific research, one's attention to study, one's heart to art, one's energy to political affairs, one's love to her, etc.) отдавать все свое свободное время игре в гольф и т. д.; give one's life to science (to the cause of peace, to study, to one's duty, etc.) отдать /посвятить/ свой жизнь науке и т. д.
    6) give smth. with smth. give the story with many unnecessary particulars (a description with many side remarks, evidence with no trace of bias, etc.) рассказать эту историю со многими ненужными подробностями и т. д.; give the scenery with great fidelity описывать /воспроизводить/ пейзаж с большой точностью; give smth. for smth. give his reasons for his absence (for the delay, for her lateness, etc.) объяснять свое отсутствие и т. д.
    7) give smth. at smth. the bulletin gives the population of the country at 90 millions (the average number of attempts at 3, the number of instances at 8, etc.) в бюллетене указывается, что население этой страны ранки девяноста миллионам и т. д.; give smth. in smth. give 30° in the shade (in the sun) показывать /регистрировать/ тридцать градусов в тени (на солнце)
    8) give smth. to smth. the city gave its name to the battle эта ботва получила название по городу, близ которого она произошла; the largest city gave its name to the province эта область названа по самому большому городу
    9) give smth. for smb. give a dinner (a party, etc.) for 20 guests давать обед и т. д. на двадцать человек /персон/
    10) give smth. to smb. give instruction to a class of adults (lessons to children, interviews to journalists, etc.) давать уроки группе взрослых и т. д., give a talk to the recruits провести беседу с новобранцами
    11) give smth. to smb. give three hearty cheers to the winners встречать победителей троекратным "ура"
    12) || give way to smth., smb. отступать перед чем-л., кем-л.; give way to а саг (to traffic coming in from the right, to the man, etc.) пропускать автомобиль и т. д., давать дорогу автомобилю и т. д.; give way to despair впасть в отчаяние; give way to temptation (to grief, etc.) поддаться соблазну и т. д.; give way to emotions уступить чувствам, быть не в состоянии справиться со своими чувствами; give way to tears не сдержать слезы, расплакаться; give way to his whims (to him, to these impudent demands, etc.) уступать его капризам и т. д., give way to anger не сдержать гнева, дать волю гневу; give place to smth., smb. отступать перед чем-л., кем-л.; spring gave place to summer на смену весне пришло лето
    13) semiaux give smth., to smb., smth. give a blow to smb. нанести кому-л. удар; give a signal to the guard подавать сигнал часовому; give a turn to a key in the lock повернуть ключ в замке; give help to the needy оказывать помощь нуждающимся; give an order to the servants (a command to the soldiers. etc.) отдать распоряжение слугам и т. д.; give an answer to the man ответить этому человеку; give encouragement to the boy ободрить /подбодрить/ мальчика; give chase to a ship [начать] преследовать корабль
    11. XXIV1
    give smth. as smth. give a book (a jack-knife, etc.) as a present давать книгу и т. д. в качестве подарка, дарить книгу и т. д., give smth. as a keepsake дарить что-л. на память

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > give

  • 10 hold

    1. I
    1) this горе (the twine, the tape, the string, the bootlace, etc.) will hold эта веревка и т. д. не порвется /выдержит/; the nail still holds гвоздь еще не выпал /держится/
    2) if rain (snow, frost, etc.) holds если будет продолжаться /без конца будет идти/ дождь и т. д.; if this weather holds если эта /такая/ погода удержится /будет стоять/; if your luck holds если счастье тебе не изменит; can the good weather hold? продержится ли хорошая погода?; the provisions will hold запасов пищи хватит; the comparison holds это сравнение вполне уместно
    3) to eat as much as one can hold наесться досыта /до отвала/
    2. II
    1) hold some time this principle (my promise, our bargain, this law, etc.) still holds этот принцип и т. д. [все] еще остается /продолжает оставаться/ в силе; his objection still holds он еще не снимает своего возражения; the good weather is still holding все еще стоит хорошая погода
    2) hold in some manner hold firm /fast, tight/ твердо /стойко/ держаться, оставаться твердым /стойким/; hold firm [until you hear from me] держись стойко [, пока я тебе не напишу]; our friendship will hold fast наша дружба будет прочной
    3. III
    1) hold smth., smb. hold a spoon (a knife, a candle, a cap, a baby, a cat, etc.) держать ложку и т. д.; hold smb.'s hand держать / взять/ кого-л. за руку; they were holding hands они держались за руки; hold the line! не кладите / не вешайте/ трубку! (при разговоре по телефону)
    2) hold smth., smb. hold a fort (a defile, a fortress, a position, a trench, etc.) удерживать /защищать/ крепость и т. д., it takes a number of men to hold him одному его не удержать; there is no holding that fellow с этим парнем никак не сладишь, удержу нет на этого парня; hold trains задерживать поезда; he could hardly hold the horses он едва удерживал /сдерживал/ лошадей; the farmers are holding the wheat фермеры придерживают свою пшеницу; hold a note тянуть [одну] ноту; hold one's breath задерживать /затаить/ дыхание; hold one's nose зажимать нос; hold smb.'s attention (one's audience, the pupils' attention, etc.) овладевать чьим-л. вниманием и т. д., удерживать чье-л. внимание и т. д.; constant change of scene held our attention непрерывная смена пейзажа не давала ослабнуть нашему вниманию
    3) hold smth. hold land (a large estate, a large property, etc.) владеть землей и т. д.; hold an office (an appointment, a position, etc.) занимать пост и т. д.; hold a professorship быть профессором, иметь профессорское звание; занимать должность профессора; hold a chair заведовать кафедрой; hold a rank иметь чин; hold a medal иметь медаль; hold first (second, etc.) place иметь /занять/ первое и т. д. место.
    4) hold smth., smb. hold a certain amount of liquid (5 gallons, all her clothes, a certain number of people, five persons, etc.) вмещать определенное количество жидкости и т. д.; this bucket will hold ten litres of water это ведро на 10 литров воды; this trunk holds all my things в этот сундук влезут /можно положить/ все мои вещи; the box held his securities в этой шкатулке лежали /были/ принадлежащие ему ценные бумаги; the new hall will hold three hundred spectators в новом зале сможет разместиться триста зрителей, новый зал рассчитан на триста зрителей; how many of us will your car hold? сколько человек сядет /влезет/ в твою машину?; each of these forms is to hold two pupils за каждой такой партой будут сидеть два ученика; sea water holds many salts in solution в морской воде содержится много солей; Westminster Abbey holds the bones of England's great men в Вестминстерском аббатстве покоятся останки великих людей Англии; the evening held a lot of surprises вечер был полон неожиданностей
    5) hold smth. hold a meeting (a demonstration, a debate, an election, a consultation, an examination, an investigation, talks, etc.) проводить /устраивать, организовывать/ собрание и т. д.; they decided to hold an exhibition они решили устроить выставку
    6) hold smth. hold a view (an opinion) придерживаться взгляда (мнения); I hold a different view я придерживаюсь другой точки зрения, я думаю иначе; hold a course придерживаться определенного курса
    4. IV
    1) hold smth., smb. in some manner hold smth., smb. tightly) (fast, firmly, straight, carelessly, etc.) держать что-л., кого-л. крепко и т. д.
    2) hold smb. , smth. in some manner hold smb., smth. in respect (in high esteem, in awe, in low regard, in contempt, etc.) относиться к кому-л., чему-л. с уважением и т. д.; hold smb. at one's mercy держать кого-л. в своей власти id hold smb. to ridicule выставлять кого-л. на посмешище
    3) hold smth. at some time I can't hold all these details at once я не могу (удержать в голове сразу все эти подробности
    5. V
    1) hold smb. smb. hold smb. prisoner держать кого-л. в плену /в качестве пленного/; hold smb. hostages держать кого-л. в качестве заложников
    2) hold it smth. I hold it my duty [to tell you... (to inform you...)] я считаю своей обязанностью /своим долгом/ [рассказать вам... (сообщить вам)...]
    6. VI
    1) hold smth. in some state hold a door (a window, a window vent, etc.) open (half open, shut, etc.) держать дверь и т. д. открытой и т. д.
    2) hold smb. in some state hold an audience (the spectators, the listeners, the whole house, etc.) spellbounc заставить аудиторию и т. д. слушать или смотреть, затаив дыхание; his lovely music held us spellbound его прекрасная музыка очаровала нас; hold smb. captive держать кого-л. в плену
    3) hold smth., smb. in some state hold smth. true (good, sacred, cheap, etc.) считать что-л. верным /справедливым/ и т. д.; I hold the very idea absurd я считаю абсурдной саму эту мысль; hold smb. responsible возлагать на кого-л. ответственность; we shall hold you responsible for the work вы будете отвечать за эту работу
    7. VII
    hold smb., smth. to possess some quality hold smb. to be wrong (to be right, to be clever, to be beautiful, etc.) считать кого-л. неправым и т. д., hold smth. to be impossible (to be inadmissible, to be illogical, etc.) считать что-л. невозможным и т. д.; hold smb. to be smth. hold smb. to be a fool (to be a clever man, to be a good husband, etc.) считать, что кто-л. дурак и т. д.
    8. XI.
    be held for some time we were held till the evening нас задержали до вечера; be held at some place my money is held at the bank a) мой деньги находятся в банке; б) банк наложил арест на мои деньги; be held smb. I was held prisoner я находился в плену /в заточении/
    be held at some time the meeting (the debate, the conference, the funeral service, etc.) will be held on Monday (at 3 o'clock, etc.) собрание и т. д. состоится в понедельник и т. д.; when will the election be held? когда состоятся /будут проходить/ выборы?; be held in (at, etc.) smth. the meeting was held in (at) a very big hall собрание проходило в очень большем зале
    be held by smth. the button is held by a thread пуговица держалась на одной нитке; her scarf was held in place by a brooch ее шарфик был заколот брошкой
    it is held that... it is universally held by the writers that... у писателей общепризнанным считается, что...; be held to be in some state you will be held responsible вы за это ответите /будете нести ответственность/; he was held guilty (not guilty) он был признан виновным (невиновным)
    9. XV
    hold to possess some quality hold good /true, valid/ оставаться в силе; my promise (the order, the treaty, our bet, etc.) holds good мое обещание и т. д. остается в силе; the same criticism holds good with the second chapter такое же критическое замечание справедливо и в отношении второй главы
    10. XVI
    1) hold through smth. the supplies will hold through the winter (through the next three months, etc.) запасов хватит на всю зиму и т. д.
    2) hold to smth. hold to a chair (to a rail, to a bedstead, etc.) держаться за стул и т. д.
    3) hold against smb., smth. hold against an enemy (against an army, against troops, etc.) удерживать свои позиции против [нашествия] врага и т. д., hold against an attack [успешно] отбивать атаку
    4) hold to /by/ smth., smb. hold to a view (to /by/ an opinion, by one's principles, to /by a decision, to a rule, etc.) держаться /придерживаться/ взгляда /точки зрения/ и т. д., he held firm /fast/ to his resolve (to his beliefs, etc.) он твердо держался своего решения и т. д.; hold to a promise сдержать обещание; you should hold to the terms вы должны соблюдать условия [договора]; hold to one's friends (to one's party, to one's choice, etc.) быть /оставаться/ верным своим друзьям и т. д.; hold for (in) smth. this rule (the principle, the theory, the hypothesis, etc.) holds for all cases это правило подходит ко всем случаям; this holds in every case это верно для всех случаев /во всех случаях/ || who knows what the future /tomorrow/ holds for us? кто знает, что нам готовит будущее?; hold at some level the market holds at 20 roubles на рынке удерживается цена в двадцать рублей
    11. XVIII
    1) hold oneself she doesn't know how to hold herself она не знает, как держаться /как ей себя вести/; hold oneself in some manner hold oneself well (badly) хорошо (плохо) держаться; hold oneself in some position hold oneself straight (upright, etc.) держаться прямо и т. д.; hold yourself still for a few minutes while I make a sketch of you постойте или посидите спокойно несколько минут, пока я не сделаю [с вас] набросок; hold oneself like smb., smth. hold oneself like a queen (like a doll, etc.) держаться /вести себя/, как королева и т. д.
    2) hold oneself in some state hold oneself aloof (separate) держаться в стороне (отдельно от других); hold oneself ready /in readiness/ быть готовым; he held himself ready to start at a moment's notice он был готов отправиться по первому требованию
    3) hold oneself in some state hold oneself responsible считать себя ответственным; I do not hold myself responsible for what happened я не считаю себя ответственным за то, что произошло
    12. XXI1
    1) hold smb., smth. by smth. hold the child by the hand (a bull by the horn, the basket by the handle, the box by the rope, etc.) держать ребенка за руку и т. д., hold smth., smb. in (over, in front of, etc.) smth. hold the bag in one's hand (both hands over one's head, the creature before one's face, etc.) держать сумку в руке и т. д.; hold a cigarette (a pipe, a cigar. a cigarette-holder, etc.) between the teeth (between one's lips, in one's mouth, etc.) держать сигарету и т. д. в зубах и т. д.; hold smb. in one's arms обнимать кого-л., держать кого-л. в своих объятиях; he held his head in his hands он обхватил / сжал/ голову руками
    2) hold smth. against smb., smth. hold the fort against the enemy (the city against an army, the position against a detachment of parachute troops, etc.) защищать /оборонять/ крепость от неприятеля и т. д.; hold one's position against all competitors не сдавать своих позиций соперникам; hold one's own with smb. in beauty she held her own with all her rivals в красоте она не уступала ни одной из своих соперниц; hold smth. for smth. hold smb.'s baggage for non-payment of rent не отдавать кому-л. вещи до внесения квартирной платы; he held the audience for two hours он завладел вниманием слушателей на два часа; he held the floor for an hour он держал речь целый час; he holds the record for high jump он держит рекорд по прыжкам в высоту; hold smth. for smb. hold a room for me (seats for our guests, a book for first year students, etc.) оставьте /забронируйте, зарезервируйте/ комнату для меня и т. д., hold stocks for a rise попридержать акции до /, ожидая/ их повышения
    3) hold smb. for smth. hold smb. for theft арестовать кого-л. за воровство; держать кого-л. в тюрьме за воровство; hold smb. for ransom держать кого-л., пока за него не будет внесен выкуп; hold smb. on a charge of smth. hold smb. on a charge of theft (of murder, etc.) задержать кого-л. по обвинению в воровстве и т. д.; hold smb. in smth. hold smb. in prison (in custody) держать кого-л. в тюрьме (под стражей); hold smb. till smth. they will hold him till we pay (till he recants, till tomorrow, etc.) они не выпустят его [до тех пор], пока мы не заплатим и т. д.; hold smb. for some time a fever held him for a week лихорадка /высокая температура/ не отпускала его целую неделю, неделю он провалялся с лихорадкой /с температурой/; hold smb. in smth. hold smb. in suspense (in fear, etc.) держать кого-л. в напряженном ожидании и т. д., hold smb. in check сдерживать кого-л.
    4) hold smth. among smth. hold the first position among other similar institutions (among other boarding-houses, among many hotels, etc.) занимать ведущее положение среди других подобных учреждений и т.д., hold smth. at some time hold two offices at the same time занимать две должности одновременно
    5) hold smth. for smb. life holds a lot of surprises for us all жизнь полна неожиданностей для всех; who knows what the future holds for us? кто знает, что нас ждет в будущем /что нам сулит будущее/?; hold smth. in smth. I can't hold all these figures (these facts, so many names, etc.) in my head я не могу держать все эти цифры и т. д. в голове
    6) hold smb. to smth. hold smb. to a promise (to an agreement, to terms, etc.) требовать от кого-л. выполнения своего обещания и т. д., we shall hold you to your word мы будем добиваться, чтобы вы сдержали свое слово
    7) hold smth. with smb. hold a conversation (a parley, a talk, etc.) with smb. вести /проводить, поддерживать/ разговор /беседу/ и т. д с кем-л.; hold smth. for smb. hold a reception (a ball, a performance, a concert, etc.) for the guests устроить прием и т. д. в честь гостей
    13. XXII
    hold oneself (smb.) from doing smth. hold oneself from asking (from laughing, etc.) удержаться от того, чтобы спросить и т. д.
    14. XXIV1
    hold smb. as smb. hold smb. as hostage (as a criminal, as a spy, etc.) задерживать /держать (под стражей, в заточении и т. п.)/ кого-л. в качестве /как/ заложника и т. д.
    15. XXV
    hold that... hold that his plan is impracticable (that all his statements are very doubtful, etc.) полагать /считать, думать/, что его план неосуществим и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hold

  • 11 head

    I 1. [hed]
    1) testa f.

    he put his head round the doorsporse la testa o fece capolino dalla porta

    my head aches — ho mal di testa, mi fa male la testa

    to keep one's head down tenere la testa bassa, stare a capo chino; fig. (be inconspicuous) non dare nell'occhio; (work hard) lavorare a testa bassa; from head to foot o toe dalla testa ai piedi; the decision was made over their heads la decisione fu presa senza consultarli; heads turned at the sight of... tutti si voltarono alla vista di...; to be a head taller than sb. o to be taller than sb. by a head — essere più alto di qcn. di tutta una testa

    2) (mind) testa f., mente f.

    to be above o over sb.'s head essere troppo difficile per qcn., essere fuori dalla portata di qcn.; her success has turned her head il successo le ha montato la testa; to have a (good) head for business avere il bernoccolo degli affari; to have no head for heights — soffrire di vertigini

    3) (leader) capo m.

    head of government, State — capo del governo, di stato

    head of departmentamm. caporeparto; scol. direttore di dipartimento

    Ј 10 a head o per head 10 sterline a testa; 50 head of cattle — 50 capi di bestiame

    5) (of pin, nail) testa f., capocchia f.; (of hammer, golf club) testa f.; (of axe) lama f., taglio m.; (of spear, arrow) punta f.; (of tennis racket) ovale m.; (of stick) pomo m.
    6) (of bed) testiera f., testata f.; (of table) capotavola m.; (of procession) testa f.; (of pier, river, valley) testata f.

    at the head of the stairs, list — in cima alle scale, alla lista

    7) (of lettuce) cespo m.; (of garlic) testa f.
    8) (of computer, tape recorder) testina f.
    9) (on beer) colletto m. di schiuma
    10) (on boil, spot) punta f.

    to come to a head — [ spot] maturare; fig. [ crisis] precipitare

    to bring [sth.] to a head — med. fare maturare [ abscess]; fig. fare precipitare [ crisis]; fare giungere alla fase cruciale [ situation]

    11) geogr. capo m., promontorio m.

    "heads or tails?" — "testa o croce?"

    "heads!" — "testa!"

    1) [ injury] alla testa

    to go to sb.'s head — [alcohol, success] dare alla testa a qcn.

    you've won, but don't let it go to your head — hai vinto, ma non montarti la testa

    to keep, lose one's head — mantenere, perdere la calma

    to be soft o weak in the head colloq. essere rincretinito; he's not right in the head colloq. non ci sta (tanto) con la testa; to laugh one's head off colloq. sganasciarsi dalle risate; to shout one's head off colloq. gridare a squarciagola; she talked my head off colloq. mi ha fatto una testa (grande) così; off the top of one's head [say, answer] su due piedi, senza pensarci; to give a horse its head allentare le briglie al cavallo; to be able to do sth. standing on one's head riuscire a fare qcs. anche a occhi bendati; I can't make head (n)or tail of it non riesco a venirne a capo, non ci capisco niente; the leaders put their heads together i dirigenti si sono consultati; two heads are better than one — prov. quattro occhi vedono meglio di due

    II 1. [hed]
    1) (be at the top of) essere in testa a [list, queue]
    2) (be in charge of) essere a capo di, dirigere [ firm]; guidare, essere alla testa di [ committee]; capitanare [ team]; condurre [ inquiry]; guidare [ expedition]
    3) (entitle) intitolare [article, essay]; intestare [ letter]
    4) (steer) condurre, dirigere [vehicle, boat]

    to head the ball — fare un colpo di testa, colpire la palla di testa


    where was the train headed o heading? dove era diretto il treno? to head south, north mar. dirigersi verso sud, nord; it's time to head home è ora di tornare a casa; look out! he's heading this way! — attento! viene da questa parte!

    * * *
    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) testa
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) testa
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) testa
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) capo; direttore, direttrice
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) testa
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) sorgente
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) capo, cima; capotavola
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) testa
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) testa
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) direttore, direttrice
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) (a) persona
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) capo
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) (colletto di schiuma di birra)
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) capitanare, guidare, essere in testa a
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) essere a capo di
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) dirigersi verso
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) intitolare
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) colpire di testa
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf
    - headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head
    * * *
    I 1. [hed]
    1) testa f.

    he put his head round the doorsporse la testa o fece capolino dalla porta

    my head aches — ho mal di testa, mi fa male la testa

    to keep one's head down tenere la testa bassa, stare a capo chino; fig. (be inconspicuous) non dare nell'occhio; (work hard) lavorare a testa bassa; from head to foot o toe dalla testa ai piedi; the decision was made over their heads la decisione fu presa senza consultarli; heads turned at the sight of... tutti si voltarono alla vista di...; to be a head taller than sb. o to be taller than sb. by a head — essere più alto di qcn. di tutta una testa

    2) (mind) testa f., mente f.

    to be above o over sb.'s head essere troppo difficile per qcn., essere fuori dalla portata di qcn.; her success has turned her head il successo le ha montato la testa; to have a (good) head for business avere il bernoccolo degli affari; to have no head for heights — soffrire di vertigini

    3) (leader) capo m.

    head of government, State — capo del governo, di stato

    head of departmentamm. caporeparto; scol. direttore di dipartimento

    Ј 10 a head o per head 10 sterline a testa; 50 head of cattle — 50 capi di bestiame

    5) (of pin, nail) testa f., capocchia f.; (of hammer, golf club) testa f.; (of axe) lama f., taglio m.; (of spear, arrow) punta f.; (of tennis racket) ovale m.; (of stick) pomo m.
    6) (of bed) testiera f., testata f.; (of table) capotavola m.; (of procession) testa f.; (of pier, river, valley) testata f.

    at the head of the stairs, list — in cima alle scale, alla lista

    7) (of lettuce) cespo m.; (of garlic) testa f.
    8) (of computer, tape recorder) testina f.
    9) (on beer) colletto m. di schiuma
    10) (on boil, spot) punta f.

    to come to a head — [ spot] maturare; fig. [ crisis] precipitare

    to bring [sth.] to a head — med. fare maturare [ abscess]; fig. fare precipitare [ crisis]; fare giungere alla fase cruciale [ situation]

    11) geogr. capo m., promontorio m.

    "heads or tails?" — "testa o croce?"

    "heads!" — "testa!"

    1) [ injury] alla testa

    to go to sb.'s head — [alcohol, success] dare alla testa a qcn.

    you've won, but don't let it go to your head — hai vinto, ma non montarti la testa

    to keep, lose one's head — mantenere, perdere la calma

    to be soft o weak in the head colloq. essere rincretinito; he's not right in the head colloq. non ci sta (tanto) con la testa; to laugh one's head off colloq. sganasciarsi dalle risate; to shout one's head off colloq. gridare a squarciagola; she talked my head off colloq. mi ha fatto una testa (grande) così; off the top of one's head [say, answer] su due piedi, senza pensarci; to give a horse its head allentare le briglie al cavallo; to be able to do sth. standing on one's head riuscire a fare qcs. anche a occhi bendati; I can't make head (n)or tail of it non riesco a venirne a capo, non ci capisco niente; the leaders put their heads together i dirigenti si sono consultati; two heads are better than one — prov. quattro occhi vedono meglio di due

    II 1. [hed]
    1) (be at the top of) essere in testa a [list, queue]
    2) (be in charge of) essere a capo di, dirigere [ firm]; guidare, essere alla testa di [ committee]; capitanare [ team]; condurre [ inquiry]; guidare [ expedition]
    3) (entitle) intitolare [article, essay]; intestare [ letter]
    4) (steer) condurre, dirigere [vehicle, boat]

    to head the ball — fare un colpo di testa, colpire la palla di testa


    where was the train headed o heading? dove era diretto il treno? to head south, north mar. dirigersi verso sud, nord; it's time to head home è ora di tornare a casa; look out! he's heading this way! — attento! viene da questa parte!

    English-Italian dictionary > head

  • 12 present

    I 'preznt adjective
    1) (being here, or at the place, occasion etc mentioned: My father was present on that occasion; Who else was present at the wedding?; Now that the whole class is present, we can begin the lesson.) presente
    2) (existing now: the present moment; the present prime minister.) presente
    3) ((of the tense of a verb) indicating action now: In the sentence `She wants a chocolate', the verb is in the present tense.) presente
    - the present
    - at present
    - for the present

    II pri'zent verb
    1) (to give, especially formally or ceremonially: The child presented a bunch of flowers to the Queen; He was presented with a gold watch when he retired.) entregar, hacer entrega de
    2) (to introduce: May I present my wife (to you)?) presentar (a)
    3) (to arrange the production of (a play, film etc): The Elizabethan Theatre Company presents `Hamlet', by William Shakespeare.) presentar
    4) (to offer (ideas etc) for consideration, or (a problem etc) for solving: She presents (=expresses) her ideas very clearly; The situation presents a problem.) presentar
    5) (to bring (oneself); to appear: He presented himself at the dinner table half an hour late.) presentarse
    - presentable
    - presentation
    - present arms

    III 'preznt noun
    (a gift: a wedding present; birthday presents.) regalo, presente, obsequio
    present1 adj
    1. presente
    is Janet present? ¿está Janet?
    2. actual
    present2 n regalo
    at present en este momento / actualmente
    present3 vb presentar / entregar
    1 (in attendance) presente
    2 (current) actual
    1 (now) presente nombre masculino, actualidad nombre femenino
    1 SMALLLINGUISTICS/SMALL presente nombre masculino
    at present actualmente, en este momento
    for the present de momento, por el momento, por ahora
    present company excepted exceptuando a los presentes
    there's no time like the present no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy
    to be present (at event, class, etc) estar presente, asistir 2 (see) presenciar
    tr[ (vb) prɪ'zent; (n) 'prezənt]
    1 (make presentation) entregar, hacer entrega de; (give - as gift) regalar; (- formally) obsequiar
    2 (offer - report, petition, bill, cheque) presentar; (- argument, ideas, case) presentar, exponer
    3 formal use (offer - apologies, respects) presentar; (- compliments, greetings) dar
    4 (give - difficulty, problem) plantear; (constitute) suponer, constituir, ser; (provide) presentar, ofrecer
    5 (introduce) presentar
    may I present Mr Brown? le presento al Sr. Brown
    6 (play) representar; (programme) presentar
    1 (gift) regalo; (formal) obsequio
    to present oneself presentarse
    present [pri'zɛnt] vt
    1) introduce: presentar
    to present oneself: presentarse
    2) : presentar (una obra de teatro, etc.)
    3) give: entregar (un regalo, etc.), regalar, obsequiar
    4) show: presentar, ofrecer
    it presents a lovely view: ofrece una vista muy linda
    present ['prɛzənt] adj
    1) : actual
    present conditions: condiciones actuales
    2) : presente
    all the students were present: todos los estudiantes estaban presentes
    present ['prɛzənt] n
    1) gift: regalo m, obsequio m
    2) : presente m
    at present: en este momento
    3) or present tense : presente m
    actual adj.
    circunstante adj.
    concurrente adj.
    corriente adj.
    presente adj.
    actualidad s.f.
    cortesía s.f.
    cumplido s.m.
    dádiva s.f.
    oferta s.f.
    presente s.m.
    regalo s.m.
    deparar v.
    obsequiar v.
    ofrecer v.
    presentar v.

    1. prɪ'zent
    a) (give, hand over)

    to present something to somebody — entregarle* algo a alguien, hacerle* entrega de algo a alguien (frml)

    to present somebody WITH somethingobsequiar a alguien con algo (frml), obsequiarle algo a alguien (esp AmL frml)

    b) ( confront)

    to present somebody WITH something: it presents me with a whole host of problems esto me plantea toda una serie de problemas; we were presented with a very difficult situation — nos vimos frente a una situación muy difícil

    2) \<\<ticket/passport/account/motion/bill\>\> presentar; \<\<ideas\>\> presentar, exponer*
    a) ( constitute) ser*, constituir*
    b) ( provide) \<\<view/perspective\>\> presentar, ofrecer*
    4) (Cin, Theat, Rad, TV) presentar
    5) ( introduce) (frml) presentar
    6) ( Mil)

    v refl
    a) ( arise) \<\<problem/opportunity\>\> presentarse, surgir*
    b) ( appear) (frml) \<\<person\>\> presentarse
    c) (display, show) presentarse

    vi ( Med) \<\<patient/disease\>\> presentarse

    II 'prezṇt
    1) ( at scene) (pred)

    to be present — estar* presente

    how many were present? — ¿cuántas personas había?

    2) (before n)
    a) ( current) actual

    at the present time o moment — en este momento

    b) ( Ling)

    III 'prezṇt
    1) u

    at present — en este momento, actualmente

    for the present — por ahora, por el momento

    there's no time like the present — (set phrase) no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy

    b) ( Ling)
    2) c ( gift) regalo m

    to give somebody a present — regalarle algo a alguien, hacerle* un regalo a alguien

    I ['preznt]
    1. ADJ
    1) [person]

    to be present (in place) estar presente; (at function) asistir, estar presente

    how many others were present? — ¿cuántos más había?, ¿cuántos más estuvieron presentes?

    nobody else was present — no había nadie más, nadie más estuvo presente

    is there a doctor present? — ¿hay un médico (presente)?

    present! — ¡presente!

    ssh! there are ladies present — ¡sss! hay señoras delante

    to be present at[+ function] asistir a, estar presente en; [+ scene, accident] presenciar

    present company excepted — exceptuando a los presentes

    all present and correct — (Mil) todos presentes; hum somos todos los que estamos y estamos todos los que somos

    those present — los presentes


    to be present[thing, substance] encontrarse

    in some areas, fluoride is naturally present in the water supply — en algunas zonas, el flúor se encuentra de forma natural en el agua

    3) (=current) actual

    how long have you been in your present job? — ¿cuánto tiempo llevas en tu puesto actual?

    from Roman times to the present daydesde los tiempos romanos hasta nuestros días

    at the present time(=at this instant) en este momento; (=currently) actualmente, hoy día

    (up) to the present time — hasta nuestros días, hasta los tiempos actuales

    4) (Gram) presente
    2. N
    1) (=present time)

    for the present — de momento, por lo pronto

    that will be all for the presentde momento or por lo pronto esto es todo

    up to the present — hasta ahora

    - live for the present
    - no time like the present

    at present(=at this instant) en este momento; (=currently) ahora, actualmente

    Mr Young isn't here at present — el Sr. Young no está aquí en este momento

    as things are at present — como están las cosas ahora, como están las cosas actualmente

    3) (Gram) (tiempo m) presente m
    4) (Jur)

    present participle Nparticipio m activo, participio m (de) presente

    N (=gift) regalo m, obsequio m frm, presente m frm, liter

    to make sb a present of sth — regalar algo a algn; (fig) dar algo a algn medio regalado, servir algo a algn en bandeja

    birthday, Christmas, wedding
    III [prɪ'zent]
    1. VT
    1) (=give)
    a) [+ prize, award] entregar, hacer entrega de

    to present sth to sb — entregar algo a algn, hacer entrega de algo a algn

    they have presented a petition to Parliamenthan hecho entrega de or han presentado una petición al parlamento

    b) [+ gift]

    to present sb with sth, present sth to sb — regalar algo a algn, obsequiar a algn con algo more frm, obsequiar algo a algn (LAm)

    2) (=introduce) presentar

    may I present Miss Clark?, allow me to present Miss Clark — frm permítame presentarle a or le presento a la Srta. Clark

    it gives me great pleasure to present... — es para mí un honor or placer presentarles a...

    to be presented at court(Brit) ser presentada en la corte

    3) (=offer formally)

    to present one's apologies (to sb) — presentar sus excusas (ante algn)

    to present one's compliments (to sb) — presentar or ofrecer sus saludos (a algn)

    to present one's credentials (to sb) — [diplomat] presentar sus credenciales (ante algn)

    4) (=show) [+ documents, tickets] presentar, mostrar
    5) (=put forward, communicate) [+ report, proposal, evidence] presentar; [+ case, argument] exponer; (Parl) [+ bill] presentar

    the party has to present a more professional imageel partido debe presentar or proyectar una imagen más profesional

    she presented her plan to the meeting — expuso su proyecto a la reunión

    6) (=pose) [+ challenge] representar; [+ opportunity] presentar, ofrecer; [+ sight] ofrecer

    if you are old, getting fit can present a challenge — si es usted mayor, ponerse en forma puede representar un reto

    the boy presents a problemel chico nos plantea un problema

    the patrol presented an easy targetla patrulla era un blanco fácil

    7) (=provide, confront)

    to present sb with sth: the author presents us with a vivid chronicle of contemporary America — el autor nos brinda or ofrece una vívida crónica de la América contemporánea

    she bought a new car and presented me with the billse compró un coche nuevo y me pasó la factura

    to present sb with a daughter/ sonfrm, hum ofrecer a algn una hija/un hijo

    8) (=represent, portray) presentar
    9) (Comm) (=tender, submit) [+ bill] presentar, pasar; [+ cheque] presentar
    10) (Rad, TV) [+ programme] presentar; (Theat) [+ play] presentar, ofrecer el montaje de; (Art) [+ exhibition] exponer, presentar
    11) (Mil)

    present arms! — ¡presenten armas!


    to present o.s. — [person] presentarse

    to present o.s. as sth, he presents himself as a moderate, but he's not — se define a sí mismo como un moderado, pero no lo es

    to present o.s. for examinationpresentarse a (un) examen

    to present o.s. for (an) interviewpresentarse a una entrevista


    to present itself[opportunity, problem] surgir, presentarse

    a problem has presented itselfha surgido or se ha presentado un problema


    to present with sth[patient] presentarse con algo

    to present with or as sth — [condition] presentarse en forma de algo

    * * *

    1. [prɪ'zent]
    a) (give, hand over)

    to present something to somebody — entregarle* algo a alguien, hacerle* entrega de algo a alguien (frml)

    to present somebody WITH somethingobsequiar a alguien con algo (frml), obsequiarle algo a alguien (esp AmL frml)

    b) ( confront)

    to present somebody WITH something: it presents me with a whole host of problems esto me plantea toda una serie de problemas; we were presented with a very difficult situation — nos vimos frente a una situación muy difícil

    2) \<\<ticket/passport/account/motion/bill\>\> presentar; \<\<ideas\>\> presentar, exponer*
    a) ( constitute) ser*, constituir*
    b) ( provide) \<\<view/perspective\>\> presentar, ofrecer*
    4) (Cin, Theat, Rad, TV) presentar
    5) ( introduce) (frml) presentar
    6) ( Mil)

    v refl
    a) ( arise) \<\<problem/opportunity\>\> presentarse, surgir*
    b) ( appear) (frml) \<\<person\>\> presentarse
    c) (display, show) presentarse

    vi ( Med) \<\<patient/disease\>\> presentarse

    II ['prezṇt]
    1) ( at scene) (pred)

    to be present — estar* presente

    how many were present? — ¿cuántas personas había?

    2) (before n)
    a) ( current) actual

    at the present time o moment — en este momento

    b) ( Ling)

    III ['prezṇt]
    1) u

    at present — en este momento, actualmente

    for the present — por ahora, por el momento

    there's no time like the present — (set phrase) no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy

    b) ( Ling)
    2) c ( gift) regalo m

    to give somebody a present — regalarle algo a alguien, hacerle* un regalo a alguien

    English-spanish dictionary > present

  • 13 fall

    fall [fɔ:l]
    chute1 (a), 1 (b), 1 (d), 1 (e), 1 (k) baisse1 (f), 1 (g) automne1 (j) tomber2 (a), 2 (f)-(h), 2 (j)-(m) se laisser tomber2 (b) s'écrouler2 (c) s'assombrir2 (i) cascade4
    (pt fell [fel], pp fallen ['fɔ:ln])
    1 noun
    (a) (tumble) chute f;
    have you had a fall? êtes-vous tombé?, avez-vous fait une chute?;
    a fall from a horse une chute de cheval;
    a forty-metre fall une chute de quarante mètres;
    literary the fall of night la tombée de la nuit;
    to be heading or riding for a fall courir à l'échec;
    the government is riding for a fall le gouvernement va au-devant de la défaite
    (b) (of rain, snow) chute f;
    there was a heavy fall of snow overnight il y a eu de fortes chutes de neige dans la nuit
    (d) (collapse → of building, wall) chute f, effondrement m; (→ of dirt, rock) éboulement m, chute f; (→ of city, country) chute f, capitulation f; (→ of regime) chute f, renversement m;
    the fall of the Roman Empire la chute de l'Empire romain;
    the fall of the Bastille la prise de la Bastille
    (e) (ruin → of person) perte f, ruine f;
    Religion the Fall (of Man) la chute (de l'homme)
    (f) (decrease → in price, income, shares, temperature) baisse f (in de); (→ in currency) dépréciation f, baisse f (in de); (more marked) chute f (in de); (→ of barometer, in pressure) chute f (in de)
    (g) (lowering → of water) décrue f, baisse f; (→ of voice) cadence f
    the fall of her gown le drapé de sa robe, la façon dont tombe sa robe
    (i) (slope) pente f, inclinaison f
    (j) American (autumn) automne m;
    in the fall en automne
    (k) Sport (in judo) chute f; (in wrestling) chute f
    (a) (barrier, cup, napkin, water, person) tomber;
    the napkin fell to the floor la serviette est tombée par terre;
    I slipped and fell on the ice j'ai dérapé sur la glace et je suis tombé;
    the child fell into the pond l'enfant est tombé dans la mare;
    she fell off the stool/out of the window elle est tombée du tabouret/par la fenêtre;
    to fall 20 feet tomber de 20 pieds;
    he fell over the pile of books il est tombé en butant contre le tas de livres;
    just let your arms fall to your sides laissez simplement vos bras pendre ou tomber sur les côtés;
    he fell in a heap on the floor il s'est affaissé ou il est tombé comme une masse;
    he fell full length il est tombé de tout son long;
    the crowd fell on or to their knees la foule est tombée à genoux;
    he fell at her feet to ask forgiveness il est tombé à genoux devant elle pour lui demander pardon;
    she did let fall a few hints elle a fait effectivement quelques allusions;
    the book fell open at page 20 le livre s'est ouvert à la page 20;
    also figurative to fall on one's feet retomber sur ses pieds;
    a cat always falls on its feet un chat retombe toujours sur ses pattes;
    I fell flat on my face je suis tombé à plat ventre ou face contre terre; familiar figurative je me suis planté;
    American very familiar also figurative he fell flat on his ass il s'est cassé la gueule;
    his only joke fell flat la seule plaisanterie qu'il a faite est tombée à plat;
    the scheme fell flat le projet est tombé à l'eau;
    despite all their efforts, the party fell flat en dépit de leurs efforts, la soirée a fait un flop;
    to fall to bits or to pieces tomber en morceaux;
    all her good intentions fell by the wayside toutes ses bonnes intentions sont tombées à l'eau;
    the job fell short of her expectations le poste ne répondait pas à ses attentes
    (b) (move deliberately) se laisser tomber;
    I fell into the armchair je me suis laissé tomber dans le fauteuil;
    they fell into one another's arms ils sont tombés dans les bras l'un de l'autre
    (c) (bridge, building) s'écrouler, s'effondrer
    (d) (err, go astray) s'écarter du droit chemin; Religion (sin) pécher;
    Religion to fall from grace perdre la grâce; figurative tomber en disgrâce
    (e) (ground) descendre, aller en pente
    (f) (government) tomber, être renversé; (city, country) tomber;
    after a long siege the city fell après un long siège, la ville a capitulé;
    Constantinople fell to the Turks Constantinople est tombée aux mains des Turcs
    (g) (darkness, light, night, rain, snow) tomber;
    as night fell à la tombée de la nuit;
    the tree's shadow fell across the lawn l'arbre projetait son ombre sur la pelouse
    (h) (land → eyes, blow, weapon) tomber;
    my eyes fell on the letter mon regard est tombé sur la lettre
    (i) (face, spirits) s'assombrir;
    at the sight of her, his face fell quand il l'a vue, son visage s'est assombri ou s'est allongé;
    my spirits fell tout d'un coup, j'ai perdu le moral
    (j) (hang down) tomber, descendre;
    the curtains fall right to the floor les rideaux tombent ou descendent jusqu'au sol;
    the fabric falls in gentle folds ce tissu retombe en faisant de jolis plis;
    his hair fell to his shoulders ses cheveux lui descendaient ou tombaient jusqu'aux épaules;
    his hair keeps falling into his eyes ses cheveux n'arrêtent pas de lui tomber dans les yeux
    (k) (decrease in level, value → price, temperature) baisser, tomber; (→ pressure) baisser, diminuer; (→ wind) tomber;
    the thermometer/temperature has fallen ten degrees le thermomètre/la température a baissé de dix degrés;
    their voices fell to a whisper ils se sont mis à chuchoter;
    the boss fell in our esteem le patron a baissé dans notre estime
    (l) (issue forth) tomber, s'échapper;
    curses fell from her lips elle laissa échapper des jurons;
    the tears started to fall il/elle se mit à pleurer
    (m) (occur) tomber;
    May Day falls on a Tuesday this year le Premier Mai tombe un mardi cette année;
    the accent falls on the third syllable l'accent tombe sur la troisième syllabe
    a great sadness fell over the town une grande tristesse s'abattit sur la ville;
    a hush fell among or over the crowd tout d'un coup, la foule s'est tue
    to fall asleep s'endormir;
    the child fell fast asleep l'enfant est tombé dans un profond sommeil;
    the bill falls due on the 6th la facture arrive à échéance le 6;
    he will fall heir to a vast fortune il va hériter d'une grande fortune;
    to fall ill or sick tomber malade;
    to fall pregnant tomber enceinte;
    to fall in love (with sb) tomber amoureux (de qn);
    to fall silent se taire;
    it falls vacant in February (job) il se trouvera vacant au mois de février; (apartment) il se trouvera libre ou il se libérera au mois de février;
    to fall victim to sth être victime de qch;
    she fell victim to depression elle a fait une dépression
    (p) (die) mourir;
    the young men who fell in battle les jeunes tombés au champ d'honneur
    the athletes fall into two categories les sportifs se divisent en deux catégories;
    these facts fall under another category ces faits entrent dans une autre catégorie;
    that falls outside my area of responsibility cela ne relève pas de ma responsabilité;
    that does not fall within the scope of our agreement ceci n'entre pas dans le cadre de ou ne fait pas partie de notre accord
    the fortune fell to his niece c'est sa nièce qui a hérité de sa fortune
    two English wickets fell on the first day deux batteurs anglais ont été éliminés le premier jour
    American (colours, weather) d'automne, automnal
    (waterfall) cascade f, chute f d'eau;
    Niagara Falls les chutes fpl du Niagara
    ►► familiar fall guy (dupe) pigeon m; (scapegoat) bouc m émissaire ;
    Hunting fall trap assommoir m
    British familiar se tordre de rire;
    they fell about (laughing) ils se tordaient de rire
    (a) (book, furniture) tomber en morceaux; figurative (nation) se désagréger; (conference) échouer; (system) s'écrouler, s'effondrer;
    her plans fell apart at the seams ses projets sont tombés à l'eau;
    her life was falling apart toute sa vie s'écroulait;
    their marriage is falling apart leur mariage est en train de se briser ou va à vau-l'eau
    (b) (person) s'effondrer;
    he more or less fell apart after his wife's death il a plus ou moins craqué après la mort de sa femme
    (a) (paint, plaster) s'écailler
    (b) (diminish in size → attendance, figures) diminuer; (→ fears) se dissiper, fondre
    (c) (defect) déserter;
    support for his policies is beginning to fall away dans la politique qu'il mène il commence à perdre ses appuis
    (d) (land, slope) s'affaisser
    (a) (fall) tomber à la renverse ou en arrière
    (b) (retreat, recede) reculer, se retirer; Military se replier, battre en retraite
    (c) (lag, trail) se laisser distancer, être à la traîne
    to fall back two points se replier de deux points
    to fall back on sth avoir recours à qch;
    it's good to have something to fall back on (skill) c'est bien de pouvoir se raccrocher à quelque chose; (money) il vaut mieux avoir d'autres ressources;
    he knew he could always fall back on his parents il savait qu'il pouvait compter sur ses parents
    se laisser distancer, être à la traîne; Sport se laisser distancer; (in cycling) décrocher;
    she fell behind in or with her work elle a pris du retard dans son travail;
    they've fallen behind with their reading ils ont pris du retard dans leurs lectures;
    we can't fall behind in or with the rent nous ne pouvons pas être en retard pour le loyer
    prendre du retard sur;
    he's fallen behind the rest of the class il a pris du retard sur le reste de la classe
    (a) (book, person, picture) tomber (par terre); (bridge, building) s'effondrer, s'écrouler;
    that house looks as if it's about to fall down on dirait que cette maison va s'écrouler
    (b) (argument, comparison) s'écrouler, s'effondrer;
    where the whole thing falls down is… là où plus rien ne tient debout ou où tout s'écroule c'est…
    to fall down on sth échouer à qch;
    he's been falling down on the job lately il n'était pas ou ne s'est pas montré à la hauteur dernièrement
    (a) (become infatuated with) tomber amoureux de ;
    they fell for each other ils sont tombés amoureux l'un de l'autre;
    they really fell for Spain in a big way ils ont vraiment été emballés par l'Espagne
    (b) (be deceived by) se laisser prendre par ;
    they really fell for it! ils ont vraiment mordu!, ils se sont vraiment fait avoir!;
    don't fall for that hard luck story of his ne te fais pas avoir quand il te raconte qu'il a la poisse;
    I'm not falling for that one! ça ne prend pas!, à d'autres!
    (a) (tumble) tomber;
    you'll fall in! tu vas tomber dedans!;
    he leant too far over the side of the boat and fell in il s'est trop penché hors du bateau et il est tombé
    (b) (roof) s'effondrer, s'écrouler
    (c) (line up) se mettre en rang, s'aligner; Military (troops) former les rangs; (one soldier) rentrer dans les rangs;
    fall in! à vos rangs!
    (a) (tumble into) tomber dans;
    they fell into the trap ils sont tombés dans le piège;
    to fall into sb's clutches or sb's hands tomber dans les griffes de qn, tomber entre les mains de qn;
    figurative the pieces began to fall into place les éléments ont commencé à se mettre en place
    she fell into conversation with the stranger elle est entrée en conversation avec l'étranger
    to fall in with sb se mettre à fréquenter qn;
    she fell in with a bad crowd elle s'est mise à fréquenter des gens louches
    (b) British (agree with → suggestion) accepter; (→ request) accéder à;
    I'll fall in with whatever you decide to do je me rangerai à ce que tu décideras
    the leaves of this plant are falling off les feuilles de cette plante tombent, cette plante perd ses feuilles;
    she fell off the bicycle/horse elle est tombée du vélo/de cheval
    (b) (diminish → attendance, exports, numbers, sales) diminuer, baisser; (→ profits) diminuer; (→ enthusiasm, production) baisser, tomber; (→ population, rate) baisser, décroître; (→ speed) ralentir; (→ interest, zeal) se relâcher; (→ popularity) baisser; (→ wind) tomber
    (a) (drop on) tomber sur;
    something fell on my head j'ai reçu quelque chose sur la tête
    (b) (attack) attaquer, se jeter sur;
    the starving children fell on the food les enfants, affamés, se sont jetés sur la nourriture;
    Military the guerrillas fell on the unsuspecting troops les guérilleros ont fondu sur ou attaqué les troupes sans qu'elles s'y attendent
    (c) (meet with) tomber sur, trouver;
    they fell on hard times ils sont tombés dans la misère, ils ont subi des revers de fortune
    (d) (of responsibility) revenir à, incomber à;
    suspicion falls on them c'est eux que l'on soupçonne;
    responsibility for looking after them falls on me c'est à moi qu'il incombe de prendre soin d'eux
    (a) (drop out) tomber;
    the keys must have fallen out of my pocket les clés ont dû tomber de ma poche;
    his hair is falling out ses cheveux tombent, il perd ses cheveux
    (b) (quarrel) se brouiller, se disputer;
    she's fallen out with her boyfriend elle est ou s'est brouillée avec son petit ami
    (c) (happen) se passer, advenir;
    as things fell out en fin de compte
    (d) Military rompre les rangs;
    fall out! rompez!
    (a) (lose balance → person) tomber (par terre); (→ thing) se renverser, être renversé
    she was falling over herself to make us feel welcome elle se mettait en quatre pour nous faire bon accueil;
    the men were falling over each other to help her les hommes ne savaient pas quoi inventer pour l'aider
    (fail) échouer;
    the deal fell through l'affaire n'a pas abouti;
    all our plans fell through at the last minute tous nos projets sont tombés à l'eau au dernier moment
    fall to
    (a) British (begin) se mettre à;
    we fell to work nous nous sommes mis à l'œuvre;
    we all fell to talking about the past nous nous sommes tous mis à parler du passé
    (b) (devolve upon) appartenir à, incomber à;
    the task that falls to us is not an easy one la tâche qui nous incombe ou revient n'est pas facile;
    it fell to her to break the news to him ce fut à elle de lui annoncer la nouvelle
    (eat) he brought in the food and they fell to il a apporté à manger et ils se sont jetés dessus;
    she fell to as if she hadn't eaten for a week elle a attaqué comme si elle n'avait rien mangé depuis huit jours
    (a) (attack) attaquer, se jeter sur;
    Military the army fell upon the enemy l'armée s'est abattue ou a fondu sur l'ennemi;
    they fell upon the food ils se sont jetés sur la nourriture
    (b) (meet with) tomber sur, trouver;
    the family fell upon hard times la famille a subi des revers de fortune
    ✾ Book 'The Fall of the House of Usher' Poe 'La Chute de la maison Usher'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > fall

  • 14 write

    1. I
    1) learn (be able, be unable, know how, etc.) to write учиться и т.д. писать; show a child how to write учить ребенка писать; this pen does not write эта ручка не пишет
    2) make a living by writing зарабатывать на жизнь литературным трудом, быть профессиональным писателем; his ambition was to write его мечтой было стать писателем
    3) he promised to write он обещал писать
    2. II
    1) write in some manner write very well (neatly, clearly /legibly/, properly, very badly, small, etc.) писать аккуратно и т.д.; this реп writes scratchily это перо царапает
    2) write at some time write every week (once a week, regularly, often, rarely, occasionally, etc.) писать (письма) каждую неделю и т.д.; write somewhere write home писать домой
    3) write in some manner write amusingly (cleverly, satirically, ironically, convincingly, realistically, dogmatically, etc.) писать занятно и т.д.; write clearly and forcibly писать /выражать свои мысли/ четко и убедительно
    3. III
    write smth.
    1) write words (Greek letters, one's alphabet, two copies of a letter, your address, etc.) писать /написать/ слова и т.д.; write Chinese characters писать китайскими иероглифами; write one's name a) написать свое имя; б) поставить свою подпись; write shorthand стенографировать; write a good (round, legible, niggling, etc.) hand иметь хороший и т.д. почерк; he wrote several pages он исписал несколько страниц
    2) write a book (a poem, a novel, essays, an article, a story, a review, a report, smb.'s biography, etc.) писать /написать/ книгу и т.д.; write music (a symphony, songs, etc.) сочинять музыку и т.д.
    3) write a letter (a note, a message, etc.) написать письмо и т.д.; write a cheque (a certificate, a prescription, an order, etc.) выписывать чек и т.д.; write one's will (an application, etc.) составить заявление и т.д.
    4. IV
    1) write smth. in some manner write English well (Spanish better than he speaks it, a letter hurriedly, etc.) хорошо писать по-английски и т.д.; he cannot write even a letter satisfactorily он даже письма не может написать как надо; write smth. somewhere write your name here поставьте свою подпись вот-здесь
    2) write smb. at some time write smb. every day (twice a week, often, at once, etc.) писать кому-л. каждый день и т.д.; we wrote you last week мы отправили вам письмо на прошлой неделе; have you written your family yet? вы уже написали домой?
    5. V
    write smb. smth. write me a nice long letter напишите мне хорошее длинное письме; write me an account of his visit опишите мне подробно, как он у вас погостил; he wrote us all the news он сообщил нам все новости; I shall write him a letter every week я буду писать ему [по письму] каждую неделю
    6. VII
    write smb. to do smth. write him to come (to send the books, etc.) написать ему, чтобы он приехал и т.д.
    7. XI
    1) be written in /with/ smth. it is written in ink (in pen, in pencil, with the reformed alphabet, with Chinese characters, with different ideographs, etc.) это написано чернилами и т.д.; it is written in English это написано по-английски; this word is written with a 'g' (with a hyphen, etc.) это слово пишется через букву 'g' и т.д.; be written somewhere the name is written underneath подпись стоит внизу; the paper is written all over бумажка вся исписана; be written by smb., smth. that was not written by me это написано не мной; be written by hand быть написанным от руки
    2) be written by smb. they found that this story was also written by Chekhov они установили, что этот рассказ был также написан Чеховым; be written for smth. the article is written expressly for the use of the paper эта статья написана специально для газеты; be written in some manner the story is briskly (brightly, carefully, well, etc.) written рассказ написан живо и т.д.; this letter is well written but badly spelt это письмо хорошо написано, но в нем масса орфографических ошибок
    3) be written to he ought to be written to ему следует написать /сообщить/, его надо известить; be written that... it is written that the book will come out next year сообщают, что эта книга выйдет в будущем году
    4) be written on /in/ smth. honesty (candour, frankness, innocence, refinement, his selfishness, etc.) is written on /in/ his face у него честное и т.д. лицо; his guilt is written on his face по лицу видно /у него на лице написано/, что он виноват; be written in one's soul (in one's heart) быть запечатленным в сердце (в душе) || there's detective written all over him по всему его виду можно безошибочно сказать, что он сыщик; сразу видно, что он сыщик
    8. XII
    have smth. written on /in/ smth. he has guilt (fear, trouble. care, etc.) written on his face, (in his eyes, etc.) у него на лице и т.д. написано, что он виноват и т.д.
    9. XIII
    write to do smth. write to let them know that... (to say that..., etc.) написать [для того], чтобы сообщить им, что... и т.д.
    10. XVI
    1) write on (in, under, etc.) smth. write on a blackboard (on both sides of the paper, on parchment, on the slate, etc.) писать на доске и т.д.; write in one's notebook записывать в тетрадь; write in the hotel register расписаться /записать свою фамилию/ в регистрационной книге гостиницы; write in the sand чертить на песке; write under the date подписаться) под датой; write at some time children learn to write in /from/ their sixth year /at the age of six/ дети начинают писать в шесть лет; write with /in/ smth. write with a pen (in pencil, with a ball-point pen, with ink, with chalk, etc.) писать ручкой и т.д.; I want something to write with мне надо что-нибудь, чем можно писать; write with the left hand писать левой рукой; write in big characters (in small letters, with small initials, etc.) писать большими буквами и т.д.; write in full писать полностью; write with abbreviations пользоваться сокращениями при письме; he writes in round hand у него круглый почерк; can you write in shorthand? вы умеете стенографировать?; write for some time I've been writing for three hours я уже три часа пишу || write from dictation писать под диктовку
    2) write about /of/ (on) smth. write about gardening (about the war, of the future entertainingly, about their customs, etc.) писать о садоводстве и т.д.; there are always plenty of topics to write about всегда есть много тем, на которые можно писать; write on the subject (too much on the matter, calmly and sensibly on the question, etc.) писать на данную тему /по данному вопросу/ и т.д.; write on mathematics (on Japan, etc.) писать о математике и т.д.; write in smth. write in the papers (in magazines, etc.) сотрудничать в газетах и т.д.; thus he writes in his recent book так он пишет в своей последней книге; write in verse (in good style, etc.) писать стихами и т.д.; write for smb., smth. write for young folk (for the masses, for a newspaper, for a magazine, for a musical theatre, for a prospectus. for posterity, etc.) писать для молодежи и т.д.; write for the screen писать для кино, писать сценарии; write for the stage писать пьесы, быть драматургом; write for a living зарабатывать литературным трудом; write against smb., smth. write against this author (against smb.'s book, etc.) выступать в печати против этого автора и т.д.; write with smth. write with ease (with artistic skill, etc.) писать с легкостью /легко/ и т.д. || write under a pen-name (under his own name) писать под псевдонимом (под своим именем)
    3) write to smb. write directly to his father (to you soon, to her family every week, to his mother, etc.) писать непосредственно его отцу и т.д.; he wrote to me [saying] that... он написал /сообщил/ мне, что...; write to him about his brother (about the business, about their victory, etc.) написать ему о его брате и т.д.; write to smth. write to London (to some little town, etc.) писать в Лондон и т.д.; write to his former address написать по его старому адресу; write to the Times (to a magazine, etc.) написать в газету "Тайме" и т.д.; write from some place write from Tokyo написать из Токио; write [to smb.] for smth. write to one's brother for advice (for a fresh supply, for money, etc.) написать брату с просьбой дать совет и т.д.; he wrote to me for help в письме он обратился ко мне за помощью
    11. XXI1
    1) write smth. in (to) (on, at, etc.) smth. write one's exercises in a copy-book (one's name in the visitors' book, the facts in one's diary, notes in the margin, etc.) писать /записывать/ упражнения в тетрадь и т.д.; write his name into the list внести его имя в список; write a new paragraph into a document вставить новый параграф в документ; write slogans on the wall (few words on a piece of paper, these figures on the board, etc.) писать лозунги на стене и т.д.; write your name at the bottom of the page распишитесь /поставьте свою подпись/ внизу страницы; write it in your own hand напишите /запишете/ это своей собственной рукой
    2) write smth. on /about/ smth. write a book on French history (an article about his experience in the Army, stories on topics about which they really know very little, etc.) писать книгу по французской истории и т.д.; write smth. for smth. write [the] music for a play сочинять /писать/ музыку для пьесы
    3) write smth. to smb. write a letter to him (a note to a friend, etc.) (надписать ему письмо и т.А; write smb. about smth. I will write you about the details later on я сообщу вам о подробностях позже
    12. XXV
    1) write if... (that..., etc.) write if you get work (that he has been ill, that he is leaving tomorrow, etc.) сообщить /написать/, если вы получите работу и т.д.
    2) write that... Shakespeare (Bacon, Herodotus, a great scholar, etc.) writes that... Шекспир и т.д. пишет /говорит/, что...
    13. XXVI
    write smb. that... (how..., etc.) write the family that he was staying with his brother (that she would be home for Christmas, etc.) сообщить /написать/ домой, что он гостит у брата и т.д.; write me how you got home напишите мне, как вы доехали [домой]

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > write

  • 15 last

    last, US [transcription][l_st] ⇒ Time units
    A n
    1 ( for shoes) forme f ;
    2 ( end of life) to the last jusqu'au bout.
    B pron
    1 ( final) the last le dernier/la dernière m/f (to do à faire) ; that was the last I saw of her c'est la dernière fois que je l'ai vue ; I thought we'd seen the last of him! je croyais qu'on en avait fini avec lui! ; I hope we've seen the last of the cold weather j'espère qu'on en a fini avec le froid ; you haven't heard the last of this! l'affaire n'en restera pas là! ; to leave sth till last s'occuper de qch en dernier (lieu) ;
    2 ( of series) the last le dernier/la dernière m/f ; to be the last in a long line of Kings être le dernier (en date) d'une longue lignée de rois ; his new novel is better than the last son nouveau roman est meilleur que le dernier or le précédent ; the last I heard, he was living in Spain aux dernières nouvelles, il habitait en Espagne ; the last but one l'avant-dernier/-ière ; the night before last ( evening) avant-hier soir ; ( night) la nuit d'avant-hier ; the week before last il y a deux semaines ; lovely dresses, this last being the most expensive de belles robes, cette dernière étant la plus coûteuse ;
    3 ( all that remains) the last le dernier/la dernière m/f ; ‘are there any more cakes?’-‘no, this is the last‘ ‘est-ce qu'il reste des gâteaux?’-‘non, c'est le dernier’ ; he poured out the last of the whisky il a versé ce qui restait de whisky ; the last of the guests were just leaving les derniers invités prenaient congé.
    C adj
    1 ( final) [hope, novel, time] dernier/-ière (before n) ; to the last detail jusqu'au dernier détail ; the last car to be made in Abingdon la dernière voiture fabriquée à Abingdon ; the last person to do la dernière personne à faire ; it is the last time that I/you do c'est la dernière fois que je/tu fais ; for the last time, will you be quiet! c'est la dernière fois que je vous le dis, taisez-vous! ; your last name please? votre nom de famille s'il vous plaît? ; in my last job là où je travaillais avant ; every last one of them tous jusqu'au dernier ;
    2 ( final in series) dernier/-ière ; the last house before the garage la dernière maison avant le garage ; the last building/horse but one l'avant-dernier bâtiment/cheval ; his name is last but two on the list son nom est le troisième à partir de la fin de la liste ; the last few children/buildings les deux ou trois derniers enfants/bâtiments ;
    3 ( describing past time) dernier/-ière ; last week/year la semaine/l'année dernière ; last Tuesday mardi dernier ; I was in Spain last Christmas j'étais en Espagne à Noël l'an dernier ; in ou over the last ten years durant ces dix dernières années ; Anne has been in Cambridge for the last eight months Anne est à Cambridge depuis huit mois ; last night ( evening) hier soir ; ( night-time) cette nuit ; late last night tard hier soir ; this time last year l'an dernier à cette époque-ci ; last week's figures les chiffres de la semaine dernière ; last night's broadcast l'émission d'hier soir ;
    4 fig ( most unlikely) dernier/-ière ; he's the last person I'd ask! c'est la dernière personne à qui je m'adresserais! ; to be the last person to do être le dernier/la dernière à faire ; I'd be the last person to suggest that… je serais le dernier/la dernière à suggérer que… ; the last thing they want is publicity! la publicité, c'est vraiment ce qu'ils souhaitent le moins! ; the last thing I need is guests for the weekend il ne me manquait plus que des invités pour le week-end iron ; another cat is the last thing we need nous n'avons certainement pas besoin d'un autre chat.
    D adv
    1 ( in final position) to come in last [runner, racing car] arriver en dernier ; to be placed last être classé dernier/-ière ; the girls left last les filles sont parties les dernières ; last of all en dernier lieu ; to put sb/sth last faire passer qn/qch après tout le reste ;
    2 ( most recently) she was last in Canada in 1976 la dernière fois qu'elle est allée au Canada, c'était en 1976 ; the play was last performed in 1925 la dernière représentation de la pièce a eu lieu en 1925, la pièce a été jouée pour la dernière fois en 1925.
    E vtr a loaf lasts me two days un pain me fait deux jours ; a loaf of bread lasts my mother a week ma mère, un pain lui fait la semaine ; we have enough food to last (us) three days nous avons assez de provisions pour trois jours ; there's enough to last me a lifetime! il y en a assez jusqu'à la fin de mes jours!
    F vi
    1 ( extend in time) [marriage, ceasefire, performance] durer ; the exhibition lasted two months l'exposition a duré deux mois ; it won't last! ça ne durera pas longtemps! ; it's too good to last! c'est trop beau pour que ça dure! ; he won't last long in this place il ne tiendra pas longtemps ici ; that beer didn't last long cette bière n'a pas fait long feu ; I'm afraid the poor dog won't last long je crains que le pauvre chien n'en ait plus pour longtemps ;
    2 ( maintain condition) [fabric] faire de l'usage ; [perishables] se conserver ; these shoes will last and last ces chaussures sont inusables.
    last out:
    1 ( not run out) [money] suffire ; [supplies] durer ;
    2 ( persist) [person] tenir ; she says she's given up smoking, but she'll never last out! elle dit qu'elle a cessé de fumer, mais elle ne tiendra jamais! ;
    3 ( endure siege) [inhabitants, town] tenir ;
    last out [sth] tenir jusqu'à la fin de [siege] ; she' ll never last out the month elle ne finira pas le mois.

    Big English-French dictionary > last

  • 16 turn

    1. I
    1) we all turned мы все повернулись [кругом]; he turned and went away in a rage он повернулся и в гневе пошел прочь; it is time for us to turn нам пора повернуть назад /пойти обратно/; he did not know which way /where/ то turn a) он не знал, куда повернуться; б) он не знал, к кому обратиться; the river turns and twists речка извивается /петляет/; the tide has turned начинается отлив или прилив; the wind is turning ветер меняется /меняет направление/; the weather has turned погода изменилась; I fear my luck will turn боюсь, мне изменит счастье /мне перестанет везти/
    2) the wheels turned колеса вертелись; the ball turns крутится шар; the merry-go-round turned карусель вертелась /вращалась/; this key is hard to turn этот ключ трудно повернуть; the tap won't turn кран не поворачивается
    3) my head is turning у меня кружится голова; heights always make his head turn высота всегда вызывает у него головокружение
    4) the leaves are beginning to turn листья начинают желтеть; her hair has begun to turn она начала седеть
    5) the milk has turned молоко прокисло
    6) the edge of the knife had turned лезвие ножа затупилось
    2. II
    1) turn in some manner turn abruptly (reluctantly, instinctively, wearily, insolently, etc.) резко и т.д. повернуть (ся) или свернуть; somewhere turn this way (that way, left, around, etc.) повернуть(ся) в эту сторону и т.д.; the main road turns sharp right шоссе круто уходит направо; turn homewards (west, etc.) направляться домой и т.д.; let's turn back давайте вернемся [назад]; she turned aside and began to sob она отвернулась и начала всхлипывать; turn round and let me see your face повернись и дай мне посмотреть тебе в лице; he turned round and round он все время поворачивался /крутился/; turn at tome time it is time to turn now теперь нам пора возвращаться /поворачивать назад/
    2) turn in some manner the boat (the car, the cart, etc.) turned over лодка и т.д. перевернулась; the aircraft struck the ground and turned over and over самолет врезался в землю и несколько раз перевернулся; turn head over heels перекувырнуться; the boat turned upside down лодка перевернулась /опрокинулась вверх дном/; my umbrella (my pocket, etc.) turned inside out у меня вывернулся зонтик и т.д.; the whole world turned topsy-turvy весь мир перевернулся, все в мире перевернулось
    3) turn in some manner the key (the handle, the tap, etc.) turns easily ключ и т.д. легко поворачивается
    4) turn in some manner the dancer turned quickly (awkwardly, gracefully. etc.) танцовщица быстро и т.д. кружилась
    5) turn in some manner the metal (the wood, this material, etc.) turns well (easily, quickly, etc.) этот металл и т.д. хорошо и т.д. поддается обточке
    3. III
    1) turn smb., smth. turn one's horse (one's car, the carriage, etc.) повернуть лошадь и т.д. обратно /назад/; she turned her steps она повернула назад; turn one's head обернуться, повернуть голову; turn the course of a river (the tide of events, etc.) изменить течение реки и т.д.; turn the conversation изменить тему разговора, повернуть беседу в другое русло; turn the corner а) поворачивать за угол; the саг turned the corner машина завернула за угол; б) выходить из затруднительного положения; once he has made up his mind, nothing will turn him если он что-нибудь решил, ничто не заставит его изменить своего решения
    2) turn smth. turn a page of a book (pancakes, an omelette, etc.) переворачивать страницу книги и т.д.; turn hay ворошить сено; turn soil пахать; turn a bed перетряхивать постель; turn a sheet отогнуть простыню; turn a garment (a dress, a suit, a coat, a cape, a collar, etc.) перелицовывать одежду и т.д.; turn a complete circle (a half-circle, 16 points, etc.) делать полный оборот и т.д.; turn a somersault делать сальто, кувыркаться || turn one's ankle вывихнуть /подвернуть/ ногу; turn smb.'s brain сводить кого-л. с ума; grief (overwork, etc.) has turned his brain от горя и т.д. он сошел с ума
    3) turn smth. turn a wheel вращать колесо; turn a handle крутить ручку; turn a key (the cap of a jar, the tap, the doorknob, etc.) поворачивать ключ и т.д.
    4) || turn smb.'s head вскружить кому-л. голову; success had not turned his head от успеха голова у него не закружилась; turn smb.'s stomach вызывать у кого-л. тошноту; the mere sight of food turns his stomach его воротит /мутит, тошнит/ от одного вида пищи; I'm afraid the rolling of the ship will turn my stomach боюсь, что качка на корабле вызовет у меня тошноту
    5) turn smb. turn an excellent husband (a soldier, a schoolmaster, a reporter, a poet, a Christian, etc.) стать [со временем] прекрасным мужем и т.д.; turn traitor (informer, etc.) стать предателем и т.д.
    6) || turn some colour стать какого-л. цвета, принять какую-л. окраску; turn all the colours of the rainbow окраситься во все цвета радуги; he turned colour он покраснел или побледнел
    7) turn smth. turn milk (cream) сквашивать молоко (сливки); heat has turned the milk от жары молоко скисло
    9) turn smth. turn a blow отводить удар; the metal is thick enough to turn a bullet металл достаточно прочен, чтобы пуля от него отскочила /его не пробила/
    10) turn smth. turn candlesticks (wooden vessels, brass, lead pipes, columns, etc.) вытачивать /обтачивать/ подсвечники и т.д.
    11) turn smth. turn an epigram (a couplet, a witty reply, etc.) сочинить эпиграмму и т.д.; turn a pretty compliment сделать тонкий комплимент; he has a knack for turning a phrase он очень ловко жонглирует словами; I don't know how he managed to turn the trick я не знаю, как ему удалось провернуть это дельце
    12) turn smth. turn the edge of a knife (the edge of an axe, etc.) затупить лезвие ножа и т.д.
    4. IV
    1) turn smth., smb. somewhere turn one's саг (the horse, the carriage, one's steps, etc.) back (homewards, northwards, etc.) повернуть машину и т.д. назад и т.д.; turn your eyes /your look/ this way посмотри сюда; turn smth. in some manner turn your chair so that the light is on your left поверните стул так, чтобы свет падал слева; turn the corner at full speed поворачивать за угол на полном ходу
    2) turn smth., smb. in some manner turn the pages of a book (of a magazine, etc.) thoughtlessly (absent-mindedly, idly, quickly, etc.) бездумно и т.д. переворачивать страницы книги /перелистывать книгу/ и т.Л; turn some old letters nostalgically с грустью перебирать старью письма; turn a patient (a body, etc,) easily легко перевернуть больного и т.д.; the doctor turned him over and looked at his back врач перевернул его и осмотрел его спину; turn the boy around, I want to sound him поверий мальчика, я его выслушаю; turn the handle three times (the tap one notch, etc.) повернуть ручку три раза и т.д.; turn one's pockets (a coat, one's glove, etc.) inside out выворачивать карманы и т.д. [наизнанку]; turn the boat (the pail, etc.) upside down опрокидывать лодку и т.д. вверх дном; don't turn this box upside down этот ящик нельзя кантовать; turn a room upside down перевернуть все в комнате вверх дном || turn one's ankle unexpectedly (suddenly, etc.) неожиданно и т.д. подвернуть ногу; I turned my ankle painfully я подвернул ногу и мне очень больно
    3) turn smth. in some manner you are turning my words around ты передергиваешь мои слова
    4) turn some age at some time she has not yet turned 40 ей еще нет сорока; his son just turned 4 его сыну как раз исполнилось четыре года; it has just turned two сейчас ровно два часа
    5) turn smth. somewhere turn aside a blow отвести удар
    6) turn smth. at some time I could turn a Latin verse in my day в свое время я писал стихи на латыни
    5. VI
    turn smth., smb. into some [other] state
    1) turn the light low уменьшить свет; the lamp low подвернуть лампу; fear turned him cowardly страх сделал его трусом; what turned the milk bad /sour/? от чего скисло молоко; his behaviour turns me sick от его поведения меня всего переворачивает
    2) turn a bird (prisoners, the animals, an arrow, etc.) loose выпустить птичку и т.д. на свободу; why don't you turn them free? почему ты не отпустишь их?
    3) turn the leaves red (yellow, etc.) окрашивать листья багрянцем и т.д.; the very thought turned me pale одна мысль об этом заставила меня побледнеть, я побледнел при одной мысли об этом; illness (worry, etc.) turned his hair white /grey/ он поседел от болезни и т.д.; the success of others turns him green with envy он зеленеет от зависти, когда слышит об успехах других
    6. XI
    1) be turned out of some place be turned out of the country (out of the house, etc.) быть высланным /водворенным/ из страны и т.д.; he was turned out of the hall for making too much noise его вывели /выгнали/ из зала за то, что он очень шумел; be turned from smth. he was turned from the door его прогнали от дверей
    2) be turned to for smth. this book may be turned to for accurate information (for answers, for clues, etc,) в этой книге можно найти точные сведения и т.д.
    3) be turned the dress (the suit, etc.) must be turned платье и т.д. надо перелицевать
    4) be turned by smth. be turned by steam приводиться в движение паром; be turned by gas вращаться при помощи газа; the mill wheel is being turned by water-power (by electricity, etc.) мельничное колесо приводится в движение /вращается/ силой воды и т.д.
    5) be turned (in)to smth. the drawing-room (the nursery, etc.) was turned into a study гостиная и т.д. была превращена в кабинет, из гостиной и т.д. сделали кабинет; his love was turned to hatred его любовь перешла в ненависть; it was formerly thought that common metals could be turned into gold раньше думали, что обычные металлы можно превратить в золото
    7. XII
    have smth. turned have one's coat (one's dress, etc.) turned отдать пальто и т.д. в перелицовку
    8. XIII
    turn to do smth. turn to look behind (to say smth., to pass the book to me, etc.) повернуться, чтобы посмотреть назад и т.д.
    9. XV
    turn into some state turn pale побледнеть: the leaves are beginning to turn yellow листья начинают желтеть; turn blue with cold посинеть от холода; turn green with envy позеленеть от зависти; her hair was said to have turned grey in one night говорили, что она поседела за одну ночь; this ink turns black on drying эти чернила становятся черными, когда высыхают; turn cold /colder/ холодать; the weather turned rainy (bad, stormy, etc.) погода стала дождливой и т.д.; whenever I come he turns sulky всегда, когда я прихожу, он начинает дуться; don't leave the milk on the table, it'll turn sour не оставляй молоко на столе, оно скиснет
    10. XVI
    1) turn to (off, towards, into, etc.) smth., smb. turn to the window (to the left, to the right, towards me, towards the sea, for home, etc.) повернуться к окну и т.Л; turn off the highway сворачивать с шоссе; the road turns to the north here здесь дорога уходит на север; the boat turned to windward лодка развернулась по ветру; he turned towards home он направился домой; turn into a wide road (into an alley, into the next street, etc.) свернуть на широкое шоссе и т.д.; they turned from the road into the woods они повернули с дороги в лес; turn at (in, on, etc.) smth. turn at the corner завернуть за угол, поворачивать на углу; turn in bed (in one's sleep, etc.) вертеться в постели и т.д.; the wheels won't turn in this mud в такой грязи колеса будут буксовать и не будут вращаться/; it's enough to make him turn in his grave он от этого в гробу перевернется; turn on one side while sleeping повернуться на бок во сне
    2) turn into smth. turn into a house (into the saloon at the corner, etc.) завернуть /заглянуть/ в дом и т.д.; turn into a town заехать в город
    3) turn to smth., smb. turn to the last page заглянуть на последнюю страницу; you'll find those figures if you turn to page 50 вы найдете эти цифры на странице/, если откроете страницу/ пятьдесят; my thoughts often turn to this subject мои мысли часто возвращаются к этой теме /к этому вопросу/; I shall now turn to another matter теперь я перейду к другому вопросу; I have no one to turn to мне не к кому обратиться; he is not the man you could turn to in these questions он не тот человек, к которому можно было бы обратиться с просьбой по таким вопросам; turn to smth., smb. for smth. turn to the dictionary for a word (to literature for reference, to a document for guidance, to his letter for consolation, etc.) обращаться к словари в поисках слова и т.Л; turn to his friend for help (to his mother for comfort, to his teacher for advice and guidance, to the police for protection, etc.) искать помощи у друга и т.д.; turn to the secretary for information (to his colleagues for support, etc.) обратиться к секретарю за справкой и т.д.; he turned to us for a loan он попросил нас дать ему взаймы денег
    4) turn to smth. turn to music (to the study of law, to medical practice, to journalism, to painting, to book-collecting, etc.) заняться музыкой и т.д.; turn to one's work приниматься /браться/ за работу; he is giving up the stage and turning to film work он бросает сцену и переходит на работу в кино; turn to drink начать пить; turn to crime заняться преступной деятельностью; the starling only turns to worms when there are no berries скворцы питаются червями только тогда, когда нет ягод
    5) turn on (round, etc.) smth. turn on an axle (on its axis, round the sun, etc.) вращаться на оси и т.д.; the door turns on its hinges дверь поворачивается на петлях; he turned on his heel and walked out of the room он круто повернулся и вышел из комнаты
    6) turn with smth. his head turns with giddiness у него кружится голова; his head has turned with success успех вскружил ему голову; the weathercock turns with the wind флюгер крутится по ветру; turn at smth. his stomach turns at the sight of blood (at the mere sight of food, etc.) у него поднимается тошнота при виде крови и т.д.
    7) turn (in)to smb., smth. turn into a butterfly (into a very pleasant fellow, into vinegar, into ice, etc.) превратиться в бабочку /стать бабочкой/ и т.д.; fog sometimes turns to snow (to rain) туман иногда переходит в снег (в дождь); the water has turned to ice вода превратилась в лед; the snow had turned (in)to slush снег превратился в слякоть; can a wolf turn into a lamb? разве может волк обернуться /стать/ овечкой?; my admiration soon turned to scorn мое восхищение скоро сменилось презрением; turn from smth. (in)to smth. the wind turned from west into south-west Южный ветер сменился юго-западным; the sphere has turned from blue to red шар из голубого стал красным; turn for smth. turn for the better (for the worse) (из)меняться к лучшему (к худшему)
    8) turn (up)on smth. everything (the whole argument, the outcome, the decision, etc.) turns on his answer (on that fact, on this point, etc.) все и т.д. зависит от его ответа и т.д.; the success of the trip turns on the weather успех поездки будет зависеть от погоды; everything turned upon the result of the battle все определялось исходом боя; the conversation turned (up)on sport (upon dress, upon hunting, on a variety of subjects, etc.).разговор вертелся вокруг /касался/ спорта и т.д.; the debate did not turn upon any practical propositions обсуждение не касалось никаких практических вопросов
    9) turn on (against) smb. the dog (the lion, the big.cat, etc.) turned on its trainer (on its owner, on its keeper, on its pursuers, etc.) собака и т.д. набросилась на своего дрессировщика и т.Л; even the most friendly dog may turn on you if you tease or annoy it даже самая добродушная собака может наброситься на человека, если ее раздразнить; why have you turned on me? что ты на меня взъелся?; what a fine excuse for turn logon me прекрасный повод, чтобы наброситься на меня; he turned angrily against his relatives (against his former friends, against his opponents, etc.) он яростно ополчился на своих родственников и т.А; the newspapers turned against the Parliament газеты начали кампанию против парламента; his words (his own criticism, etc.) turned against him его слова и т.д. обернулись против него самого
    10) turn from smb. he turned from his friends oil порвал со своими друзьями; он отвернулся от своих друзей; he turned from the Democrats and joined the Republicans он порвал с демократической партией в примкнул к республиканцам
    11. XXI1
    1) turn smth., smb. to (towards, into, on, etc.) smth., smb. turn the саг to the bridge повернуть машину к месту, въехать на мост; turn one's car to the left (one's camera to the right, etc.) повернуть машину налево и т.д.; turn one's саг towards the centre of the town направиться [на машине] к центру города; turn one's horse to the hills погнать лошадь в горы; turn cows to pasture выгнать коров на пастбище; turn one's chair to the fire повернуть свое кресло к камину; plants turn blooms to the light растения поворачивают головки к свету; turn one's back to one's guests (to the audience, to the wall, etc.) повернуться /стать/ спиной к гостям и т.д.; turn the light into the dark room направить луч света в темную комнату; turn a telescope on a star (the searchlight on smb., etc.) направлять телескоп на звезду и т.д.; turn the talk into other channels перевести разговор на другую тему; turn one's eyes on the stage обратить или перевести взгляд на сцену; turn smth. with smth. he turned the blow with his arm он отвел удар рукой id turn a deaf ear to smb.'s request./to smb./ отказаться выслушать чью-л. просьбу, остаться глухим к чьей-л. просьбе
    2) turn smb. out of (from, etc.) smth. turn smb. out of his room (out of the house, out of a club, etc.) выгнать кого-л. из комнаты и т.д.; turn a beggar from one's door прогнать нищего от своих дверей
    3) turn smth. to smth., smb. turn one's thoughts (one's attention, one's mind) to one's work (to practical matters, to something more important, etc.) сосредоточить свои мысли и т.д. на работе и т.А; at last they turned their attention to her наконец они занялись ею; turn one's efforts to something more important направлять свои усилия на что-либо более важное
    4) turn smth. to smth. turn one's hand to useful work заняться полезным делом; he can turn his hand to almost anything он умеет делать почти все; he knows how to turn things to advantage /to account/ он знает, как из всего извлечь пользу; he turns even his errors to account даже из своих ошибок он извлекает пользу
    5) turn smth. on (in) smth. turn a wagon on its side опрокинуть телегу на бок; turn a chop in a pan перевернуть котлету на сковородке || turn one's ankle on the edge of the sidewalk вывихнуть ногу, споткнувшись о край тротуара
    6) turn smth. in smth. turn one's hat in one's hands (the toy in one's fingers, etc.) вертеть шляпу в руках и т.д.; turn the key in the lock поворачивать ключ в замке и т.д. id turn smb. round one's little finger вертеть кем-л. [как хочешь], помыкать кем-л.
    7) turn smth. (in)to smth. turn water into ice (defeat into victory, love to hatred, tears into laughter, etc.) превращать воду в лед и т.д.; turn a theatre into a cinema (a garden into a tennis-court, etc.) переделать /перестроить/ театр в кинозал и т.д.; turn one's land into money (one's bonds into cash, their stock into cash, etc.) обратить землю в деньги и т.д.; turn coins into paper money поменять звонкую монету на бумажные деньги; turn this piece of prose into verse переложить этот прозаический отрывок на стихи; turn this passage into Greek (a German letter into French, Latin into English, etc.) перевести этот отрывок на греческий язык и т.д.; turn smb. (in)to smb. turn her into a cinema star (the boy into a friend, our soldiers into a police force, etc.) сделать из нее кинозвезду и т.д.; turn a pessimist into an optimist превращать пессимиста в оптимиста; the fairy turned the prince into a frog фея превратила принца в лягушку id turn swords into ploughshares перековать мечи на орала
    8) turn smb., smth., against smb. turn the children against their father (everyone against the boy, his family against him, etc.) восстанавливать детей против отца и т.д.; turn friends against friends восстановить друзей друг против друга; it turns their argument against them это направляет их доводы против них самих
    9) turn smb., smth. from smth. turn smb. from his duty отвлекать кого-л. от исполнения своих обязанностей; nothing will ever turn him from his purpose ничто не заставит его изменять своему решению или отказаться от своей цели; turn a vessel from her course заставить судно отклониться от курса; turn the conversation from an unpleasant subject увести разговор от неприятной темы
    10) turn smth. out of /from/ smth. turn candlesticks out of /from/ brass вытачивать медные подсвечники
    12. XXII
    turn smb. by doing smth. the police turned the advancing crowd by firing over their heads полиция заставила наступающую толпу повернуть назад, начав стрельбу в воздух
    13. XXV
    turn when... (as if..., etc.) she turned when she saw us увидев нас, она отвернулась или свернула; he turned as if to go он повернулся, делая вид, что собирается уходить
    14. XXVI
    turn smth. when... she turns his shirt-collars when they get frayed она перевертывает воротнички его сорочек, когда они вытираются

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > turn

  • 17 make

    make [meɪk]
    3. noun
    ► vb: pret, ptp made
    ► When make is part of a set combination, eg make a case, make sure, look up the other word.
       a. ( = produce) faire ; [+ machines] fabriquer
    how much does that make (altogether)? combien ça fait (en tout) ?
    made + preposition
       b. [+ money] [person] gagner ; [company] réaliser un bénéfice net de ; [product] rapporter
    he makes $400 a week il gagne 400 dollars par semaine
    the company made $1.4 million last year la société a réalisé un bénéfice net de 1,4 millions de dollars l'année dernière
    the deal made him £500 cette affaire lui a rapporté 500 livres
       c. [+ destination] arriver à ; [+ train, plane] avoir
       d. ( = reckon) what time do you make it? quelle heure as-tu ?
       f. ( = be, constitute) faire
    to make sb do sth ( = cause to) faire faire qch à qn ; ( = force) obliger qn à faire qch
    what made you believe that...? qu'est-ce qui vous a fait croire que... ?
    what did you make of the film? que penses-tu de ce film ?
    what do you make of him? qu'est-ce que tu penses de lui ?to make sb + adjective
    to make o.s. useful se rendre utile
    to make sb happy/unhappy rendre qn heureux/malheureux
    ► Look up other combinations, eg make sb thirsty, make o.s. ridiculous, at the adjective.
    to make believe ( = pretend) faire semblant ; ( = imagine) imaginer
    you'll have to make do with me ( = be satisfied) tu vas devoir te contenter de moi to make it ( = come) venir ; ( = arrive) arriver ; ( = succeed) réussir
    can you make it by 3 o'clock? est-ce que tu peux y être pour 3 heures ?to make it + time, date, amount
    I'm coming tomorrow -- okay, can you make it the afternoon? je viendrai demain -- d'accord, mais est-ce que tu peux venir dans l'après-midi ?
    ( = act)
    she made as if to protest, then hesitated elle parut sur le point de protester, puis hésita
    3. noun
       a. ( = brand) marque f
    what make of car do you drive? qu'est-ce que vous avez comme voiture ?
       b. ► to be on the make (inf) ( = trying to make money) chercher à se remplir les poches (inf) ; ( = trying to get power) avoir une ambition dévorante
       a. ( = go to)
       b. ( = produce) produire ; ( = contribute to) contribuer à
       a. ( = manage) (inf) se débrouiller
       b. (US = have sex) (inf!) s'envoyer en l'air (inf !)
       a. ( = distinguish) distinguer ; ( = hear) comprendre ; [+ handwriting] déchiffrer
    how do you make that out? qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser cela ?
       b. ( = claim, pretend) prétendre ; ( = portray as) présenter comme
       c. [+ cheque] libeller ; [+ will] faire
    cheques made out to... chèques mpl libellés à l'ordre de... make over separable transitive verb
       a. ( = assign) [+ money, land] transférer (to à)
       b. ( = remake) [+ garment, story] reprendre ; ( = convert) [+ building] convertir make up
       a. ( = become friends again) se réconcilier
       b. ( = apply cosmetics) se maquiller
       a. [+ story, excuse] inventer
    you're making it up! tu l'inventes (de toutes pièces) !
       b. ( = put together) [+ parcel] faire ; [+ dish, medicine] préparer
    have you made up the beds? as-tu fait les lits ?
       c. [+ deficit] compenser ; [+ sum of money, numbers] compléter
       e. [+ dispute] mettre fin à ; [+ differences] régler
       f. ( = apply cosmetics to) maquiller
    to make o.s. up se maquiller
       g. ( = compose) composer ; ( = represent) constituer
    they make up 6% of the population ils constituent 6 % de la population make up for inseparable transitive verb compenser
    * * *
    [meɪk] 1.
    noun ( brand) marque f
    transitive verb (prét, pp made)
    1) ( create) faire [cake, film, noise]

    to make something for somebody —

    to make room/the time for something — trouver de la place/du temps pour quelque chose

    made in France/by Macron — fabriqué en France/par Macron

    2) (cause to be or become, render) se faire [friends, enemies]

    to make something bigger/better/worse — agrandir/améliorer/aggraver quelque chose

    to make passing exams easier —

    to make it possible to do[person] faire en sorte qu'il soit possible de faire

    to make something work[person] réussir à faire marcher quelque chose [machine]

    to make something grow[person] réussir à faire pousser quelque chose; [chemical, product] faire pousser quelque chose

    4) (force, compel)

    to make somebody doobliger or forcer quelqu'un à faire

    to make somebody wait/talk — faire attendre/parler quelqu'un

    5) ( turn into)

    to make somebody something —

    to make something something —

    to make a habit/an issue of something — faire de quelque chose une habitude/une affaire

    6) (add up to, amount to) faire
    7) ( earn) gagner [salary, amount]
    8) (reach, achieve) arriver jusqu'à [place, position]; atteindre [ranking, level]; faire [speed, distance]

    to make the first team/the charts — entrer dans la première équipe/au hit-parade

    to make six spades — ( in bridge) faire six piques

    9) (estimate, say)
    10) ( cause success of) assurer la réussite de [holiday, meal, day]

    it really makes the room[feature, colour] ça rend bien

    11) Electricity fermer [circuit]
    12) Games ( shuffle) battre [cards]

    to make a trick — ( win) faire une levée

    Phrasal Verbs:

    to be on the make — (colloq) ( for profit) avoir les dents longues; ( for sex) être en chasse (colloq)

    to make it — (colloq) (in career, life) y arriver; (to party, meeting) réussir à venir; ( be on time for train etc) y être

    English-French dictionary > make

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